diff --git a/constraint.html b/constraint.html index 49587d0..f96dcee 100644 --- a/constraint.html +++ b/constraint.html @@ -303,12 +303,12 @@

Constraint -
2024-11-22 17:57:55 [INFO] checks license for COPT v7.2.2 20241023
-2024-11-22 17:57:55 [WARN] no license files in current working folder: /home/runner/work/PyOptInterface/PyOptInterface/docs/source
-2024-11-22 17:57:55 [WARN] no license files in binary folder: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.10/x64/bin
-2024-11-22 17:57:55 [WARN] no license files in HOME folder: /home/runner/copt
-2024-11-22 17:57:55 [INFO] empty environment variable: COPT_LICENSE_DIR
-2024-11-22 17:57:55 [WARN] no license files in EV 'COPT_LICENSE_DIR': 
2024-11-22 18:06:48 [INFO] checks license for COPT v7.2.2 20241023
+2024-11-22 18:06:48 [WARN] no license files in current working folder: /home/runner/work/PyOptInterface/PyOptInterface/docs/source
+2024-11-22 18:06:48 [WARN] no license files in binary folder: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.10/x64/bin
+2024-11-22 18:06:48 [WARN] no license files in HOME folder: /home/runner/copt
+2024-11-22 18:06:48 [INFO] empty environment variable: COPT_LICENSE_DIR
+2024-11-22 18:06:48 [WARN] no license files in EV 'COPT_LICENSE_DIR': 
 No license found. Starting COPT with size limitations for non-commercial use
 Please apply for a license from www.shanshu.ai/copt
diff --git a/examples/economic_dispatch.html b/examples/economic_dispatch.html
index 2136ba6..2054548 100644
--- a/examples/economic_dispatch.html
+++ b/examples/economic_dispatch.html
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ 

Change the load and solve the model again -
CPU times: user 510 μs, sys: 109 μs, total: 619 μs
-Wall time: 622 μs
CPU times: user 535 μs, sys: 137 μs, total: 672 μs
+Wall time: 676 μs
@@ -371,8 +371,8 @@

Efficient expression construction -
CPU times: user 17.8 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 17.8 ms
-Wall time: 17.6 ms
CPU times: user 18.5 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 18.5 ms
+Wall time: 18.3 ms
diff --git a/model.html b/model.html index d0ffe51..5ec7a70 100644 --- a/model.html +++ b/model.html @@ -410,7 +410,6 @@

Inspect and customize the model
Running HiGHS 1.8.1 (git hash: 4a7f24a): Copyright (c) 2024 HiGHS under MIT licence terms
-Objective value: 0.49999999999999994
 Coefficient ranges:
   Matrix [1e+00, 1e+00]
   Cost   [0e+00, 0e+00]
@@ -423,6 +422,7 @@ 

Inspect and customize the modelmodel attribute", "Supported model attribute", "Supported model attribute", "Supported model attribute", "Benchmark", "Callback", "Changelog", "Common Model Interface", "Constraint", "Container", "COPT", "Developer Guide", "Economic dispatch", "Expression", "Getting Started", "Gurobi", "HiGHS", "PyOptInterface (Python Optimization Interface)", "Model", "Mosek", "Numpy Container and N-queens Problem", "Objective", "Roadmap", "Building Bigger Optimization Model", "Variable"], "titleterms": {"": 19, "0": 11, "1": 11, "2": 11, "3": 11, "4": 11, "5": 11, "6": 11, "7": 11, "8": 11, "The": [15, 20, 21, 24], "add": 12, "advanc": 22, "again": 17, "an": 12, "api": 22, "appli": 14, "attribut": [5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 29], "automat": 19, "basic": 18, "benchmark": [9, 22], "bigger": 28, "bound": 12, "build": [14, 16, 19, 28], "callback": 10, "can": 22, "capabl": [15, 20, 21, 24], "chang": 17, "changelog": 11, "citat": 22, "codebas": 16, "common": 12, "compar": 22, "cone": 13, "constraint": [5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 24], "construct": 18, "contain": [14, 25], "content": 22, "contribut": 16, "copt": [1, 9, 15, 19], "coptpi": 10, "creat": [14, 23], "custom": 23, "delet": [12, 13, 29], "detect": 19, "develop": 16, "dimension": 12, "directori": 19, "dispatch": 17, "doc": 22, "document": 16, "doe": 22, "dynam": 19, "econom": 17, "effici": 18, "exampl": 22, "exponenti": 13, "express": [12, 18], "featur": 22, "file": 23, "formul": 17, "function": [12, 14, 26], "gener": 9, "get": [12, 14, 19], "guid": [16, 22], "guidelin": 16, "gurobi": [2, 9, 19, 20], "gurobipi": 10, "high": [3, 19, 21], "implement": 17, "includ": 12, "indic": 22, "inform": [15, 21, 24], "initi": [15, 20, 21, 24], "inspect": 23, "instal": [19, 22], "interfac": [12, 22], "ipopt": 19, "kei": 22, "kind": 22, "let": 19, "librari": 19, "licens": 22, "linear": [9, 12, 13], "load": 17, "manual": 19, "map": 14, "method": 14, "model": [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28], "modifi": [12, 13, 26], "mosek": [4, 19, 24], "multi": 12, "n": 25, "numpi": 25, "object": [12, 26], "oper": [15, 20, 21, 24], "optim": [9, 19, 22, 28], "order": 13, "other": 22, "overview": 16, "packag": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "paramet": [15, 20, 21, 24], "part": 12, "pass": 9, "path": 19, "pretti": [12, 18], "print": [12, 18], "problem": [17, 22, 25], "process": 16, "program": 9, "pyoptinterfac": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 22], "python": 22, "quadrat": 13, "queen": 25, "queri": 23, "roadmap": 27, "second": [9, 13], "set": [12, 13, 14], "setup": [15, 19, 20, 21, 24], "short": 22, "simpl": 19, "so": 13, "solut": 23, "solv": [9, 17, 19, 22, 23], "solver": [15, 20, 21, 24], "special": 13, "specif": [15, 20, 21, 24], "specifi": 19, "standard": [13, 23, 29], "start": 19, "submodul": 0, "support": [5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 22, 24], "tabl": 22, "time": 9, "tupledict": [12, 14], "unreleas": 11, "usag": 22, "valu": [12, 14, 18], "variabl": [5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15, 20, 21, 24, 29], "what": 22, "write": 23}}) \ No newline at end of file +Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"0.1.0": [[11, "id11"]], "0.1.1": [[11, "id10"]], "0.2.0": [[11, "id9"]], "0.2.1": [[11, "id8"]], "0.2.2": [[11, "id7"]], "0.2.3": [[11, "id6"]], "0.2.4": [[11, "id5"]], "0.2.5": [[11, "id4"]], "0.2.6": [[11, "id3"]], "0.2.7": [[11, "id2"]], "0.2.8": [[11, "id1"]], "API docs": [[22, null]], "Add a constraint to the model": [[12, "add-a-constraint-to-the-model"]], "Add a variable to the model": [[12, "add-a-variable-to-the-model"]], "Add multi-dimensional variables to the model as pyoptinterface.tupledict": [[12, "add-multi-dimensional-variables-to-the-model-as"]], "Advanced": [[22, null]], "Apply a function to values with map method": [[14, "apply-a-function-to-values-with-map-method"]], "Attribute": [[15, "attribute"], [20, "attribute"]], "Automatic detection of the installation directory of the optimizers": [[19, "automatic-detection-of-the-installation-directory-of-the-optimizers"]], "Basic expression": [[18, "basic-expression"]], "Benchmark": [[9, null], [22, "benchmark"]], "Building Bigger Optimization Model": [[28, null]], "Building Documentation": [[16, "building-documentation"]], "Building a model with tupledict": [[14, "building-a-model-with-tupledict"]], "COPT": [[15, null], [19, "copt"]], "Callback": [[10, null]], "Callback in coptpy and PyOptInterface": [[10, "id2"]], "Callback in gurobipy and PyOptInterface": [[10, "id1"]], "Change the load and solve the model again": [[17, "change-the-load-and-solve-the-model-again"]], "Changelog": [[11, null]], "Citation": [[22, "citation"]], "Codebase Overview": [[16, "codebase-overview"]], "Common Model Interface": [[12, null]], "Constraint": [[12, "constraint"], [13, null]], "Constraint Attributes": [[13, "constraint-attributes"]], "Container": [[14, null]], "Contents": [[22, "contents"]], "Contributing Guidelines": [[16, "contributing-guidelines"]], "Create a model": [[23, "create-a-model"]], "Create a tupledict": [[14, "create-a-tupledict"]], "Delete constraint": [[12, "delete-constraint"], [13, "delete-constraint"]], "Delete variable": [[12, "delete-variable"], [29, "delete-variable"]], "Developer Guide": [[16, null]], "Development Process": [[16, "development-process"]], "Economic dispatch": [[17, null]], "Efficient expression construction": [[18, "efficient-expression-construction"]], "Examples": [[22, null]], "Exponential Cone Constraint": [[13, "exponential-cone-constraint"]], "Expression": [[12, "expression"], [18, null]], "Get the value of an expression (including variable)": [[12, "get-the-value-of-an-expression-including-variable"]], "Get/set constraint attributes": [[12, "get-set-constraint-attributes"]], "Get/set model attributes": [[12, "get-set-model-attributes"]], "Get/set variable attributes": [[12, "get-set-variable-attributes"]], "Getting Started": [[19, null]], "Gurobi": [[19, "gurobi"], [20, null]], "HiGHS": [[19, "highs"], [21, null]], "Implementation": [[17, "implementation"]], "Indices and tables": [[22, "indices-and-tables"]], "Information": [[15, "information"], [21, "information"], [24, "information"]], "Initial setup": [[15, "initial-setup"], [20, "initial-setup"], [21, "initial-setup"], [24, "initial-setup"]], "Inspect and customize the model": [[23, "inspect-and-customize-the-model"]], "Installation": [[19, "installation"], [22, "installation"]], "Ipopt": [[19, "ipopt"]], "Key features compared with other modeling interfaces": [[22, "key-features-compared-with-other-modeling-interfaces"]], "Let\u2019s build a simple model and solve it": [[19, "let-s-build-a-simple-model-and-solve-it"]], "License": [[22, "license"]], "Linear Constraint": [[13, "linear-constraint"]], "Manually specifying the path of the dynamic library of