If you are using Google Compute Engine to train a GPT-2 model, it's more economical to build it in the cloud instead of downloading it, building it, then reuploading it.
This workflow moves the file from Google Compute Engine to Google Cloud Storage, then uses Cloud Builder to build the container and upload it to Cloud Registry.
First, create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage to save your model. Then give full scope permissions to your Google Compute Engine VM (you'll need to Stop and Edit it if it isn't already).
In the GCE VM, if you had to change the scope, you'll need to remove the cached gsutil:
rm -rf ~/.gsutil
Then you can copy the checkpoint
folder to a GCS bucket of your choice.
gsutil -m cp -r checkpoint gs://<BUCKET>
Upload your app.py
and Dockerfile
to the same GCS bucket.
The cloudbuild.yaml
file will use Google Cloud Builder to build the container by copying the files from the GCS bucket, building them, then pushing to the Container Registry. On your local computer, replace the _BUCKET
with your GCS bucket and _IMAGE
with the destination name, then run:
gcloud builds submit --no-source --config=cloudbuild.yaml
The container should then appear in the Container Registry under the _IMAGE