Once you have trained some models (as described in trainddp.md) and used them to perform inference (as described in inference.md) to generate predicted masks on the test images, you can proceed with the computation of test metrics. We compute three segmentation metrics: Dice similarity coefficient (DSC)
, false positive volume (FPV) in ml
, false negative volume (FNV) in ml
. We also compute detection metrics such as true positive (TP)
, false positive (FP)
, and false negative (FN)
lesion detections via three different criterion labeled as Criterion1
, Criterion2
, and Criterion3
. These metrics have been defined in metrics/metrics.py.
First, activate the conda environment lymphoma_seg
using (created as described in conda_env.md):
conda activate lymphoma_seg
cd segmentation
After this, run the following script in your terminal,
python calculate_test_metrics.py --fold=0 --network-name='unet' --input-patch-size=192
Alternatively, modify the segmentation/calculate_test_metrics.sh for your use-case (which contains the same bash script as above) and run:
bash calculate_test_metrics.sh
The test metrics will be written to LYMPHOMA_SEGMENTATION_FOLDER/results/test_metrics/fold{fold}/{network_name}/{experiment_code}/testmetrics.csv
, as described in results_format.md file. The relevant directory structure may then look like:
├── data
└── results
├── logs
├── models
├── predictions
└── test_metrics
├── fold0
│ └── unet
│ └── unet_fold0_randcrop192
│ └── testmetrics.csv
└── fold1
└── unet
└── unet_fold1_randcrop192
└── testmetrics.csv