optimizer": [[19, "manually-specifying-the-path-of-the-dynamic-library-of-optimizer"]], "Model": [[12, "model"], [23, null]], "Modify constraint": [[12, "modify-constraint"], [13, "modify-constraint"]], "Modify objective function": [[26, "modify-objective-function"]], "Modify the bounds of variable": [[12, "modify-the-bounds-of-variable"]], "Modify the linear part of the objective function": [[12, "modify-the-linear-part-of-the-objective-function"]], "Mosek": [[19, "mosek"], [24, null]], "Numpy Container and N-queens Problem": [[25, null]], "Objective": [[12, "objective"], [26, null]], "Parameter": [[15, "parameter"], [20, "parameter"], [21, "parameter"], [24, "parameter"]], "Pretty print expression": [[18, "pretty-print-expression"]], "Pretty print expression (including variable)": [[12, "pretty-print-expression-including-variable"]], "Problem Formulation": [[17, "problem-formulation"]], "PyOptInterface (Python Optimization Interface)": [[22, null]], "Quadratic Constraint": [[13, "quadratic-constraint"]], "Query the solution": [[23, "query-the-solution"]], "Roadmap": [[27, null]], "Second-Order Cone Constraint": [[13, "second-order-cone-constraint"]], "Set the objective function": [[12, "set-the-objective-function"]], "Set/get values": [[14, "set-get-values"]], "Setup of optimizers": [[19, "setup-of-optimizers"]], "Short Example": [[22, "short-example"]], "Solve the model": [[23, "solve-the-model"]], "Solver-specific operations": [[15, "solver-specific-operations"], [20, "solver-specific-operations"], [21, "solver-specific-operations"], [24, "solver-specific-operations"]], "Special Ordered Set (SOS) Constraint": [[13, "special-ordered-set-sos-constraint"]], "Standard constraint attributes": [[13, "id1"]], "Standard model attributes": [[23, "id1"]], "Standard variable attributes": [[29, "id1"]], "Submodules": [[0, "submodules"]], "Supported constraint attribute": [[5, "supported-constraint-attribute"], [6, "supported-constraint-attribute"], [7, "supported-constraint-attribute"], [8, "supported-constraint-attribute"], [15, "supported-constraint-attribute"], [20, "supported-constraint-attribute"], [21, "supported-constraint-attribute"], [24, "supported-constraint-attribute"]], "Supported constraints": [[15, "supported-constraints"], [20, "supported-constraints"], [21, "supported-constraints"], [24, "supported-constraints"]], "Supported model attribute": [[5, null], [6, null], [7, null], [8, null], [15, "supported-model-attribute"], [20, "supported-model-attribute"], [21, "supported-model-attribute"], [24, "supported-model-attribute"]], "Supported variable attribute": [[5, "supported-variable-attribute"], [6, "supported-variable-attribute"], [7, "supported-variable-attribute"], [8, "supported-variable-attribute"], [15, "supported-variable-attribute"], [20, "supported-variable-attribute"], [21, "supported-variable-attribute"], [24, "supported-variable-attribute"]], "The capability of copt.Model": [[15, "the-capability-of-copt-model"]], "The capability of gurobi.Model": [[20, "the-capability-of-gurobi-model"]], "The capability of highs.Model": [[21, "the-capability-of-highs-model"]], "The capability of mosek.Model": [[24, "the-capability-of-mosek-model"]], "Time (second) to generate and solve a linear programming model with Gurobi optimizer.": [[9, "id3"]], "Time (second) to generate model and pass it to COPT optimizer.": [[9, "id2"]], "Time (second) to generate model and pass it to Gurobi optimizer.": [[9, "id1"]], "Unreleased": [[11, "unreleased"]], "Usage Guide": [[22, null]], "Value of expression": [[18, "value-of-expression"]], "Variable": [[12, "variable"], [29, null]], "Variable Attributes": [[29, "variable-attributes"]], "What kind of problems can PyOptInterface solve?": [[22, "what-kind-of-problems-can-pyoptinterface-solve"]], "What optimizers does PyOptInterface support?": [[22, "what-optimizers-does-pyoptinterface-support"]], "Write the model to file": [[23, "write-the-model-to-file"]], "pyoptinterface package": [[0, null]], "pyoptinterface.copt package": [[1, null]], "pyoptinterface.gurobi package": [[2, null]], "pyoptinterface.highs package": [[3, null]], "pyoptinterface.mosek package": [[4, null]]}, "docnames": ["api/pyoptinterface", "api/pyoptinterface.copt", "api/pyoptinterface.gurobi", "api/pyoptinterface.highs", "api/pyoptinterface.mosek", "attribute/copt", "attribute/gurobi", "attribute/highs", "attribute/mosek", "benchmark", "callback", "changelog", "common_model_interface", "constraint", "container", "copt", "develop", "examples/economic_dispatch", "expression", "getting_started", "gurobi", "highs", "index", "model", "mosek", "numpy", "objective", "roadmap", "structure", "variable"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2}, "filenames": ["api/pyoptinterface.rst", "api/pyoptinterface.copt.rst", "api/pyoptinterface.gurobi.rst", "api/pyoptinterface.highs.rst", "api/pyoptinterface.mosek.rst", "attribute/copt.md", "attribute/gurobi.md", "attribute/highs.md", "attribute/mosek.md", "benchmark.md", "callback.md", "changelog.md", "common_model_interface.md", "constraint.md", "container.md", "copt.md", "develop.md", "examples/economic_dispatch.md", "expression.md", "getting_started.md", "gurobi.md", "highs.md", "index.md", "model.md", "mosek.md", "numpy.md", "objective.md", "roadmap.md", "structure.md", "variable.md"], "indexentries": {"add_affine_term (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.add_affine_term", false]], "add_affine_term (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.add_affine_term", false]], "add_constant (pyoptinterface.scalaraffinefunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction.add_constant", false]], "add_constant (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.add_constant", false]], "add_exp_cone_constraint (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.add_exp_cone_constraint", false]], "add_exp_cone_constraint (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.add_exp_cone_constraint", false]], "add_linear_constraint (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.add_linear_constraint", false]], "add_linear_constraint (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.add_linear_constraint", false]], "add_linear_constraint (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.add_linear_constraint", false]], "add_linear_constraint (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.add_linear_constraint", false]], "add_mip_start (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.add_mip_start", false]], "add_quadratic_constraint (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.add_quadratic_constraint", false]], "add_quadratic_constraint (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.add_quadratic_constraint", false]], "add_quadratic_constraint (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.add_quadratic_constraint", false]], "add_quadratic_term (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.add_quadratic_term", false]], "add_quadratic_term (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.add_quadratic_term", false]], "add_second_order_cone_constraint (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.add_second_order_cone_constraint", false]], "add_second_order_cone_constraint (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.add_second_order_cone_constraint", false]], "add_sos_constraint (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.add_sos_constraint", false]], "add_sos_constraint (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.add_sos_constraint", false]], "add_term (pyoptinterface.scalaraffinefunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction.add_term", false]], "add_variable (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.add_variable", false]], "add_variable (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.add_variable", false]], "add_variable (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.add_variable", false]], "add_variable (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.add_variable", false]], "affine_part (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.affine_part", false]], "almost_dual_infeasible (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.ALMOST_DUAL_INFEASIBLE", false]], "almost_infeasible (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.ALMOST_INFEASIBLE", false]], "almost_locally_solved (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.ALMOST_LOCALLY_SOLVED", false]], "almost_optimal (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.ALMOST_OPTIMAL", false]], "autoload_library() (in module pyoptinterface.copt)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.autoload_library", false]], "autoload_library() (in module pyoptinterface.gurobi)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.autoload_library", false]], "autoload_library() (in module pyoptinterface.highs)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.autoload_library", false]], "autoload_library() (in module pyoptinterface.mosek)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.autoload_library", false]], "barrieriterations (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.BarrierIterations", false]], "binary (pyoptinterface.variabledomain attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableDomain.Binary", false]], "built-in