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Twitch Chat Bot that allows viewers to run arbitrary code on broadcasters machine

Authenticate client via

Show/Hide Basic Commands
Command Outcome Condition
!hello Says hello to author -
!lurk let the streamer know you're lurking -
!death_counter <+/-/+n/reset>
OR !death <+/-/+n/reset>
OR !ded <+/-/+n/reset>
OR !dc <+/-/reset>
Increment / decrease death count for each +/- (or reset) -
!raids <@username> displays how many raids you've received from the user -
!shoutout <@username>
OR !so <@username>
Sends a shoutout announcement message -
!redemptions Creates custom channel point rewards (The same outcome as stream_start event just incase the bot wasn't active when the stream_start event occurred.) -
OR !streams
OR !streams
Creates custom channel point rewards (The same outcome as stream_start event just incase the bot wasn't active when the stream_start event occurred.) -
!add_channel_subs Adds current channel subscribers to sub database table -
!kill_everyone **NOT IMPLEMENTED** Invoke the bots inner skynet John Connor is dead
!virustotal <hash>
OR !virustotal <url>
Lookup a hash or url report on virustotal 500 requests per day, and a rate of 4 requests per minute


Show/Hide RCE Cog Commands
Command Outcome Condition
!exec <command>
OR !cmd <command>
Runs any bash command (if it's in the allow list) Streaming in Science & Technology
OR Software and Game Development category.
killmyshell [REDEMPTION] Closes the last opened qterminal A qterminal window is already open


Show/Hide VIP Cog Commands
Command Outcome Condition
add_channel_vip [REDEMPTION] Adds the redeemer as a VIP, and auto-fulfill the redemption Broadcaster has spare VIP slots
AND Redeemer does not have a Moderator or a VIP role.


Show/Hide User Specific Cog Commands
Command Outcome Condition
OR stairsthetrashman1
OR ohlook
Triggers a user specific sound command Author in stairsthetrashman, msec
OR stairsthetrashman2
OR because
Triggers a user specific sound command Author in stairsthetrashman, msec
OR stairsthetrashman3
OR sonofagun
Triggers a user specific sound command Author in stairsthetrashman, msec
OR lottiekins
Triggers a user specific sound command Author in lottiekins, msec


Show/Hide Sound Cog Commands
Command Outcome Condition
youtube <url> Fetches a video from youtube and plays the audio -
later Plays "A few moments later" spongebob narrator sound clip -
ahfuck Plays "I can't believe you've done this" sound clip -
wow Plays "anime wow" meme sound clip -
bruh Plays "bruh" meme sound clip -
dialup Plays "dial up modem" sound clip -
emodmg Plays "emotional damage" meme sound clip -
buzzer Plays "family fortune fail buzzer" meme sound clip -
fbi PLays "fbi open up" meme sound clip -
friend Plays "friend" inbetweeners sound clip -
fthis Plays "fuck this shit i'm out" meme sound clip -
gg Plays "gg" team fortress meme sound clip -
goforit Plays "go for it" diddy kong racing sound clip -
hackerman Plays "hackerman" meme sound clip -
hellomf Plays "hello mother f*cker" meme sound clip -
hexy Plays "hexy" meme sound clip -
ignore Plays "ignore" meme sound clip -
wierd Plays "god the internets weird" meme sound clip -
sellwife Plays "i sell my wife for internet" meme sound clip -
heknew Plays "at this moment he knew" meme sound clip -
kerb Plays "kerb" meme sound clip -
gothim Plays "we got him" meme sound clip -
leeroy Plays "leeroooyyyyy jenkins" meme sound clip -
lies Plays "lies on the internet" meme sound clip -
mgsalert Plays "metal gear solid alert" meme sound clip -
hellothere Plays "hello there" obi wan kenobi meme sound clip -
order66 Plays "execute order 66" general palpatine meme sound clip -
over9000 Plays "its over 9000" dragonball meme sound clip -
hackercrap Plays "hate this hacker crap" jurrasic park meme sound clip -
sadviolin Plays "sad violin" meme sound clip -
satan Plays "satan, lucifer" meme sound clip -
stepbro Plays "what are you doing stepbro" meme sound clip -
surprise Plays "surprise mother f*cker" meme sound clip -
tsdisconnect Plays "teamspeak disconnect" meme sound clip -
trollolol Plays "trollolol" meme sound clip -
usbconnect Plays "windows 10 usb connection" meme sound clip -
usbdisconnect Plays "windows 10 usb disconnect" meme sound clip -
victory Plays "ff7 victory fanfare" meme sound clip -
shutdown Plays "windows shutdown" meme sound clip -
wtfinternet Plays "what is the internet" meme sound clip -
Show/Hide Channel Point Reward Events
Reward Cost Outcome Condition
Kill My Shell 6666 Immediately closes the last qterminal window that was opened without warning! Confirms success in a chat announcement. Streaming in Science & Technology
OR Software and Game Development category.
VIP 80085 If you have spare VIP slots it will automatically grant the redeemer the VIP role. VIPs have the ability to equip a special chat badge and bypass the chat limit in slow mode! Confirms success in a chat announcement. Broadcaster has spare VIP slots
AND Redeemer does not have a Moderator or a VIP role.

Publish Subscriptions | TwitchIO PubSub Docs

Show/Hide PubSub Topics
Topic Response
pubsub.channel_points(user_token)[user_channel_id] This topic listens for channel point redemptions on the given channel. This topic dispatches the pubsub_channel_points client event.

Event Subscriptions | TwitchIO EventSub Docs

Show/Hide Event Subscription Webhooks
Event Type Response
follow Chat message
cheer Shoutout & Chat message
subscription Shoutout & Chat message
raid Shoutout & Chat message
hypetrain_begin **NOT IMPLEMENTED**
hypetrain_end **NOT IMPLEMENTED**
stream_start Creates custom channel point rewards & Chat message
stream_end Removes custom channel point rewards & Chat message
channel_shoutout_create **NOT IMPLEMENTED**
channel_shoutout_receive **NOT IMPLEMENTED**
channel_charity_donate Sends chat announcement with the donation amount and link to charity

Environment Variables

Show/Hide Environment Variables
env key type env value
CLIENT_ID= string From Twitch Developer Application
CLIENT_SECRET= string From Twitch Developer Application
VIRUS_TOTAL_API_KEY= string From VirusTotal Community
BOT_USER_ID= string 123456
BOT_JOIN_CHANNEL= string msec
BOT_JOIN_CHANNEL_ID= string 654321

RCECog Allow List

The RCECog attempts to limit commands to a allow list so update the file to include a comma separated list of linux binaries that you will allow to run:

CMD_ALLOW_LIST = ['aux', 'cat', 'echo', 'grep', 'id', 'ifconfig', 'ls', 'netstat', 'nslookup', 'ping', 'pwd', 'which', 'who', 'whoami']

Expect some kind of malicious code to make it through if you leave the RCECog enabled! :)

Please help me expand the bots functionality by forking the repo and submitting a PR!