Stream from your Google Music library with Home Assistant
Based on the original gmusic in HA code by @Danielhiversen
Robbed from (
just a incredible hack to use Artist / Album browsing on gmusic to avoid usage of playlists (and 1000 song limit...)
now i can loop thrue all songs in my library and not be limited with restrictions
seems to be somewhat working now:
- set input_select.gmusic_player_source = Library
- select play mode from input_select.gmusic_player_play_mode (normal,shuffle,random,shuffle random)
- select Artist from input_select.gmusic_player_artist
- select Album from artist from input_select.gmusic_player_album
- set media_player.gmusic_player = ON
- set media_player.gmusic_player = Play
random can be turned on instantly, if shuffle wanted you have to do turn off -> turn on to generate new track queue
no support whatsoever, just made it public if someone find this interesting and want to push it further