Business logic is ABAP coding that you want to be run within an application job. Usually this coding also defines selection fields. In this context, business logic is implemented in a class. The following development steps require a user with the development role.
Create a class which implements the two interfaces:
This class is considered the main class per application job. This class needs to be part of a customer-defined software component (not ZLOCAL) in order to be able to transport the class into subsequent systems.
The first interface, IF_APJ_DT_EXEC_OBJECT, contains design-time related methods. Method GET_PARAMETERS( ) is called by the application jobs framework to get all supported selection parameters.
The method GET_PARAMETERS( ) returns two internal tables:
- The content of the table ET_PARAMETER_DEF determines the parameter section for the job catalog entry, which will refer to this main class.
- The content of the table ET_PARAMETER_VAL determines the default values for these parameters in the job template, which will refer to the job catalog entry mentioned above.
The second interface, IF_APJ_RT_EXEC_OBJECT, contains runtime related methods. Method EXECUTE() is called by the application jobs framework if a scheduled job will actually be executed. It receives an internal table as parameter. This table is of the same type as the table ET_PARAMETER_VAL of method GET_PARAMETERS(). The method EXECUTE() simply receives the parameters and values, which were stored in the template and which were originally delivered by the method GET_PARAMETERS().
Please refer to the example code for an application jobs main class. Literals are used instead of language-dependent texts in order to simplify the example. For writing application log entries, please refer to Runtime API
CLASS zcl_test_apj_simple DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES if_apj_dt_exec_object. INTERFACES if_apj_rt_exec_object. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_test_apj_simple IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD if_apj_dt_exec_object~get_parameters. " Return the supported selection parameters here et_parameter_def = VALUE #( ( selname = 'S_ID' kind = if_apj_dt_exec_object=>select_option datatype = 'C' length = 10 param_text = 'My ID' changeable_ind = abap_true ) ( selname = 'P_DESCR' kind = if_apj_dt_exec_object=>parameter datatype = 'C' length = 80 param_text = 'My Description' lowercase_ind = abap_true changeable_ind = abap_true ) ( selname = 'P_COUNT' kind = if_apj_dt_exec_object=>parameter datatype = 'I' length = 10 param_text = 'My Count' changeable_ind = abap_true ) ( selname = 'P_SIMUL' kind = if_apj_dt_exec_object=>parameter datatype = 'C' length = 1 param_text = 'My Simulate Only' checkbox_ind = abap_true changeable_ind = abap_true ) ). " Return the default parameters values here et_parameter_val = VALUE #( ( selname = 'S_ID' kind = if_apj_dt_exec_object=>select_option sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = '4711' ) ( selname = 'P_DESCR' kind = if_apj_dt_exec_object=>parameter sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = 'My Default Description' ) ( selname = 'P_COUNT' kind = if_apj_dt_exec_object=>parameter sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = '200' ) ( selname = 'P_SIMUL' kind = if_apj_dt_exec_object=>parameter sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = abap_true ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD if_apj_rt_exec_object~execute. TYPES ty_id TYPE c LENGTH 10. DATA s_id TYPE RANGE OF ty_id. DATA p_descr TYPE c LENGTH 80. DATA p_count TYPE i. DATA p_simul TYPE abap_boolean. DATA: jobname type cl_apj_rt_api=>TY_JOBNAME. DATA: jobcount type cl_apj_rt_api=>TY_JOBCOUNT. DATA: catalog type cl_apj_rt_api=>TY_CATALOG_NAME. DATA: template type cl_apj_rt_api=>TY_TEMPLATE_NAME. " Getting the actual parameter values LOOP AT it_parameters INTO DATA(ls_parameter). CASE ls_parameter-selname. WHEN 'S_ID'. APPEND VALUE #( sign = ls_parameter-sign option = ls_parameter-option low = ls_parameter-low high = ls_parameter-high ) TO s_id. WHEN 'P_DESCR'. p_descr = ls_parameter-low. WHEN 'P_COUNT'. p_count = ls_parameter-low. WHEN 'P_SIMUL'. p_simul = ls_parameter-low. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. try. * read own runtime info catalog cl_apj_rt_api=>GET_JOB_RUNTIME_INFO( importing ev_jobname = jobname ev_jobcount = jobcount ev_catalog_name = catalog ev_template_name = template ). catch cx_apj_rt. endtry. " Implement the job execution ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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