diff --git a/.github/workflows/deploy-confluence.yml b/.github/workflows/deploy-confluence.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..661f9a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/deploy-confluence.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+name: Deploy Documentation to Confluence
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ build-and-deploy:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ contents: write
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout Repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+ uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
+ - name: Cache Docker layers
+ uses: actions/cache@v2
+ with:
+ path: /tmp/.buildx-cache
+ key: ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-${{ github.sha }}
+ restore-keys: |
+ ${{ runner.os }}-buildx-
+ - name: Generate PlantUML diagrams
+ run: docker-compose run --rm generate-diagrams
+ - name: Generate HTML documentation
+ run: docker-compose run --rm generate-docs
+ - name: Pull doctoolchain
+ run: docker pull doctoolchain/doctoolchain:v3.3.1
+ - name: Setup docToolChain wrapper
+ run: |
+ curl -Lo dtcw https://doctoolchain.org/dtcw
+ chmod +x dtcw
+ ./dtcw tasks --group doctoolchain
+ - name: Deploy to Confluence
+ env:
+ run: |
+ sudo ./dtcw publishToConfluence -PconfluenceUser="$CONFLUENCE_USERNAME" -PconfluencePass="$CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD"
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06450a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docToolchainConfig.groovy b/docToolchainConfig.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f075b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docToolchainConfig.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+outputPath = 'build'
+// If you want to use the Antora integration, set this to true.
+// This requires your project to be setup as Antora module.
+// You can use `downloadTemplate` task to bootstrap your project.
+//useAntoraIntegration = false
+// Path where the docToolchain will search for the input files.
+// This path is appended to the docDir property specified in gradle.properties
+// or in the command line, and therefore must be relative to it.
+inputPath = 'src/docs';
+// if you need to register custom Asciidoctor extensions, this is the right place
+// configure the name and path to your extension, relative to the root of your project
+// (relative to dtcw). For example: 'src/ruby/asciidoctor-lists.rb'.
+// this is the same as the `requires`-list of the asciidoctor gradle plugin. The extensions will be
+// registered for generateDeck, generateHtml, generatePdf and generateDocbook tasks, only.
+// rubyExtensions = []
+// the pdfThemeDir config in this file is outdated.
+// please check http://doctoolchain.org/docToolchain/v2.0.x/020_tutorial/030_generateHTML.html#_pdf_style for further details
+// pdfThemeDir = './src/docs/pdfTheme'
+inputFiles = [
+ //[file: 'doctoolchain_demo.adoc', formats: ['html','pdf']],
+ //[file: 'arc42-template.adoc', formats: ['html','pdf']],
+ /** inputFiles **/
+ [file: 'asciidoc/index.adoc', formats: ['html']]
+//folders in which asciidoc will find images.
+//these will be copied as resources to ./images
+//folders are relative to inputPath
+// Hint: If you define an imagepath in your documents like
+// :imagesdir: ./whatsoever
+// define it conditional like
+// ifndef::imagesdir[:imagesdir: ./whatsoever]
+// as doctoolchain defines :imagesdir: during generation
+imageDirs = [
+ /** imageDirs **/
+// whether the build should fail when detecting broken image references
+// if this config is set to true all images will be embedded
+failOnMissingImages = true
+// these are directories (dirs) and files which Gradle monitors for a change
+// in order to decide if the docs have to be re-build
+taskInputsDirs = [
+ "${inputPath}",
+// "${inputPath}/src",
+// "${inputPath}/images",
+ ]
+taskInputsFiles = []
+// Configuration for customTasks
+// create a new Task with ./dtcw createTask
+customTasks = [
+/** customTasks **/
+//Configuration for microsite: generateSite + previewSite
+microsite = [:]
+// these properties will be set as jBake properties
+// microsite.foo will be site.foo in jBake and can be used as config.site_foo in a template
+// see https://jbake.org/docs/2.6.4/#configuration for how to configure jBake
+// other properties listed here might be used in the jBake templates and thus are not
+// documented in the jBake docs but hopefully in the template docs.
+microsite.with {
+ /** start:microsite **/
+ // is your microsite deployed with a context path?
