To eliminate purchases caused by "odd prices" and the unnecessary work consumers make to counteract them.
Will be coded as a firefox extension.
Round money on online shopping sites.
- Adblock like filter
- Regexp
- CSS selection
Make all numbers have equal size.
- Smaller numbers are unconsciously thought of as less significant
- I hope we will never find this, but numbers in different colors should be converted to the same color.
The program should round the price relative to the number of significant digits. Example:
- 19 -> 20
- 199 -> 200
- 1990 -> 2000
Should the program mark rounded numbers in red to notify that conversion has taken place?
- Optional setting?
- Hovering the price will show the original value?
- Could be illegal due to negative feedback against Internet sites?
- Might be tedious to style all different kinds of notification on many pages.
What should the program be called?
- Maru - in tribute of the round cat that loves boxes.
- Byteshandel - in tribute to a better currency and since we actually change the price (byter) it's connected to the output.
A method to prevent "Price band" exploitation
- On JS using sites, changing the values might resolve sorting.
- This won't work on server-side search queries, though.
- Still better than nothing :)
- This won't work on server-side search queries, though.
How to prevent lowest possible price misconception?
- This will be solved when the price is rounded.
Price rounding equation should be configurable. Settings page is a list of different equations and a table with "odd prices" in one column and it's converted prices in another. Each time the equation is changed the table will update to show the conversion. Should be user configurable. The user will be warned when a certain percent offset has been reached.