If you have questions or encounter an issue while working with HTML5 Application Repository, there are various ways to address them.
Create an incident in the SAP Support Portal using one of the following components:
Service |
Component |
HTML5 Application Repository |
Application Router |
Provide the following incident details:
Enter and attach the following to the incident;
Subaccount HTML5 Application Repository/app-host entitlement
Requested app-host size limit
Upload your mtad.yaml file
Upload your html5-app-deployer application logs (cf logs <html5-app-deployerAppName> --recent)
Enter and attach the following to the incident;
Working with or without HTML5 Apps Repo
Upload your Application Router xs-app.json file
Upload your Application Router xs-security.json file or configuration
Application Router environment (cf env <approuterApp> or from cockpit).
The credentials(clientid/clientsecret) should be removed.
Upload your Application Router logs
Related Information