+ contextPath = '/'
+ // the folder of a site definition (theme) relative to the docDir+inputPath
+ //siteFolder = '../site'
+ /** end:microsite **/
+ //project theme
+ //site folder relative to the docs folder
+ //see 'copyTheme' for more details
+ siteFolder = '../site'
+ // the title of the microsite, displayed in the upper left corner
+ title = '##site-title##'
+ // the next items configure some links in the footer
+ //
+ // contact eMail
+ // example: mailto:bert@example.com
+ footerMail = '##footer-email##'
+ //
+ // twitter account url
+ footerTwitter = '##twitter-url##'
+ //
+ // Stackoverflow QA
+ footerSO = '##Stackoverflow-url##'
+ //
+ // Github Repository
+ footerGithub = '##Github-url##'
+ //
+ // Slack Channel
+ footerSlack = '##Slack-url##'
+ //
+ // Footer Text
+ // example: built with docToolchain and jBake
theme: docsy
+ footerText = 'built with docToolchain and jBake
theme: docsy'
+ //
+ // site title if no other title is given
+ title = 'docToolchain'
+ //
+ // the url to create an issue in github
+ // Example: https://github.com/docToolchain/docToolchain/issues/new
+ issueUrl = '##issue-url##'
+ //
+ // the base url for code files in github
+ // Example: https://github.com/doctoolchain/doctoolchain/edit/master/src/docs
+ branch = System.getenv("DTC_PROJECT_BRANCH")?:'-'
+ gitRepoUrl = '##git-repo-url##'
+ //
+ // the location of the landing page
+ landingPage = 'landingpage.gsp'
+ // the menu of the microsite. A map of [code:'title'] entries to specify the order and title of the entries.
+ // the codes are autogenerated from the folder names or :jbake-menu: attribute entries from the .adoc file headers
+ // set a title to '-' in order to remove this menu entry.
+ menu = [:]
+if you need support for additional markup converters, you can configure them here
+you have three different types of script you can define:
+- groovy: just groovy code as string
+- groovyFile: path to a groovy script
+- bash: a bash command. It will receive the name of the file to be converted as first argument
+`groovy` and `groovyFile` will have access to the file and config object
+`dtcw:rstToHtml.py` is an internal script to convert restructuredText.
+Needs `python3` and `docutils` installed.
+ additionalConverters = [
+ //'.one': [command: 'println "test"+file.canonicalPath', type: 'groovy'],
+ //'.two': [command: 'scripts/convert-md.groovy', type: 'groovyFile'],
+ //'.rst': [command: 'dtcw:rstToHtml.py', type: 'bash'],
+ ]
+ // if you prefer another convention regarding the automatic generation
+ // of jBake headers, you can configure a script to modify them here
+ // the script has access to
+ // - file: the current object
+ // - sourceFolder: the copy of the docs-source on which the build operates
+ // default `/microsite/tmp/site/doc`
+ // - config: the config object (this file, but parsed)
+ // - headers: already parsed headers to be modified
+ /**
+ customConvention = """
+ System.out.println file.canonicalPath
+ headers.title += " - from CustomConvention"
+ """.stripIndent()
+ **/
+//Configuration for exportChangelog
+exportChangelog = [:]
+changelog.with {
+ // Directory of which the exportChangelog task will export the changelog.
+ // It should be relative to the docDir directory provided in the
+ // gradle.properties file.
+ dir = 'src/docs'
+ // Command used to fetch the list of changes.
+ // It should be a single command taking a directory as a parameter.
+ // You cannot use multiple commands with pipe between.
+ // This command will be executed in the directory specified by changelogDir
+ // it the environment inherited from the parent process.
+ // This command should produce asciidoc text directly. The exportChangelog
+ // task does not do any post-processing
+ // of the output of that command.
+ //
+ // See also https://git-scm.com/docs/pretty-formats
+ cmd = 'git log --pretty=format:%x7c%x20%ad%x20%n%x7c%x20%an%x20%n%x7c%x20%s%x20%n --date=short'
+//Configuration for publishToConfluence
+confluence = [:]
+is an array of files to upload to Confluence with the ability
+to configure a different parent page for each file.
