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GitOps Pipeline Walkthrough: Setting up an HLD to Manifest pipeline

In First Workload we deployed the Azure Voting App using a GitOps workflow by pushing the azure-vote-all-in-one-redis.yaml Kubernetes resource manifest file. In High level Deployment Definitions we learned that, Kubernetes resource manifests that comprise an application definition are typically very complex. These resource manifests, by their YAML nature, are typically very dense, context free, and very indentation sensitive -- making them a dangerous surface to directly edit without introducing a high risk for operational disaster.

We also learned that real world Kubernetes deployments tend to be composed of the combination of many Helm charts. Maintaining and generating various Helm charts can be a challenge and why Bedrock introduced the concept of high level definitions to meet this complexity.

In this walkthrough, we will set up an Azure DevOps pipeline that generates a resource manifest from an HLD definition for the Azure Voting App and pushes it to the Manifest Repository.


There are a few requirements to use this automation:

  1. Install the Bedrock Prerequisites (if they're not already installed).
  2. The application code and supporting repositories are hosted on Azure Devops.
  3. A Manifest Repository inside an Azure DevOps project as instructed from A First Worklad with Bedrock.
  4. An HLD Repository inside the same Azure DevOps project as the manifest repository. Create a repository.
  5. The application will be packaged and run using container images hosted on Azure Container Registry
  6. The user running bedrock has full access to the above resources.

Note: If a user wishes to store Helm charts in the application repositories, then all repositories (application, high level definition, materialized manifests) must be in the same Azure DevOps Organization AND Project. This behavior is what Step 2 and Step 3 are doing.

Setup Bedrock CLI

Download the latest version of bedrock from the releases page and add it to your PATH.

To setup a local configuration:

  1. Generate a Personal Access Token
  2. Create a bedrock config file
  3. Initialize bedrock

Generate Personal Access Token

Generate a new Personal Access Token (PAT) to grant bedrock permissions in the Azure Devops Project. Please grant PAT the following permissions:

  • Build (Read & execute)
  • Code (Read, write, & manage)
  • Variable Groups (Read, create, & manage)

For help, follow the guide.

Create Bedrock config file

Create a copy of bedrock-config.yaml from the starter template or using the interactive mode for bedrock init command. Be sure to complete azure_devops section with the appropriate values.

Your azure_devops section should look similar to this:

  access_token: "8w98gzilabcde6aq5insk7tt64yasprnnetlemvcc2eubzwzwqppl" # This is a Personal Access Token with permission to modify and access the HLD, manifest and infra repos. Leave this empty if project is public. Details for the PAT at:
  hld_repository: "" # Repository URL for your Bedrock HLDs
  manifest_repository: "" # Repository URL for your materialized manifests generated by fabrikate.
  infra_repository: "" # Repository URL that contains your terraform templates to be sed for scaffolding and generating infrastructure deployment templates.
  org: "myOrganization" # Your AzDo Org
  project: "myProject" # Your AzDo project

Note: This bedrock-config.yaml should not be commited anywhere, as it contains sensitive credentials. For an alternative approach on how to add secrets to bedrock-config.yaml using environment variables, see these instructions.

Initialize Bedrock CLI

Run bedrock init -f <bedrock-config.yaml> where <bedrock-config.yaml> the path to the configuation file.

Note: When running bedrock init -f <bedrock-config.yaml>, bedrock will copy the values from the config file and store it into local memory elsewhere. If you wish to utilize bedrock with another project or target, then you must rerun bedrock init with another configuration first OR, you may overwrite each commands via flags.


Our next step is to onboard the repositories that support the deployment of our services:

  1. The high level definition repository (Step 3 from the Requirements)
  2. The materialized manifest repository (Step 2 from the Requirements)

High Level Definition Repository

This repository holds the Bedrock High Level Deployment Definition (HLD) and associated configurations.

This HLD is processed via fabrikate in Azure Devops on each change to generate Kubernetes YAML manifests that are applied to the Kubernetes cluster by Flux.

Initializing the High Level Definition Repository

  • Make sure your Bedrock config points to the HLD repo you created in Step 3 of Requirements. When you change the values in the Bedrock config, make sure you re-initialize Bedrock by running bedrock init -f <bedrock-config.yaml>.
  • Clone the repository.
  • Initialize via bedrock, this will add the fabrikate traefik2 as the initial sample component. This can be overridden via optional flags.
    bedrock hld init --git-push

NOTE bedrock hld command documentation can be found here.

If the initialization succeeded, you will see a message similar to this:

info:    Link to create PR:

This message means that we were able to generate an HLD with the default traefik2 component and all the changes were added to a new branch and are ready to be added to a Pull Request.

To verify run:

$ git branch -a
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

As you can see we now have a bedrock-hld-init branch.

Go to the "Link to create a PR" that we got earlier after running the bedrock hld init --git-push command. You will see: hld new pr

If you scroll down, you will see several files were added: component.yaml and manifest-generation.yaml. These files contain the information for our traefik component and for the pipeline. hld pr

Click "Create" to create the PR. Then click "Complete". Finally click "Complete merge": hld pr complete

Your changes should now be in the master branch. Pull the latest changes:

$ git pull origin master
remote: Azure Repos
remote: Found 1 objects to send. (3 ms)
Unpacking objects: 100% (1/1), 238 bytes | 238.00 KiB/s, done.
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
   32b0b14..3ee2da1  master     -> origin/master
Updating 32b0b14..3ee2da1
 .gitignore               |  1 +
 component.yaml           |  6 ++++++
 manifest-generation.yaml | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 65 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
 create mode 100644 component.yaml
 create mode 100644 manifest-generation.yaml

From here, your Bedrock workload should have the following structure:

├── app-cluster-manifests/
  ├── prod
      ├── traefik2
      ├── default-component.yaml
├── app-cluster-hlds/
  ├── component.yaml
  ├── manifest-generation.yaml
  ├── .gitignore
├── cluster-deployment/
  ├── definition.yaml
  ├── cluster/
  ├── keys/
      ├── gitops-ssh-key
      ├── node-ssh-key
  ├── sp/
      ├── sp.json
├── cluster-deployment-generated
  ├── cluster/
      ├── bedrock.tfvars

Deploy Manifest Generation Pipeline

Deploy a manifest generation pipeline between the high level definition repo and the materialized manifests repo. Assuming you have configured bedrock, you can run this without flag parameters from your HLD repo root:

$ bedrock hld install-manifest-pipeline

You can view the newly created pipeline in your Azure DevOps project: hld manifest pipeline

Once the pipeline finishes running successfully, you will see that the manifests have been generated and pushed to the app-cluster-manifests repository: manifest repo

After some time, flux will apply the changes:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                        READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
traefik2-6f8ddc69cc-79n4g   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          8s

And we can also confirm the service is available:

$ kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP      <none>          443/TCP                      21h
traefik2     LoadBalancer   80:31328/TCP,443:30149/TCP   19h


At this point you have:

  • Set up an Azure DevOps pipeline to generate resource manifests
  • Verified that changes are applied to the Kubernetes cluster

Next steps