For any and all issues, please raise a GitHub issue so we can help you.
If your deployment fails and the resource group has been created; an IT admin needs to delete the resource group in their subscription and re-run the script again.
If your deployment has an error look here for common errors.
Our recommendation is you install the Multi Tenant version of the Learn LTI which is available at
If your looking at deploying the service for a DevTest Environment please follow the DevTest Environment setup guide
“Errors while building Function App [ AssignmentLearnContent ]"
To begin, you will need to install the Prerequisites and reboot your machine
To begin, you will need:
- Azure CLI
- DotNet Core SDK
- Node.js
- Powershell
- Git
- An Azure subscription
There are a few ways to run different versions of the Azure CLI:
Using the az command with the --version flag: You can specify the version of the Azure CLI that you want to use by running the command az --version . For example, az --version 2.17.0 will run version 2.17.0 of the Azure CLI.
Using the az command with the --cluster-version flag: This flag allows you to run different versions of Azure CLI in different contexts. For example, you can run version 2.17.0 of the Azure CLI in one shell and version 2.16.0 in another.
Using the az command with the --use-local-cli flag: This flag allows you to use a local installation of the Azure CLI, rather than the one that is available in the PATH environment variable.
To remove the services simply run the cleanup.bat script located in the Deployment folder. This will run the Cleanup.ps1 script which will remove all the deployed resources for the Learn LTI Application from your Azure Subscription.
To Manually remove resources simply remove the Microsoft Learn LTI resource group and Microsoft Learn LTI Application Registration
- ResourceGroupName = "MSLearnLTI"
- AppName = "MS-Learn-Lti-Tool-App"
If you have changed the name of the Resource Group or AppName simply replace the actual names with the placeholder in the script.
Ensure you purge your keyvault before running the setup script again
From the Azure Portal, simply select deployments. See the following screenshot.
When you try to access the tool registration page: Your recieve error "Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft' and cannot access the application '----' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a different account.
This issue is caused by different versions of Powershell and Azure CLI.
You may also get the following error after running Deploy.ps1
ParentResourceNotFound {
"status": "Failed",
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Invalid value found at accessPolicies[0].ObjectId: "
The source of this issue is in the Deploy.ps1 file:
$userObjectId = az ad signed-in-user show --query id
Make the following change to Deploy.ps1 and rerun the script
$userObjectId = az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId
Insufficient permissions if you try deploying the installation scripts from an account which is not your tenant AAD Admin or Azure Subscription Admin/Owner you will recieve an error
ERROR: Directory permission is needed for the current user to register the application. For how to configure, please refer ''. Original error: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.
Transcript stopped, output file is C:\Users\Learn-LTI\deployment\Log\Transcript-05-01-2020-09-27-47.log
Press any Key to Exit:
To debug the error look at the Transcript-date-time.log file and the permissions error will be clearly shown.
The personas/responsibilities for setup are:
- Central IT (Azure tenant Owner, AAD Owner and have permissions to create service principals)
- LMS (Learning Management System Owner who needs to configure the LTI Application)
- Educator (who can provision learn modules into their course)
Exception.Message [ The term "az" is not recognized as a command applet name, function, script file, or executable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path exists, check that the path is correct and try again. ]
To run the install you need the Azure Command Line Extension tool installed see Instructions at: for instructions. Please ensure you have all the prerequisites installed
Failure in Step 10. Exception.Message [ Failed to deploy Function App [ AssignmentLearnContent ] ]
- [INFO] - Publishing Project [ Edna.AssignmentLearnContent.csproj ] as FunctionApp
- [INFO] - Building [ C:\Learn-Lti\Learn-LTI\backend\Functions\Edna.AssignmentLearnContent\Edna.AssignmentLearnContent ] --> [ Artifacts\AssignmentLearnContent ]
- [INFO] - Zipping Artifacts [ Artifacts\AssignmentLearnContent ]/* --> [ Artifacts\ ]
- [INFO] - Deploying to Azure Function App [ MSLearnLTI_R/learncontent-6bb6tvmyu ]
- [ERROR] - Exception.Message [ Failed to deploy Function App [ AssignmentLearnContent ] ]
- [ERROR] - Exception.Type [ System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException ]
- [ERROR] - Error occurred while executing the Script. Please report the bug on Github (along with Error Message & Logs)
The problem was in the Azure CLI version, although we require a version > 2.0.21.There has been a issue reported with 2.29.0. Upgrading to version 2.29.1 resolves the issue.