function": [[12, "model.add_variable", false], [12, "model.add_variables", false], [12, "model.delete_constraint", false], [12, "model.delete_variable", false], [12, "model.get_constraint_attribute", false], [12, "model.get_model_attribute", false], [12, "model.get_normalized_coefficient", false], [12, "model.get_normalized_rhs", false], [12, "model.get_objective_coefficient", false], [12, "model.get_value", false], [12, "model.get_variable_attribute", false], [12, "model.is_constraint_active", false], [12, "model.is_variable_active", false], [12, "model.pprint", false], [12, "model.set_constraint_attribute", false], [12, "model.set_model_attribute", false], [12, "model.set_normalized_coefficient", false], [12, "model.set_normalized_rhs", false], [12, "model.set_objective", false], [12, "model.set_objective_coefficient", false], [12, "model.set_variable_attribute", false], [12, "model.set_variable_bounds", false], [13, "model.add_exp_cone_constraint", false], [13, "model.add_linear_constraint", false], [13, "model.add_quadratic_constraint", false], [13, "model.add_second_order_cone_constraint", false], [13, "model.add_sos_constraint", false], [14, "quicksum", false], [14, "quicksum_", false]], "canonicalize (pyoptinterface.scalaraffinefunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction.canonicalize", false]], "canonicalize (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.canonicalize", false]], "cb_add_lazy_constraint (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_add_lazy_constraint", false]], "cb_add_lazy_constraint (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_add_lazy_constraint", false]], "cb_add_user_cut (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_add_user_cut", false]], "cb_add_user_cut (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_add_user_cut", false]], "cb_exit (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_exit", false]], "cb_exit (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_exit", false]], "cb_get_incumbent (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_get_incumbent", false]], "cb_get_info() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_get_info", false]], "cb_get_info() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_get_info", false]], "cb_get_info_double (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_get_info_double", false]], "cb_get_info_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_get_info_double", false]], "cb_get_info_int (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_get_info_int", false]], "cb_get_info_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_get_info_int", false]], "cb_get_relaxation (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_get_relaxation", false]], "cb_get_relaxation (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_get_relaxation", false]], "cb_get_solution (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_get_solution", false]], "cb_get_solution (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_get_solution", false]], "cb_set_solution (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_set_solution", false]], "cb_set_solution (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_set_solution", false]], "cb_submit_solution (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.cb_submit_solution", false]], "cb_submit_solution (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.cb_submit_solution", false]], "clean() (pyoptinterface.tupledict method)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.tupledict.clean", false]], "clean_nearzero_terms (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.clean_nearzero_terms", false]], "clear (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.clear", false]], "coefficients (pyoptinterface.scalaraffinefunction property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction.coefficients", false]], "coefficients (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.coefficients", false]], "cone (pyoptinterface.constrainttype attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintType.Cone", false]], "constant (pyoptinterface.scalaraffinefunction property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction.constant", false]], "constraintattribute (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintAttribute", false]], "constraintindex (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintIndex", false]], "constraintsense (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintSense", false]], "constrainttype (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintType", false]], "continuous (pyoptinterface.variabledomain attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableDomain.Continuous", false]], "degree (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.degree", false]], "delete_constraint (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.delete_constraint", false]], "delete_constraint (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.delete_constraint", false]], "delete_constraint (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.delete_constraint", false]], "delete_constraint (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.delete_constraint", false]], "delete_variable (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.delete_variable", false]], "delete_variable (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.delete_variable", false]], "delete_variable (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.delete_variable", false]], "delete_variable (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.delete_variable", false]], "delete_variables (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.delete_variables", false]], "delete_variables (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.delete_variables", false]], "delete_variables (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.delete_variables", false]], "delete_variables (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.delete_variables", false]], "disable_log (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.disable_log", false]], "domain (pyoptinterface.variableattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute.Domain", false]], "dual (pyoptinterface.constraintattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintAttribute.Dual", false]], "dual_infeasible (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.DUAL_INFEASIBLE", false]], "dualobjectivevalue (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.DualObjectiveValue", false]], "dualstatus (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.DualStatus", false]], "empty (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.empty", false]], "enable_log (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.enable_log", false]], "env (class in pyoptinterface.copt)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Env", false]], "env (class in pyoptinterface.gurobi)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Env", false]], "env (class in pyoptinterface.mosek)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Env", false]], "envconfig (class in pyoptinterface.copt)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.EnvConfig", false]], "eq (in module pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.Eq", false]], "equal (pyoptinterface.constraintsense attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintSense.Equal", false]], "exprbuilder (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder", false]], "feasible_point (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.FEASIBLE_POINT", false]], "geq (in module pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.Geq", false]], "get_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_constraint_attribute", false]], "get_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_constraint_attribute", false]], "get_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_constraint_attribute", false]], "get_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_constraint_attribute", false]], "get_constraint_dual (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_constraint_dual", false]], "get_constraint_dual (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_constraint_dual", false]], "get_constraint_info (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_constraint_info", false]], "get_constraint_name (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_constraint_name", false]], "get_constraint_name (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_constraint_name", false]], "get_constraint_name (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_constraint_name", false]], "get_constraint_primal (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_constraint_primal", false]], "get_constraint_primal (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_constraint_primal", false]], "get_constraint_raw_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_constraint_raw_attribute", false]], "get_constraint_raw_attribute_char (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_constraint_raw_attribute_char", false]], "get_constraint_raw_attribute_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_constraint_raw_attribute_double", false]], "get_constraint_raw_attribute_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_constraint_raw_attribute_int", false]], "get_constraint_raw_attribute_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_constraint_raw_attribute_string", false]], "get_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_model_attribute", false]], "get_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_model_attribute", false]], "get_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_model_attribute", false]], "get_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_model_attribute", false]], "get_model_raw_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_model_raw_attribute", false]], "get_model_raw_attribute_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_model_raw_attribute_double", false]], "get_model_raw_attribute_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_model_raw_attribute_int", false]], "get_model_raw_attribute_list_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_model_raw_attribute_list_double", false]], "get_model_raw_attribute_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_model_raw_attribute_string", false]], "get_model_raw_attribute_vector_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_model_raw_attribute_vector_double", false]], "get_normalized_coefficient (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_normalized_coefficient", false]], "get_normalized_coefficient (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_normalized_coefficient", false]], "get_normalized_coefficient (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_normalized_coefficient", false]], "get_normalized_coefficient (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_normalized_coefficient", false]], "get_normalized_rhs (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_normalized_rhs", false]], "get_normalized_rhs (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_normalized_rhs", false]], "get_normalized_rhs (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_normalized_rhs", false]], "get_normalized_rhs (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_normalized_rhs", false]], "get_obj_sense (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_obj_sense", false]], "get_obj_sense (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_obj_sense", false]], "get_obj_value (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_obj_value", false]], "get_objective_coefficient (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_objective_coefficient", false]], "get_objective_coefficient (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_objective_coefficient", false]], "get_objective_coefficient (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_objective_coefficient", false]], "get_objective_coefficient (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_objective_coefficient", false]], "get_raw_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_raw_attribute", false]], "get_raw_attribute_double (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_raw_attribute_double", false]], "get_raw_attribute_int (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_raw_attribute_int", false]], "get_raw_info_double (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_info_double", false]], "get_raw_info_int (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_info_int", false]], "get_raw_info_int64 (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_info_int64", false]], "get_raw_information() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_information", false]], "get_raw_information() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_raw_information", false]], "get_raw_information_double (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_raw_information_double", false]], "get_raw_information_int (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_raw_information_int", false]], "get_raw_model (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_raw_model", false]], "get_raw_model (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_raw_model", false]], "get_raw_model (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_model", false]], "get_raw_model (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_raw_model", false]], "get_raw_option_bool (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_option_bool", false]], "get_raw_option_double (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_option_double", false]], "get_raw_option_int (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_option_int", false]], "get_raw_option_string (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_option_string", false]], "get_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_raw_parameter", false]], "get_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_raw_parameter", false]], "get_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_raw_parameter", false]], "get_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_raw_parameter", false]], "get_raw_parameter_double (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_raw_parameter_double", false]], "get_raw_parameter_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_raw_parameter_double", false]], "get_raw_parameter_double (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_raw_parameter_double", false]], "get_raw_parameter_int (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_raw_parameter_int", false]], "get_raw_parameter_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_raw_parameter_int", false]], "get_raw_parameter_int (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_raw_parameter_int", false]], "get_raw_parameter_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_raw_parameter_string", false]], "get_raw_parameter_string (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_raw_parameter_string", false]], "get_value (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_value", false]], "get_value (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_value", false]], "get_value (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_value", false]], "get_value (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_value", false]], "get_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_variable_attribute", false]], "get_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_variable_attribute", false]], "get_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_variable_attribute", false]], "get_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_variable_attribute", false]], "get_variable_info (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_variable_info", false]], "get_variable_lower_bound (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_variable_lower_bound", false]], "get_variable_lower_bound (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_variable_lower_bound", false]], "get_variable_name (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_variable_name", false]], "get_variable_name (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_variable_name", false]], "get_variable_name (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_variable_name", false]], "get_variable_raw_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_variable_raw_attribute", false]], "get_variable_raw_attribute_char (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_variable_raw_attribute_char", false]], "get_variable_raw_attribute_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_variable_raw_attribute_double", false]], "get_variable_raw_attribute_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_variable_raw_attribute_int", false]], "get_variable_raw_attribute_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.get_variable_raw_attribute_string", false]], "get_variable_type (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.get_variable_type", false]], "get_variable_type (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_variable_type", false]], "get_variable_type (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_variable_type", false]], "get_variable_upper_bound (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.get_variable_upper_bound", false]], "get_variable_upper_bound (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.get_variable_upper_bound", false]], "getdualobj (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.getdualobj", false]], "getnumcol (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.getnumcol", false]], "getnumcon (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.getnumcon", false]], "getnumrow (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.getnumrow", false]], "getnumvar (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.getnumvar", false]], "getprimalobj (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.getprimalobj", false]], "getprosta (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.getprosta", false]], "getruntime (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.getruntime", false]], "getsolsta (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.getsolsta", false]], "greaterequal (pyoptinterface.constraintsense attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintSense.GreaterEqual", false]], "in (in module pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.In", false]], "index (pyoptinterface.constraintindex property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintIndex.index", false]], "index (pyoptinterface.variableindex property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableIndex.index", false]], "infeasibility_certificate (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.INFEASIBILITY_CERTIFICATE", false]], "infeasible (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.INFEASIBLE", false]], "infeasible_or_unbounded (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.INFEASIBLE_OR_UNBOUNDED", false]], "infeasible_point (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.INFEASIBLE_POINT", false]], "init (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.init", false]], "init (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.init", false]], "init (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.init", false]], "init (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.init", false]], "integer (pyoptinterface.variabledomain attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableDomain.Integer", false]], "interrupted (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.INTERRUPTED", false]], "invalid_model (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.INVALID_MODEL", false]], "invalid_option (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.INVALID_OPTION", false]], "is_constraint_active (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.is_constraint_active", false]], "is_constraint_active (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.is_constraint_active", false]], "is_constraint_active (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.is_constraint_active", false]], "is_constraint_active (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.is_constraint_active", false]], "is_variable_active (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.is_variable_active", false]], "is_variable_active (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.is_variable_active", false]], "is_variable_active (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.is_variable_active", false]], "is_variable_active (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.is_variable_active", false]], "iteration_limit (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.ITERATION_LIMIT", false]], "leq (in module pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.Leq", false]], "lessequal (pyoptinterface.constraintsense attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintSense.LessEqual", false]], "linear (pyoptinterface.constrainttype attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintType.Linear", false]], "locally_infeasible (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.LOCALLY_INFEASIBLE", false]], "locally_solved (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.LOCALLY_SOLVED", false]], "lowerbound (pyoptinterface.variableattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute.LowerBound", false]], "m_n_constraints (pyoptinterface.highs.model property)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.m_n_constraints", false]], "m_n_variables (pyoptinterface.highs.model property)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.m_n_variables", false]], "make_nd_variable() (in module pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.make_nd_variable", false]], "make_tupledict() (in module pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.make_tupledict", false]], "map() (pyoptinterface.tupledict method)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.tupledict.map", false]], "maximize (pyoptinterface.objectivesense attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ObjectiveSense.Maximize", false]], "memory_limit (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.MEMORY_LIMIT", false]], "minimize (pyoptinterface.objectivesense attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ObjectiveSense.Minimize", false]], "model (class in pyoptinterface.copt)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model", false]], "model (class in pyoptinterface.gurobi)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model", false]], "model (class in pyoptinterface.highs)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model", false]], "model (class in pyoptinterface.mosek)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model", false]], "model.add_exp_cone_constraint()": [[13, "model.add_exp_cone_constraint", false]], "model.add_linear_constraint()": [[13, "model.add_linear_constraint", false]], "model.add_quadratic_constraint()": [[13, "model.add_quadratic_constraint", false]], "model.add_second_order_cone_constraint()": [[13, "model.add_second_order_cone_constraint", false]], "model.add_sos_constraint()": [[13, "model.add_sos_constraint", false]], "model.add_variable()": [[12, "model.add_variable", false]], "model.add_variables()": [[12, "model.add_variables", false]], "model.delete_constraint()": [[12, "model.delete_constraint", false]], "model.delete_variable()": [[12, "model.delete_variable", false]], "model.get_constraint_attribute()": [[12, "model.get_constraint_attribute", false]], "model.get_model_attribute()": [[12, "model.get_model_attribute", false]], "model.get_normalized_coefficient()": [[12, "model.get_normalized_coefficient", false]], "model.get_normalized_rhs()": [[12, "model.get_normalized_rhs", false]], "model.get_objective_coefficient()": [[12, "model.get_objective_coefficient", false]], "model.get_value()": [[12, "model.get_value", false]], "model.get_variable_attribute()": [[12, "model.get_variable_attribute", false]], "model.is_constraint_active()": [[12, "model.is_constraint_active", false]], "model.is_variable_active()": [[12, "model.is_variable_active", false]], "model.pprint()": [[12, "model.pprint", false]], "model.set_constraint_attribute()": [[12, "model.set_constraint_attribute", false]], "model.set_model_attribute()": [[12, "model.set_model_attribute", false]], "model.set_normalized_coefficient()": [[12, "model.set_normalized_coefficient", false]], "model.set_normalized_rhs()": [[12, "model.set_normalized_rhs", false]], "model.set_objective()": [[12, "model.set_objective", false]], "model.set_objective_coefficient()": [[12, "model.set_objective_coefficient", false]], "model.set_variable_attribute()": [[12, "model.set_variable_attribute", false]], "model.set_variable_bounds()": [[12, "model.set_variable_bounds", false]], "modelattribute (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute", false]], "module": [[0, "module-pyoptinterface", false], [1, "module-pyoptinterface.copt", false], [2, "module-pyoptinterface.gurobi", false], [3, "module-pyoptinterface.highs", false], [4, "module-pyoptinterface.mosek", false]], "name (pyoptinterface.constraintattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintAttribute.Name", false]], "name (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.Name", false]], "name (pyoptinterface.variableattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute.Name", false]], "nearly_feasible_point (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.NEARLY_FEASIBLE_POINT", false]], "nearly_infeasibility_certificate (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.NEARLY_INFEASIBILITY_CERTIFICATE", false]], "nearly_reduction_certificate (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.NEARLY_REDUCTION_CERTIFICATE", false]], "no_solution (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.NO_SOLUTION", false]], "node_limit (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.NODE_LIMIT", false]], "nodecount (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.NodeCount", false]], "norm_limit (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.NORM_LIMIT", false]], "number_of_constraints() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.number_of_constraints", false]], "number_of_constraints() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.number_of_constraints", false]], "number_of_constraints() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.number_of_constraints", false]], "number_of_constraints() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.number_of_constraints", false]], "number_of_variables() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.number_of_variables", false]], "number_of_variables() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.number_of_variables", false]], "number_of_variables() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.number_of_variables", false]], "number_of_variables() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.number_of_variables", false]], "numberofthreads (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.NumberOfThreads", false]], "numerical_error (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.NUMERICAL_ERROR", false]], "objective_limit (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.OBJECTIVE_LIMIT", false]], "objectivebound (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.ObjectiveBound", false]], "objectivesense (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ObjectiveSense", false]], "objectivesense (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.ObjectiveSense", false]], "objectivevalue (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.ObjectiveValue", false]], "optimal (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.OPTIMAL", false]], "optimize (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.optimize", false]], "optimize() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.optimize", false]], "optimize() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.optimize", false]], "optimize() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.optimize", false]], "optimize_not_called (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED", false]], "other_error (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.OTHER_ERROR", false]], "other_limit (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.OTHER_LIMIT", false]], "other_result_status (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.OTHER_RESULT_STATUS", false]], "pprint (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.pprint", false]], "pprint (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.pprint", false]], "pprint (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.pprint", false]], "pprint (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.pprint", false]], "primal (pyoptinterface.constraintattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintAttribute.Primal", false]], "primalstart (pyoptinterface.variableattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute.PrimalStart", false]], "primalstatus (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.PrimalStatus", false]], "putlicensecode (pyoptinterface.mosek.env attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Env.putlicensecode", false]], "pyoptinterface": [[0, "module-pyoptinterface", false]], "pyoptinterface.copt": [[1, "module-pyoptinterface.copt", false]], "pyoptinterface.gurobi": [[2, "module-pyoptinterface.gurobi", false]], "pyoptinterface.highs": [[3, "module-pyoptinterface.highs", false]], "pyoptinterface.mosek": [[4, "module-pyoptinterface.mosek", false]], "quadratic (pyoptinterface.constrainttype attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintType.Quadratic", false]], "quicksum()": [[14, "quicksum", false]], "quicksum() (in module pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.quicksum", false]], "quicksum_()": [[14, "quicksum_", false]], "quicksum_() (in module pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.quicksum_", false]], "raw_attribute_type (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.raw_attribute_type", false]], "raw_info_type (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.raw_info_type", false]], "raw_option_type (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.raw_option_type", false]], "raw_parameter_attribute_type (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.raw_parameter_attribute_type", false]], "raw_parameter_type (pyoptinterface.gurobi.env attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Env.raw_parameter_type", false]], "raw_parameter_type (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.raw_parameter_type", false]], "raw_parameter_type (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.raw_parameter_type", false]], "rawstatusstring (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.RawStatusString", false]], "reduction_certificate (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.REDUCTION_CERTIFICATE", false]], "relativegap (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.RelativeGap", false]], "reserve (pyoptinterface.scalaraffinefunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction.reserve", false]], "reserve_affine (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.reserve_affine", false]], "reserve_affine (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.reserve_affine", false]], "reserve_quadratic (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.reserve_quadratic", false]], "reserve_quadratic (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.reserve_quadratic", false]], "resultstatuscode (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode", false]], "scalaraffinefunction (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction", false]], "scalarquadraticfunction (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction", false]], "select() (pyoptinterface.tupledict method)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.tupledict.select", false]], "semicontinuous (pyoptinterface.variabledomain attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableDomain.SemiContinuous", false]], "set (pyoptinterface.copt.envconfig attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.EnvConfig.set", false]], "set_affine_coef (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.set_affine_coef", false]], "set_callback (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_callback", false]], "set_callback (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_callback", false]], "set_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_constraint_attribute", false]], "set_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_constraint_attribute", false]], "set_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_constraint_attribute", false]], "set_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_constraint_attribute", false]], "set_constraint_name (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_constraint_name", false]], "set_constraint_name (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_constraint_name", false]], "set_constraint_name (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_constraint_name", false]], "set_constraint_name (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_constraint_name", false]], "set_constraint_raw_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_constraint_raw_attribute", false]], "set_constraint_raw_attribute_char (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_constraint_raw_attribute_char", false]], "set_constraint_raw_attribute_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_constraint_raw_attribute_double", false]], "set_constraint_raw_attribute_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_constraint_raw_attribute_int", false]], "set_constraint_raw_attribute_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_constraint_raw_attribute_string", false]], "set_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_model_attribute", false]], "set_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_model_attribute", false]], "set_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_model_attribute", false]], "set_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_model_attribute", false]], "set_model_raw_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_model_raw_attribute", false]], "set_model_raw_attribute_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_model_raw_attribute_double", false]], "set_model_raw_attribute_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_model_raw_attribute_int", false]], "set_model_raw_attribute_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_model_raw_attribute_string", false]], "set_normalized_coefficient (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_normalized_coefficient", false]], "set_normalized_coefficient (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_normalized_coefficient", false]], "set_normalized_coefficient (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_normalized_coefficient", false]], "set_normalized_coefficient (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_normalized_coefficient", false]], "set_normalized_rhs (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_normalized_rhs", false]], "set_normalized_rhs (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_normalized_rhs", false]], "set_normalized_rhs (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_normalized_rhs", false]], "set_normalized_rhs (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_normalized_rhs", false]], "set_obj_sense (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_obj_sense", false]], "set_obj_sense (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_obj_sense", false]], "set_obj_sense (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_obj_sense", false]], "set_objective (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_objective", false]], "set_objective (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_objective", false]], "set_objective (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_objective", false]], "set_objective (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_objective", false]], "set_objective_coefficient (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_objective_coefficient", false]], "set_objective_coefficient (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_objective_coefficient", false]], "set_objective_coefficient (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_objective_coefficient", false]], "set_objective_coefficient (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_objective_coefficient", false]], "set_primal_start (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_primal_start", false]], "set_quadratic_coef (pyoptinterface.exprbuilder attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder.set_quadratic_coef", false]], "set_raw_option_bool (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_raw_option_bool", false]], "set_raw_option_double (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_raw_option_double", false]], "set_raw_option_int (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_raw_option_int", false]], "set_raw_option_string (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_raw_option_string", false]], "set_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_raw_parameter", false]], "set_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.env