diff --git a/_pages/ohbm2024.md b/_pages/ohbm2024.md index a57590a04bf..f5819c35653 100644 --- a/_pages/ohbm2024.md +++ b/_pages/ohbm2024.md @@ -8,6 +8,28 @@ permalink: /ohbm2024/ # OHBM2024 Educational Symposium +## Presentations + +1. Matthew Glasser - MR acquisition and pre-processing to optimise surface analyses. [Download](https://emckclac-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/k1644933_kcl_ac_uk/EUNGl7S0YBNEjUMhAMICo-UBJSVswq-NZ56xM_kzNP-URA?e=pUfPWY) + +2. Logan Williams - Surface registration and cortical parcellation. + +3. Lilla Zöllei - Cortical surfaces for neurodevelopment using infant FreeSurfer. [Download](https://emckclac-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/k1644933_kcl_ac_uk/EYKU-OTaFoBOjKAGrerS1AcBvhYHXdJEznylPmuJFW2s0Q?e=axWS5j) + +4. Janine Bijsterbosch - Approaches to modelling cortical function. [Download](https://emckclac-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/k1644933_kcl_ac_uk/EZYZ_Qx90PNJraklxRhacEEBFAk8J_emgRS79OOKBPWE9Q?e=HcZick) + +5. Anderson Winkler - Statistical inference on cortical surfaces. + +6. Ruby Kong - Linking individual cortical variation to behaviour and cognition. + +7. Katja Heuer - Biomechanical modelling of the cerebral cortex. + +8. Sofie Valk - Gradients of gene expression and neurotransmitter receptors. + +9. Emma Robinson - Surface deep learning. [Download](https://emckclac-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/k1644933_kcl_ac_uk/EZ1Sw4yhkRlGg4fElFXJrEsBuiQ-8towFlo_1hcuuOekBg?e=eBHX97) + +10. Sophie Adler - Detection of focal cortical dysplasias - the MELD project. +