When Deploying if you get stuck on Step 10. Please ensure you have at least version 3.1.100 of the .Net Core SDK x86 version installed
Please ensure you have the DotNet Core SDK .NET Core 3.1 installed
Note: Please ensure you reboot your machine after the installation of the Prerequisites as environmental variable need to be set after the installation.
If you have done this please uninstall your .NET Core SDK and reinstall the x86 version 3.1.100 and try again.
Debugging Errors from the deployment
- Login to
- Browse to function app > Platform Features Tab
- Click Deployment Options
- Click on failed Deployment
- Deployment status at the top is "Failed"
The log should lists a number of steps that were all successful and provide more details on the failure hopefully this should identify a permission issue or error.
Your Azure Key Vault may be set to soft delete enabled.
As such if you encounter a issue in the deployment you will have to delete your resource and deploy again you may be presented with this following error.
ERROR: Deployment failed. Correlation ID: ************-****-****-**********. {
"error": {
"code": "ParentResourceNotFound",
"message": "Can not perform requested operation on nested resource. Parent resource 'kv-******' not found."
Due having soft delete enabled on the Key vault. The Key vault could not be recreated after the install initially fails. See more details on Azure Key Vault recovery overview | Microsoft Docs
Key Vault Recovery features are designed to prevent the accidental or malicious deletion of your key vault and secrets, keys, and certificate stored inside key-vault. So under soft delete the key vault is still available for 90 days after deletion therefore you need to purge the deleted Key Valut before it can be recreated.
- Go to key vaults-> manage deleted vault
- Select the kv and select purge
See the following screenshot
With purge protection, a soft deleted key vault cannot be permanently deleted until after a configured purge window. This setting is generally reccomended to prevent malicious actors from deleting essesntial secrets. To further prevent tampering, purge protection cannot be disabled once it has been enabled.
However, Key Vault names must be unique across Azure. If you attempt to create a Key Vault with the same name during a re-deploy of the LTI, you will see errors such as
"code": "VaultAlreadyExists",
"message": "The vault name 'kv-******' is already in use. Vault names are globaly unique so it is possible that the name is already taken. If you are sure that the vault name was not taken then it is possible that a vault with the same name was recently deleted but not purged after being placed in a recoverable state. If the vault is in a recoverable state then the vault will need to be purged before reusing the name. For more information on soft delete and purging a vault follow this link"
This will happen if you deploy the LTI using our deploy script, and then attempt to redeploy using the same configuration again. The cleanup script will not be able to delete the purge protected Key Vault. In this situation, you must force the deploy scripts to generate a new name for the key vault it creates. We reccomend one of the below two options.
- In Deploy.ps1, modify the ResourceGroupName string to a new string such as MSLearnLTI_V1
- In azuredeploy.json, change the "uniqueIdentifier" variable to create a new substring. We suggest appending a number surrounded by single quotes after the resourceGroup().id. As an example, alter **
"uniqueIdentifier": "[substring(uniqueString(subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().id),0,9)]",
"uniqueIdentifier": "[substring(uniqueString(subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().id, '1'),0,9)]",
LMS Requirement for Secure Token SSL https
If you are deploying the service in a test environment please ensure that your test LMS environment had a valid SSL certificate installed we require all traffic to utilise SSL.
You will receive this error if you have are using http:// and not https:// for your LMS Environment. Oops something went wrong.
If you using a standard web server there a great tool for supporting installing SSL certs simply choose the web server and platform and it will give you instructions.
If you receive the following error.
User not registered on the LMS or logged into Web Browser with the incorrect account If using AAD
- Ensure if you are using an Azure AD connected account, that the user is logged into their web browser with the same account they used to sign into the LMS.
- Please ensure that AAD sign for your LMS is enabled and you are signing into your LMS with a AAD account.
- The emails of the users in the LMS and AAD should match.
- Ensure the users are active on the course.
For troubleshooting see Azure Functions Tracing and Failure is in Users Function App below.
You recieve a You a not enrolled in this course error on Blackboard. Ensure the account which is being used is a Module Leader which gives me the ability to create content on a course.
Ensure the account is NOT a system admin as it will result in the LTI Error.
If you receive a browser message: {"Message":"Could not validate nonce."}
We have seen this is an intermittent issue, it usually happens if the user is trying to replay an old call or if the nonce and state value don't match. If the user simply refreshes the browser the page will load.
This issue is typically related to one of the following:
- Check if you have a valid 3rd Party Signed SSL. This services requires a valid 3rd party SSL certificate, self signed SSL certificates are not valid. Please ensure your service is using https:// with a valid SSL certification.
