Detection_catcher is an application which collects TED detections that come in from Kafka through Tomcat and writes them to a postgres database.
The ted conda environment must be activated for whichever user is running PDL. To activate this environment, type: source activate ted If the environment has not been created yet or does not exist, type: ./
Detection_catcher requires that the detection_ext Postgres table exists. If this table has not been created, first activate the desired PostgreSQL database from the terminal by typing:
psql -d <DB_name> -U <DB_user> -p <DB_port>
And entering the same password that is used for the TED Dev database.
Create the detection_ext table by typing:
create sequence detection_ext_id_seq;
create table detection_ext(
id bigint not null primary key default nextval('detection_ext_id_seq'),
detection_id bigint not null,
detection_lat numeric(8,5),
detection_lon numeric(8,5),
detection_time timestamp without time zone,
first_trigger_time timestamp without time zone
Detection_catcher has been designed to run in Python 3.
To run detection_catcher, first copy over detection_catcher from ./bin into ~/tedapp. Make sure that has been copied from ./ted into ~/tedapp.
The config file for detection_catcher must exist in ~/tedapp and be named catcher_config.ini. An example catcher_config.ini can be found in this Git repository under ./exampleConfigFiles. The following pieces of information must be updated in the example catcher_config.ini to use it with detection_catcher:
consumer_name Kafka consumer name
group_id group_id for Kafka consumer
bootstrap_server bootstrap_server for Kafka consumer
db_ip IP address of the Postgres database
db_port port number of the Postgres database
db_name name of the Postgres database
db_user username for the Postgres database
db_password password for the Postgres database
Run detection_catcher as a background process by typing:
python detection_catcher &