diff --git a/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_01/settingsUI.py b/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_01/settingsUI.py index d582a94d..c9e6a746 100644 --- a/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_01/settingsUI.py +++ b/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_01/settingsUI.py @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ from mgear.core import pyqt QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets, wrapInstance = pyqt.qt_import() - class Ui_Form(object): def setupUi(self, Form): Form.setObjectName("Form") - Form.resize(242, 699) + Form.resize(359, 1028) self.gridLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(Form) self.gridLayout.setObjectName("gridLayout") self.groupBox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(Form) @@ -85,6 +84,8 @@ def setupUi(self, Form): self.TPoseRest_checkBox.setObjectName("TPoseRest_checkBox") self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.TPoseRest_checkBox) self.useBlade_checkBox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(self.groupBox) + self.useBlade_checkBox.setStatusTip("") + self.useBlade_checkBox.setWhatsThis("") self.useBlade_checkBox.setObjectName("useBlade_checkBox") self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.useBlade_checkBox) self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() @@ -225,10 +226,8 @@ def retranslateUi(self, Form): self.TPoseRest_checkBox.setStatusTip(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "This option set the axis of the mid CTL (elbow) and the up vector control to move in a mirror behaviour ", None, -1)) self.TPoseRest_checkBox.setWhatsThis(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "This option set the axis of the mid CTL (elbow) and the up vector control to move in a mirror behaviour ", None, -1)) self.TPoseRest_checkBox.setText(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "FK Rest T Pose", None, -1)) - self.useBlade_checkBox.setToolTip(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "
If checked, the Rest pose for FK controls will be in T Pose
", None, -1)) - self.useBlade_checkBox.setStatusTip(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "This option set the axis of the mid CTL (elbow) and the up vector control to move in a mirror behaviour ", None, -1)) - self.useBlade_checkBox.setWhatsThis(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "This option set the axis of the mid CTL (elbow) and the up vector control to move in a mirror behaviour ", None, -1)) - self.useBlade_checkBox.setText(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "Use Wrist Blade", None, -1)) + self.useBlade_checkBox.setToolTip(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "If checked, will use a blade to control the wrist joint orientation. This doesn\'t affect the controls that are align with the arm plane.
", None, -1)) + self.useBlade_checkBox.setText(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "Use Wrist Blade to orient wrist joint", None, -1)) self.squashStretchProfile_pushButton.setText(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "Squash and Stretch Profile", None, -1)) self.ikRefArray_groupBox.setTitle(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "IK Reference Array", None, -1)) self.ikRefArray_copyRef_pushButton.setText(pyqt.fakeTranslate("Form", "Copy from UpV Ref", None, -1)) diff --git a/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_01/settingsUI.ui b/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_01/settingsUI.ui index 201949f4..19add74f 100644 --- a/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_01/settingsUI.ui +++ b/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_01/settingsUI.ui @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@If checked, the Rest pose for FK controls will be in T Pose
", None, -1)) - self.useBlade_checkBox.setStatusTip(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "This option set the axis of the mid CTL (elbow) and the up vector control to move in a mirror behaviour ", None, -1)) - self.useBlade_checkBox.setWhatsThis(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "This option set the axis of the mid CTL (elbow) and the up vector control to move in a mirror behaviour ", None, -1)) - self.useBlade_checkBox.setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Use Wrist Blade", None, -1)) + self.useBlade_checkBox.setToolTip(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "If checked, will use a blade to control the wrist joint orientation. This doesn\'t affect the controls that are align with the arm plane.
", None, -1)) + self.useBlade_checkBox.setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "Use Wrist Blade to orient wrist joint", None, -1)) self.TPoseRest_checkBox.setToolTip(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "If checked, the Rest pose for controls will be in T Pose
", None, -1)) self.TPoseRest_checkBox.setStatusTip(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "This option set the axis of the mid CTL (elbow) and the up vector control to move in a mirror behaviour ", None, -1)) self.TPoseRest_checkBox.setWhatsThis(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("Form", "This option set the axis of the mid CTL (elbow) and the up vector control to move in a mirror behaviour ", None, -1)) diff --git a/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_02/settingsUI.ui b/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_02/settingsUI.ui index b32ba7e2..aa5da9c9 100644 --- a/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_02/settingsUI.ui +++ b/release/scripts/mgear/shifter_epic_components/EPIC_arm_02/settingsUI.ui @@ -175,16 +175,16 @@