- Check the Launch URL, please make sure that all the fields are correctly filled while registering the tool and filling tool's platform registration page. See
- Check the Azure Function/Azure Logs see
After you have successfully installed the Learn LTI application by running the deployment steps you try to access the created Platform Registration Page results and recieve the message 'No sufficient permissions to view this page'.
- Go to the 'platforms' azure function inside of the resource group which was just created.
- Go to 'Configuration' one the left side
- Look into the 'AllowedUsers' environment variable.
- Verify the email address of the user you are logged in with is included in the environment variable (!THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE!)
- If it does not match or exist, update the environment variable and save the change.
- Wait a minute to let change take effect and retry!
We have seen cases where the email address was added there but the case is different i.e. capital first letters while the email address of the login user had lowercase)
You can use Let’s Encrypt, if you don't have a valid SSL certificates for your development environment, Let Encrypt will allow you to setup a Free SSL
If you using a standard web server there a great tool for supporting installing SSL certs simply choose the web server and platform and it will give you instructions.
If your moodle deployment does not have a valid SSL you will receive the following error Oops something went wrong
You simply need to ensure your LMS installation has a valid DNS name and SSL. Use link for the instructions Generate and Install a Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate for a Bitnami Application
If you need help configuring your Bitnami HTTPS Configuration see the following configure HTTPS certificates
If you still receive this error after these changes check Failures (Exceptions) in App Insights and if you see a 401 error see Solution: Error Unauthorized 401 when using Moodle
All users need to be Active on a course if you see Not Current next to the status.
We have noticed that users having this issue
We have seen this where students/teacher may of been manually assigned or automatically assigned as showing "Not Current".
The solution is simply make the students and teachers active and they can then log in. To activate users: Click on the settings wheel in the top right hand corner and select "Enrollment methods" then click the crossed out eye to allow manual enrollment.
When you go back to the course participants they will show as active and users will be able to load the Learn LTI application.
If your using on premise, hosted or cloud implementations of Canvas. Ensure you register the parameters back in the Learn LTI application's registration page. Please ensure you always state the Issuer as see the final steps in the Canvas instructions
We have seen this issue when users are using the Canvas Bitnami image in Azure.
You need to create the following config files files in canvas system: /opt/bitnami/apps/canvaslms/htdocs/config/dynamic_settings.yml copying the content from existing /opt/bitnami/apps/canvaslms/htdocs/config/dynamic_settings.yml.example and added following lines below (include your secrets adjusted):
jwk-past.json: "{\"p\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"kty\": \"RSA\",\"q\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"d\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"e\": \"AQAB\",\"use\": \"sig\",\"kid\": \"sig-16mysig48\",\"qi\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"dp\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"alg\": \"RS256\",\"dq\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"n\": \"12345MySecret67890\"}"
jwk-present.json: "{\"p\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"kty\": \"RSA\",\"q\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"d\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"e\": \"AQAB\",\"use\": \"sig\",\"kid\": \"sig-16mysig48\",\"qi\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"dp\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"alg\": \"RS256\",\"dq\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"n\": \"12345MySecret67890\"}"
jwk-future.json: "{\"p\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"kty\": \"RSA\",\"q\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"d\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"e\": \"AQAB\",\"use\": \"sig\",\"kid\": \"sig-16mysig48\",\"qi\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"dp\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"alg\": \"RS256\",\"dq\": \"12345MySecret67890\",\"n\": \"12345MySecret67890\"}"
NRPS is something that has been a part of LTIAdvantage Specification this service is not available in LTI1.1
- Moodle implementation as such we recommed you update your moodle environment.
- OpenEdx, There is work happening in the OpenEdX community see the following request and workitems for LTIAdvantage support in OpenEdx
- Is Anyone Working on LTI 1.3? - Development / Collaborative Proposals
- [TNL-7314] [BD-24] LTI Advantage & other improvements
- [BD-24] LTI v1.3 Improvements: Advantage Support - Open edX Community
An Unauthorized (401) Exception occurred when access the Moodle's LTI services. The 401 error is found by running Failures (Exceptions) in App Insights
See /mod/lti/services.php/CourseSection/39/bindings/2/memberships
The problem can be related to your Apache Config.
- Edit your httpd.conf file or alternatively in the vhosts file:
- SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
- SetEnvIf Content-Type "(.*)" HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE=$1
- SetEnvIf Accept "(.*)" HTTP_ACCEPT=$1
How To: Access and Edit Your httpd.conf
For Apache VPServers running Linux.
Login into your Putty. Putty SSH can be googled. Enter your username, then password and then type
su -
Copy this code
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
To save a file and exit Vim:
- Switch to command mode by pressing the ESC key.