+=== Attributes
+- `file`: absolute or relative path to the asciidoc generated html file to be exported
+- `url`: absolute URL to an asciidoc generated html file to be exported
+- `ancestorName` (optional): the name of the parent page in Confluence as string;
+ this attribute has priority over ancestorId, but if page with given name doesn't exist,
+ ancestorId will be used as a fallback
+- `ancestorId` (optional): the id of the parent page in Confluence as string; leave this empty
+ if a new parent shall be created in the space
+The following four keys can also be used in the global section below
+- `spaceKey` (optional): page specific variable for the key of the confluence space to write to
+- `subpagesForSections` (optional): The number of nested sub-pages to create. Default is '1'.
+ '0' means creating all on one page.
+ The following migration for removed configuration can be used.
+** `allInOnePage = true` is the same as `subpagesForSections = 0`
+** `allInOnePage = false && createSubpages = false` is the same as `subpagesForSections = 1`
+** `allInOnePage = false && createSubpages = true` is the same as `subpagesForSections = 2`
+- `pagePrefix` (optional): page specific variable, the pagePrefix will be a prefix for the page title and it's sub-pages
+ use this if you only have access to one confluence space but need to store several
+ pages with the same title - a different pagePrefix will make them unique
+- `pageSuffix` (optional): same usage as prefix but appended to the title and it's subpages
+only 'file' or 'url' is allowed. If both are given, 'url' is ignored
+confluence.with {
+ input = [
+ [ file: "build/docs/index.html" ],
+ ]
+ // endpoint of the confluenceAPI (REST) to be used
+ // if you use Confluence Cloud, you can set this value to
+ // https://[yourServer]
+ // a working example is https://arc42-template.atlassian.net
+ // if you use Confluence Server, you may need to set a context:
+ // https://[yourServer]/[context]
+ // a working example is https://arc42-template.atlassian.net/wiki
+ api = 'https://[yourServer]/[context]'
+ // requests per second for confluence API calls
+ rateLimit = 10
+ // if true API V1 only will be used. Default is true.
+ // useV1Api = true
+ // if true, the new editor v2 will be used. Default is false.
+ // enforceNewEditor = false
+ // Additionally, spaceKey, subpagesForSections, pagePrefix and pageSuffix can be globally defined here. The assignment in the input array has precedence
+ // the key of the confluence space to write to
+ spaceKey = 'arc42'
+ // if true, all pages will be created using the new editor v2
+ // enforceNewEditor = false
+ // variable to determine how many layers of sub pages should be created
+ subpagesForSections = 1
+ // the pagePrefix will be a prefix for each page title
+ // use this if you only have access to one confluence space but need to store several
+ // pages with the same title - a different pagePrefix will make them unique
+ pagePrefix = ''
+ pageSuffix = ''
+ // the comment used for the page version
+ pageVersionComment = ''
+ /*
+ WARNING: It is strongly recommended to store credentials securely instead of commiting plain text values to your git repository!!!
+ Tool expects credentials that belong to an account which has the right permissions to to create and edit confluence pages in the given space.
+ Credentials can be used in a form of:
+ - passed parameters when calling script (-PconfluenceUser=myUsername -PconfluencePass=myPassword) which can be fetched as a secrets on CI/CD or
+ - gradle variables set through gradle properties (uses the 'confluenceUser' and 'confluencePass' keys)
+ Often, same credentials are used for Jira & Confluence, in which case it is recommended to pass CLI parameters for both entities as
+ -Pusername=myUser -Ppassword=myPassword
+ */
+ //optional API-token to be added in case the credentials are needed for user and password exchange.
+ //apikey = "[API-token]"
+ // HTML Content that will be included with every page published
+ // directly after the TOC. If left empty no additional content will be
+ // added
+ // extraPageContent = 'This is a generated page, do not edit!
+ extraPageContent = ''
+ // enable or disable attachment uploads for local file references
+ enableAttachments = false
+ // variable to limit number of pages retreived per REST-API call
+ pageLimit = 100
+ // default attachmentPrefix = attachment - All files to attach will require to be linked inside the document.
