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I tutor University Level Mathematics, in English or Portuguese. Do check my University Tutor page and [CV]({{ site.baseurl }}/CV.pdf)
The subjects below describe what I enjoy spending my time on. Reach out if you want to discuss ideas. More details into each of these can be found in my Blog
- Voting Systems: Nicky case has an amazing interactive tutorial
- [Pricing Information]({% post_url 2020-09-10-Pricing-Information %}): Douglas Hubbard wrote an amazing introduction to this technique on his book How to Measure Anything, whose ideas I have implemented here: I am Miguel, a maths major who enjoys Behavioural Sciences, with a special interest in understanding knowledge / and applying it to system design, like Nicky Case did to or me developing my own forecasting platform from the ground up, Quest Powered.
- Behavioural Economics: Malcolm Gladwell's Blink and Dan Ariely's Predictably Irrational are two of my favourite books in this area. Which others would you add?
Which other books should I add to my read list?
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