- Press : (colon) to open the prompt bar in the bottom left corner of the window.
- Type x after the colon and hit Enter. This will save the changes and exit.
To exit Vim without saving changes:
- Switch to command mode by pressing the ESC key.
- Press : (colon) to open the prompt bar in the bottom left corner of the window.
- Type q! after the colon and hit Enter to exit without saving the changes.
The details provided at Planning Active Directory SSO Applications
Microsoft 365 uses Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to manage user identities behind the scenes. Your Microsoft 365 subscription includes a free Azure AD subscription so that you can integrate your on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to synchronize user accounts and passwords or set up single sign-on.
Azure AD also offers other functionality, like managing integrated apps, that you can use to extend and customize your Microsoft 365 subscriptions.
You can use the Azure AD deployment advisors for a guided setup and configuration experience in the Microsoft 365 admin center (you must be signed in to Microsoft 365):
If you have a paid subscription to Microsoft 365, you also have a free Azure AD subscription. You can use Azure AD to create and manage user and group accounts. To activate this subscription, you have to complete a one-time registration. Afterward, you can access Azure AD from your Microsoft 365 admin center.
Don't go directly to to sign up or you'll end up with a trial or paid subscription to Microsoft Azure that is separate from your free Azure AD subscription with Microsoft 365.
With the free subscription you can synchronize with on-premises directories, set up single sign-on, and synchronize with many software as service applications.
If you want enhanced AD DS functionality, bi-directional synchronization, and other management capabilities, you can upgrade your free subscription to a paid premium subscription. For the details, see Azure Active Directory editions.
In order to understand the issue in more detail, one way could be to go through the deployment details which could be accessed via Azure Portal.
- Go to Azure Portal
- Choose appropriate Subscription
- Select Resource Groups blade from Left Rail
- Choose appropriate Resource Group
- Select Deployments Blade from Left Rail.
- The log will show which service deployments failed
You could consider trying to re-deploy the same RG/Identity/AppName combination by simply re-executing run.bat or deploy a new RG inside a different region than the one tried previously. Running the same script and resource group names will also create a error if the services and resources are already present for those regions and names.
We have seen a issue where the "Authorization" header was not being forwarded to the backend by AWS CloudFront. See the following documentation Configure CloudFront to Forward Authorization Headers
Debugging Errors related to http500 indicated in Browser with Oops! Something went wrong.. We suggest you go to our help page
This results in you being unable to open the Assignments page in Learn-LTI. Users access failing with http500 which essentially has been the source of the Oops! Something went wrong error message in the browser window.
Please see browser logs if indicate that the membership call being sent to the LMS (Moodle) is returning a 401 Unauthorized and the Learn LTI tool in unable to get the course members from the LMS and hence the it is giving a 500 response.
Please make sure that while configuring the tool in Moodle, Under Services, IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning: Use this service to retrieve members’ information as per privacy settings.
is selected as mentioned in the Configuration Guide Learn
This should provide details related to the execution context and state of the function execution when it has returned http 204 error.
- Goto your Resource Group inside Azure and select Function App matching users-XXXXXXX.
- Select Functions Blade in Left Hand Pane.
- Select GetUserDetails afterwards.
- Choose Monitor Blade in LHP and you should see the Invocation Traces.
- Clicking on the failing trace should provide more details related to Server logs for that function invocation to help you.
- Go to your Resource Group inside Azure and select Application Insights resource matching users-XXXXXXX.
- Select Failures Blade in LHP and then choose Exceptions Tab.
- The subsequent screen should indicate any exceptions that were thrown as a part of function execution and should provide more insights into what might've gone wrong on server when executing GetUserDetails api.
- We'd request you to please share the above details with us in order for us to be able to help you in a better way. Since the details might contain some private information as well. Please feel free to reach out to us via email at [email protected].
Function app which is not being able to find the user (signed-in via AAD) enrolled into the current course.
Please check that the return code for the API in the Chrome DevTools network tab is http204 (i.e. No-Content).
In our experience, the only case when this happens is when user signs into Learn-LTI app with an account which does not map to the email of any of the enrolled users of the course.
You can test the LTI responses from your LMS to ensure LTI messages/calls are being successfully recieved and sent by using ZTest link:
Here are the steps for installing ZTest Tool (you can install ZTest by following the steps in the doc)
The Deployment utilizes an ARM Azure Resource Manager Template this deploys the following Azure Services into your Azure Subscription
If you are still having trouble, please raise a GitHub issue.