+ // attachmentPrefix = "attachment"
+ // Optional proxy configuration, only used to access Confluence
+ // schema supports http and https
+ // proxy = [host: 'my.proxy.com', port: 1234, schema: 'http']
+ // Optional: specify which Confluence OpenAPI Macro should be used to render OpenAPI definitions
+ // possible values: ["confluence-open-api", "open-api", true]. true is the same as "confluence-open-api" for backward compatibility
+ // useOpenapiMacro = "confluence-open-api"
+ // for exportConfluence-Task
+ export = [
+ srcDir: 'sample_data',
+ destDir: 'src/docs'
+ ]
+//Configuration for the export script 'exportEA.vbs'.
+// The following parameters can be used to change the default behaviour of 'exportEA'.
+// All parameter are optionally.
+// Parameter 'connection' allows to select a certain database connection by using the ConnectionString as used for
+// directly connecting to the project database instead of looking for EAP/EAPX files inside and below the 'src' folder.
+// Parameter 'packageFilter' is an array of package GUID's to be used for export. All images inside and in all packages below the package represented by its GUID are exported.
+// A packageGUID, that is not found in the currently opened project, is silently skipped.
+// PackageGUID of multiple project files can be mixed in case multiple projects have to be opened.
+exportEA.with {
+// OPTIONAL: Set the connection to a certain project or comment it out to use all project files inside the src folder or its child folder.
+// connection = "DBType=1;Connect=Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=[THE_DB_NAME_OF_THE_PROJECT];Data Source=[server_hosting_database.com];LazyLoad=1;"
+// OPTIONAL: Add one or multiple packageGUIDs to be used for export. All packages are analysed, if no packageFilter is set.
+// packageFilter = [
+// "{A237ECDE-5419-4d47-AECC-B836999E7AE0}",
+// "{B73FA2FB-267D-4bcd-3D37-5014AD8806D6}"
+// ]
+// OPTIONAL: relative path to base 'docDir' to which the diagrams and notes are to be exported
+// exportPath = "src/docs/"
+// OPTIONAL: relative path to base 'docDir', in which Enterprise Architect project files are searched
+// searchPath = "src/docs/"
+htmlSanityCheck.with {
+ //sourceDir = "build/html5/site"
+ //checkingResultsDir =
+// Configuration for Jira related tasks
+jira = [:]
+jira.with {
+ // endpoint of the JiraAPI (REST) to be used
+ api = 'https://your-jira-instance'
+ // requests per second for jira API calls
+ rateLimit = 10
+ /*
+ WARNING: It is strongly recommended to store credentials securely instead of commiting plain text values to your git repository!!!
+ Tool expects credentials that belong to an account which has the right permissions to read the JIRA issues for a given project.
+ Credentials can be used in a form of:
+ - passed parameters when calling script (-PjiraUser=myUsername -PjiraPass=myPassword) which can be fetched as a secrets on CI/CD or
+ - gradle variables set through gradle properties (uses the 'jiraUser' and 'jiraPass' keys)
+ Often, Jira & Confluence credentials are the same, in which case it is recommended to pass CLI parameters for both entities as
+ -Pusername=myUser -Ppassword=myPassword
+ */
+ // the key of the Jira project
+ project = 'PROJECTKEY'
+ // the format of the received date time values to parse
+ dateTimeFormatParse = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'H:m:s.SSSz" // i.e. 2020-07-24'T'9:12:40.999 CEST
+ // the format in which the date time should be saved to output
+ dateTimeFormatOutput = "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss z" // i.e. 24.07.2020 09:02:40 CEST
+ // the label to restrict search to
+ label =
+ // Legacy settings for Jira query. This setting is deprecated & support for it will soon be completely removed. Please use JiraRequests settings
+ //jql = "project='%jiraProject%' AND labels='%jiraLabel%' ORDER BY priority DESC, duedate ASC"
+ // Base filename in which Jira query results should be stored
+ resultsFilename = 'JiraTicketsContent'
+ saveAsciidoc = true // if true, asciidoc file will be created with *.adoc extension
+ saveExcel = true // if true, Excel file will be created with *.xlsx extension
+ // Output folder for this task inside main outputPath
+ resultsFolder = 'JiraRequests'
+ /*
+ List of requests to Jira API:
+ These are basically JQL expressions bundled with a filename in which results will be saved.
