Usage: ludown [options] [command]
Ludown is a command line tool to bootstrap language understanding models from .lu files
-v, --Version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
parse|p Convert .lu file(s) into LUIS JSON OR QnA Maker JSON files.
refresh|d Convert LUIS JSON and/ or QnAMaker JSON file into .lu file
translate|t Translate .lu files
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
Convert .lu file(s) into LUIS JSON OR QnA Maker JSON files.
>ludown parse
Usage: ludown parse [options] [command]
Convert .lu file(s) into LUIS JSON, QnA Maker JSON files.
--prefix append [ludown] prefix to all messages
-h, --help output usage information
ToLuis|toluis Convert .lu file(s) into LUIS JSON file.
ToQna|toqna Convert .lu file(s) into QnA Maker JSON files.
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
Convert .lu file(s) into LUIS JSON file. Optionally you can also generate a LUIS Batch test JSON file.
>ludown parse toluis
Usage: ludown parse ToLuis --in <luFile> | --lu_folder <inputFolder> [-s]
Convert .lu file(s) into LUIS JSON file. You can optionally also request LUIS batch test input file
--in <luFile> .lu file to parse
-l, --lu_folder <inputFolder> [Optional] Folder that has the .lu file. By default ludown will only look at the current folder. To look at all subfolders, include -s
-o, --out_folder <outputFolder> [Optional] Output folder for all files the tool will generate
-s, --subfolder [Optional] Include sub-folders as well when looking for .lu files
-n, --luis_name <luis_appName> [Optional] LUIS app name
-d, --luis_desc <luis_appDesc> [Optional] LUIS app description
-i, --luis_versionId <luis_versionId> [Optional] LUIS app version (default: 0.1)
-c, --luis_culture <luis_appCulture> [Optional] LUIS app culture (default: en-us)
-t, --write_luis_batch_tests [Optional] Write out LUIS batch test json file
--out <output_file_name> [Optional] Output file name for the LUIS model
--verbose [Optional] Get verbose messages from parser
--prefix [Optional] append [ludown] prefix to all messages
-h, --help output usage information
Convert .lu file(s) into QnA Maker JSON file.
>ludown parse toqna
Usage: ludown parse ToQna --in <luFile> | --lu_folder <inputFolder> [-s]
Convert .lu file(s) into QnA Maker JSON file
--in <luFile> .lu file to parse
-l, --lu_folder <inputFolder> [Optional] Folder with .lu file(s). By default ludown will only look at the current folder. -s to include subfolders
-o, --out_folder <outputFolder> [Optional] Output folder for all files the tool will generate
-s, --subfolder [Optional] Include sub-folders as well when looking for .lu files
-n, --qna_name <QnA_KB_Name> [Optional] QnA KB name
-a, --write_qna_alterations [Optional] QnA Maker alterations
--verbose [Optional] Get verbose messages from parser
--prefix [Optional] append [ludown] prefix to all messages
-h, --help output usage information
After you have bootstrapped and created your LUIS model and / or QnAMaker knowledge base, you might make subsequent refinements to your models directly from luis.ai or qnamaker.ai. You can use the refresh command to re-generate .lu files from your LUIS JSON and / or QnAMaker JSON files.
>ludown refresh
Usage: ludown refresh -i <LUISJsonFile> | -q <QnAJSONFile>
Convert LUIS JSON and/ or QnAMaker JSON file into .lu file
-i, --LUIS_File <LUIS_JSON_File> [Optional] LUIS JSON input file name
-q, --QNA_FILE <QNA_FILE> [Optional] QnA Maker JSON input file name
-a, --QNA_ALTERATION_FILE <QNA_ALT_FILE> [Optional] QnA Maker Alteration input file name
-o, --out_folder <outputFolder> [optional] [Optional] Output folder for all files the tool will generate
-n, --lu_File <LU_File> [Optional] Output .lu file name
--verbose [Optional] Get verbose messages from parser
-s, --skip_header [Optional] Generate .lu file without the header comment
-r, --sort [Optional] When set, intent, utterances, entities, questions collections are alphabetically sorted
-m, --model_info [Optional] When set, include model information in the output .lu file
--prefix [Optional] append [ludown] prefix to all messages
--stdin [Optional] Read input from stdin
--stdout [Optional] Write output to stdout only. Specifying this option will not write any generated content to disk
-h, --help output usage information
To bootstrap translations of the language understanding content for your bot, you can use the translate command. Ludown uses the Microsoft translator text API. See here to get set up with your key.
>ludown translate
Usage: ludown translate -k <translate_key> --in <luFile> | -k <translate_key> --lu_folder <inputFolder> [-s]
Translate .lu files from one language to another. Uses the Microsoft translator text API.
--in <luFile> .lu file to parse
-t, --to_lang <tgtLang> Target language to translate to. See https://aka.ms/translate-langs for list of supported langauges and codes.
-k, --translate_key <trKey> Your translation key. See https://aka.ms/translate-key to get your key
-l, --lu_folder <inputFolder> [Optional] Folder that has the .lu file. By default ludown will only look at the current folder. To look at all subfolders, include -s
-o, --out_folder <outputFolder> [Optional] Output folder for all files the tool will generate
-f, --src_lang [Optional] Source language. When omitted, source language is automatically detected. See https://aka.ms/translate-langs for list of supported languages and codes
-s, --subfolder [Optional] Include sub-folders as well when looking for .lu files
-n, -n, --lu_file <lu file name> [Optional] Output .lu file name
-c, --transate_comments [Optional] Translate comments in .lu files
-u, --translate_link_text [Optional] Translate URL or .lu file reference link text
-b, --batch_translate <linesToBatch> [Optional] Batch up <x> (1-25) number of lines before calling translation API. Defaults to 25.
--verbose [Optional] Get verbose messages from parser
--prefix [Optional] append [ludown] prefix to all messages
-h, --help output usage information