+ User can configure custom fields IDs and name those for column header,
+ i.e. customfield_10026:'Story Points' for Jira instance that has custom field with that name and will be saved in a coloumn named "Story Points"
+ */
+ exports = [
+ [
+ filename:"File1_Done_issues",
+ jql:"project='%jiraProject%' AND status='Done' ORDER BY duedate ASC",
+ customfields: [customfield_10026:'Story Points']
+ ],
+ [
+ filename:'CurrentSprint',
+ jql:"project='%jiraProject%' AND Sprint in openSprints() ORDER BY priority DESC, duedate ASC",
+ customfields: [customfield_10026:'Story Points']
+ ],
+ ]
+// Configuration for OpenAPI related task
+openApi = [:]
+// 'specFile' is the name of OpenAPI specification yaml file. Tool expects this file inside working dir (as a filename or relative path with filename)
+// 'infoUrl' and 'infoEmail' are specification metadata about further info related to the API. By default this values would be filled by openapi-generator plugin placeholders
+openApi.with {
+ specFile = 'src/docs/petstore-v2.0.yaml' // i.e. 'petstore.yaml', 'src/doc/petstore.yaml'
+ infoUrl = 'https://my-api.company.com'
+ infoEmail = 'info@company.com'
+// Sprint changelog configuration generate changelog lists based on tickets in sprints of an Jira instance.
+// This feature requires at least Jira API & credentials to be properly set in Jira section of this configuration
+sprintChangelog = [:]
+sprintChangelog.with {
+ sprintState = 'closed' // it is possible to define multiple states, i.e. 'closed, active, future'
+ ticketStatus = "Done, Closed" // it is possible to define multiple ticket statuses, i.e. "Done, Closed, 'in Progress'"
+ showAssignee = false
+ showTicketStatus = false
+ showTicketType = true
+ sprintBoardId = 12345 // Jira instance probably have multiple boards; here it can be defined which board should be used
+ // Output folder for this task inside main outputPath
+ resultsFolder = 'Sprints'
+ // if sprintName is not defined or sprint with that name isn't found, release notes will be created on for all sprints that match sprint state configuration
+ sprintName = 'PRJ Sprint 1' // if sprint with a given sprintName is found, release notes will be created just for that sprint
+ allSprintsFilename = 'Sprints_Changelogs' // Extension will be automatically added.
+collectIncludes = [:]
+collectIncludes.with {
+ fileFilter = "adoc" // define which files are considered. default: "ad|adoc|asciidoc"
+ minPrefixLength = "3" // define what minimum length the prefix. default: "3"
+ maxPrefixLength = "3" // define what maximum length the prefix. default: ""
+ separatorChar = "_" // define the allowed separators after prefix. default: "-_"
+ cleanOutputFolder = true // should the output folder be emptied before generation? default: false
+ excludeDirectories = [] // define additional directories that should not be traversed.
+// Configuration for Structurizr related tasks
+structurizr = [:]
+structurizr.with {
+ // Configure where `exportStructurizr` looks for the Structurizr model.
+ workspace = {
+ // The directory in which the Structurizr workspace file is located.
+ // path = 'src/docs/structurizr'
+ // By default `exportStructurizr` looks for a file '${structurizr.workspace.path}/workspace.dsl'.
+ // You can customize this behavior with 'filename'. Note that the workspace filename is provided without '.dsl' extension.
+ // filename = 'workspace'
+ }
+ export = {
+ // Directory for the exported diagrams.
+ //
+ // WARNING: Do not put manually created/changed files into this directory.
+ // If a valid Structurizr workspace file is found the directory is deleted before the diagram files are generated.
+ // outputPath = 'src/docs/structurizr/diagrams'
+ // Format of the exported diagrams. Defaults to 'plantuml' if the parameter is not provided.
+ //
+ // Following formats are supported:
+ // - 'plantuml': the same as 'plantuml/structurizr'
+ // - 'plantuml/structurizr': exports views to PlantUML
+ // - 'plantuml/c4plantuml': exports views to PlantUML with https://github.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML
+ // format = 'plantuml'
+ }
+// Configuration for openAI related tasks
+openAI = [:]
+openAI.with {
+ // This task requires a person access token for openAI.
+ // Ensure to pass this token as parameters when calling the task
+ // using -PopenAI.token=xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ //model = "text-davinci-003"
+ //maxToken = '500'
+ //temperature = '0.3'