method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Env.set_raw_parameter", false]], "set_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_raw_parameter", false]], "set_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_raw_parameter", false]], "set_raw_parameter() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_raw_parameter", false]], "set_raw_parameter_double (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_raw_parameter_double", false]], "set_raw_parameter_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.env attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Env.set_raw_parameter_double", false]], "set_raw_parameter_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_raw_parameter_double", false]], "set_raw_parameter_double (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_raw_parameter_double", false]], "set_raw_parameter_int (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_raw_parameter_int", false]], "set_raw_parameter_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.env attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Env.set_raw_parameter_int", false]], "set_raw_parameter_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_raw_parameter_int", false]], "set_raw_parameter_int (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_raw_parameter_int", false]], "set_raw_parameter_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.env attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Env.set_raw_parameter_string", false]], "set_raw_parameter_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_raw_parameter_string", false]], "set_raw_parameter_string (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_raw_parameter_string", false]], "set_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_variable_attribute", false]], "set_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_variable_attribute", false]], "set_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_variable_attribute", false]], "set_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_variable_attribute", false]], "set_variable_bounds (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_variable_bounds", false]], "set_variable_bounds (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_variable_bounds", false]], "set_variable_bounds (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_variable_bounds", false]], "set_variable_bounds (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_variable_bounds", false]], "set_variable_lower_bound (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_variable_lower_bound", false]], "set_variable_lower_bound (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_variable_lower_bound", false]], "set_variable_lower_bound (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_variable_lower_bound", false]], "set_variable_name (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_variable_name", false]], "set_variable_name (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_variable_name", false]], "set_variable_name (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_variable_name", false]], "set_variable_name (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_variable_name", false]], "set_variable_primal (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_variable_primal", false]], "set_variable_raw_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_variable_raw_attribute", false]], "set_variable_raw_attribute_char (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_variable_raw_attribute_char", false]], "set_variable_raw_attribute_double (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_variable_raw_attribute_double", false]], "set_variable_raw_attribute_int (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_variable_raw_attribute_int", false]], "set_variable_raw_attribute_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.set_variable_raw_attribute_string", false]], "set_variable_type (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_variable_type", false]], "set_variable_type (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_variable_type", false]], "set_variable_type (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_variable_type", false]], "set_variable_upper_bound (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.set_variable_upper_bound", false]], "set_variable_upper_bound (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.set_variable_upper_bound", false]], "set_variable_upper_bound (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.set_variable_upper_bound", false]], "silent (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.Silent", false]], "simplexiterations (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.SimplexIterations", false]], "size (pyoptinterface.scalaraffinefunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction.size", false]], "size (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.size", false]], "slow_progress (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.SLOW_PROGRESS", false]], "solution (pyoptinterface.highs.model property)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.solution", false]], "solution_limit (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.SOLUTION_LIMIT", false]], "solvername (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.SolverName", false]], "solverversion (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.SolverVersion", false]], "solvetimesec (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.SolveTimeSec", false]], "sos (pyoptinterface.constrainttype attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintType.SOS", false]], "sos1 (pyoptinterface.sostype attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.SOSType.SOS1", false]], "sos2 (pyoptinterface.sostype attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.SOSType.SOS2", false]], "sostype (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.SOSType", false]], "start (pyoptinterface.gurobi.env attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Env.start", false]], "supports_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model static method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.supports_constraint_attribute", false]], "supports_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model static method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.supports_constraint_attribute", false]], "supports_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model static method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.supports_constraint_attribute", false]], "supports_constraint_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model static method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.supports_constraint_attribute", false]], "supports_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model static method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.supports_model_attribute", false]], "supports_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model static method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.supports_model_attribute", false]], "supports_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model static method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.supports_model_attribute", false]], "supports_model_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model static method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.supports_model_attribute", false]], "supports_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.copt.model static method)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.supports_variable_attribute", false]], "supports_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model static method)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.supports_variable_attribute", false]], "supports_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.highs.model static method)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.supports_variable_attribute", false]], "supports_variable_attribute() (pyoptinterface.mosek.model static method)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.supports_variable_attribute", false]], "terminationstatus (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.TerminationStatus", false]], "terminationstatuscode (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode", false]], "time_limit (pyoptinterface.terminationstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode.TIME_LIMIT", false]], "timelimitsec (pyoptinterface.modelattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute.TimeLimitSec", false]], "tupledict (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.tupledict", false]], "type (pyoptinterface.constraintindex property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintIndex.type", false]], "unknown_result_status (pyoptinterface.resultstatuscode attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode.UNKNOWN_RESULT_STATUS", false]], "update (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.update", false]], "upperbound (pyoptinterface.variableattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute.UpperBound", false]], "value (pyoptinterface.variableattribute attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute.Value", false]], "variable_1s (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.variable_1s", false]], "variable_2s (pyoptinterface.scalarquadraticfunction property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction.variable_2s", false]], "variableattribute (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute", false]], "variabledomain (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableDomain", false]], "variableindex (class in pyoptinterface)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.VariableIndex", false]], "variables (pyoptinterface.scalaraffinefunction property)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction.variables", false]], "version_string (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.version_string", false]], "version_string (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.version_string", false]], "version_string (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.version_string", false]], "version_string (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.version_string", false]], "within (pyoptinterface.constraintsense attribute)": [[0, "pyoptinterface.ConstraintSense.Within", false]], "write (pyoptinterface.copt.model attribute)": [[1, "pyoptinterface.copt.Model.write", false]], "write (pyoptinterface.gurobi.model attribute)": [[2, "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model.write", false]], "write (pyoptinterface.highs.model attribute)": [[3, "pyoptinterface.highs.Model.write", false]], "write (pyoptinterface.mosek.model attribute)": [[4, "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model.write", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[0, 1, 0, "-", "pyoptinterface"], [14, 0, 1, "", "quicksum"], [14, 0, 1, "", "quicksum_"]], "model": [[13, 0, 1, "", "add_exp_cone_constraint"], [13, 0, 1, "", "add_linear_constraint"], [13, 0, 1, "", "add_quadratic_constraint"], [13, 0, 1, "", "add_second_order_cone_constraint"], [13, 0, 1, "", "add_sos_constraint"], [12, 0, 1, "", "add_variable"], [12, 0, 1, "", "add_variables"], [12, 0, 1, "", "delete_constraint"], [12, 0, 1, "", "delete_variable"], [12, 0, 1, "", "get_constraint_attribute"], [12, 0, 1, "", "get_model_attribute"], [12, 0, 1, "", "get_normalized_coefficient"], [12, 0, 1, "", "get_normalized_rhs"], [12, 0, 1, "", "get_objective_coefficient"], [12, 0, 1, "", "get_value"], [12, 0, 1, "", "get_variable_attribute"], [12, 0, 1, "", "is_constraint_active"], [12, 0, 1, "", "is_variable_active"], [12, 0, 1, "", "pprint"], [12, 0, 1, "", "set_constraint_attribute"], [12, 0, 1, "", "set_model_attribute"], [12, 0, 1, "", "set_normalized_coefficient"], [12, 0, 1, "", "set_normalized_rhs"], [12, 0, 1, "", "set_objective"], [12, 0, 1, "", "set_objective_coefficient"], [12, 0, 1, "", "set_variable_attribute"], [12, 0, 1, "", "set_variable_bounds"]], "pyoptinterface": [[0, 2, 1, "", "ConstraintAttribute"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ConstraintIndex"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ConstraintSense"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ConstraintType"], [0, 5, 1, "", "Eq"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ExprBuilder"], [0, 5, 1, "", "Geq"], [0, 5, 1, "", "In"], [0, 5, 1, "", "Leq"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ModelAttribute"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ObjectiveSense"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ResultStatusCode"], [0, 2, 1, "", "SOSType"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ScalarAffineFunction"], [0, 2, 1, "", "ScalarQuadraticFunction"], [0, 2, 1, "", "TerminationStatusCode"], [0, 2, 1, "", "VariableAttribute"], [0, 2, 1, "", "VariableDomain"], [0, 2, 1, "", "VariableIndex"], [1, 1, 0, "-", "copt"], [2, 1, 0, "-", "gurobi"], [3, 1, 0, "-", "highs"], [0, 0, 1, "", "make_nd_variable"], [0, 0, 1, "", "make_tupledict"], [4, 1, 0, "-", "mosek"], [0, 0, 1, "", "quicksum"], [0, 0, 1, "", "quicksum_"], [0, 2, 1, "", "tupledict"]], "pyoptinterface.ConstraintAttribute": [[0, 3, 1, "", "Dual"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Name"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Primal"]], "pyoptinterface.ConstraintIndex": [[0, 4, 1, "", "index"], [0, 4, 1, "", "type"]], "pyoptinterface.ConstraintSense": [[0, 3, 1, "", "Equal"], [0, 3, 1, "", "GreaterEqual"], [0, 3, 1, "", "LessEqual"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Within"]], "pyoptinterface.ConstraintType": [[0, 3, 1, "", "Cone"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Linear"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Quadratic"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SOS"]], "pyoptinterface.ExprBuilder": [[0, 3, 1, "", "add_affine_term"], [0, 3, 1, "", "add_quadratic_term"], [0, 3, 1, "", "clean_nearzero_terms"], [0, 3, 1, "", "clear"], [0, 3, 1, "", "degree"], [0, 3, 1, "", "empty"], [0, 3, 1, "", "reserve_affine"], [0, 3, 1, "", "reserve_quadratic"], [0, 3, 1, "", "set_affine_coef"], [0, 3, 1, "", "set_quadratic_coef"]], "pyoptinterface.ModelAttribute": [[0, 3, 1, "", "BarrierIterations"], [0, 3, 1, "", "DualObjectiveValue"], [0, 3, 1, "", "DualStatus"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Name"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NodeCount"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NumberOfThreads"], [0, 3, 1, "", "ObjectiveBound"], [0, 3, 1, "", "ObjectiveSense"], [0, 3, 1, "", "ObjectiveValue"], [0, 3, 1, "", "PrimalStatus"], [0, 3, 1, "", "RawStatusString"], [0, 3, 1, "", "RelativeGap"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Silent"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SimplexIterations"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SolveTimeSec"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SolverName"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SolverVersion"], [0, 3, 1, "", "TerminationStatus"], [0, 3, 1, "", "TimeLimitSec"]], "pyoptinterface.ObjectiveSense": [[0, 3, 1, "", "Maximize"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Minimize"]], "pyoptinterface.ResultStatusCode": [[0, 3, 1, "", "FEASIBLE_POINT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "INFEASIBILITY_CERTIFICATE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "INFEASIBLE_POINT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NEARLY_FEASIBLE_POINT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NEARLY_INFEASIBILITY_CERTIFICATE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NEARLY_REDUCTION_CERTIFICATE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NO_SOLUTION"], [0, 3, 1, "", "OTHER_RESULT_STATUS"], [0, 3, 1, "", "REDUCTION_CERTIFICATE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "UNKNOWN_RESULT_STATUS"]], "pyoptinterface.SOSType": [[0, 3, 1, "", "SOS1"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SOS2"]], "pyoptinterface.ScalarAffineFunction": [[0, 3, 1, "", "add_constant"], [0, 3, 1, "", "add_term"], [0, 3, 1, "", "canonicalize"], [0, 4, 1, "", "coefficients"], [0, 4, 1, "", "constant"], [0, 3, 1, "", "reserve"], [0, 3, 1, "", "size"], [0, 4, 1, "", "variables"]], "pyoptinterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction": [[0, 3, 1, "", "add_affine_term"], [0, 3, 1, "", "add_constant"], [0, 3, 1, "", "add_quadratic_term"], [0, 4, 1, "", "affine_part"], [0, 3, 1, "", "canonicalize"], [0, 4, 1, "", "coefficients"], [0, 3, 1, "", "reserve_affine"], [0, 3, 1, "", "reserve_quadratic"], [0, 3, 1, "", "size"], [0, 4, 1, "", "variable_1s"], [0, 4, 1, "", "variable_2s"]], "pyoptinterface.TerminationStatusCode": [[0, 3, 1, "", "ALMOST_DUAL_INFEASIBLE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "ALMOST_INFEASIBLE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "ALMOST_LOCALLY_SOLVED"], [0, 3, 1, "", "ALMOST_OPTIMAL"], [0, 3, 1, "", "DUAL_INFEASIBLE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "INFEASIBLE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "INFEASIBLE_OR_UNBOUNDED"], [0, 3, 1, "", "INTERRUPTED"], [0, 3, 1, "", "INVALID_MODEL"], [0, 3, 1, "", "INVALID_OPTION"], [0, 3, 1, "", "ITERATION_LIMIT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "LOCALLY_INFEASIBLE"], [0, 3, 1, "", "LOCALLY_SOLVED"], [0, 3, 1, "", "MEMORY_LIMIT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NODE_LIMIT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NORM_LIMIT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "NUMERICAL_ERROR"], [0, 3, 1, "", "OBJECTIVE_LIMIT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "OPTIMAL"], [0, 3, 1, "", "OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED"], [0, 3, 1, "", "OTHER_ERROR"], [0, 3, 1, "", "OTHER_LIMIT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SLOW_PROGRESS"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SOLUTION_LIMIT"], [0, 3, 1, "", "TIME_LIMIT"]], "pyoptinterface.VariableAttribute": [[0, 3, 1, "", "Domain"], [0, 3, 1, "", "LowerBound"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Name"], [0, 3, 1, "", "PrimalStart"], [0, 3, 1, "", "UpperBound"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Value"]], "pyoptinterface.VariableDomain": [[0, 3, 1, "", "Binary"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Continuous"], [0, 3, 1, "", "Integer"], [0, 3, 1, "", "SemiContinuous"]], "pyoptinterface.VariableIndex": [[0, 4, 1, "", "index"]], "pyoptinterface.copt": [[1, 2, 1, "", "Env"], [1, 2, 1, "", "EnvConfig"], [1, 2, 1, "", "Model"], [1, 0, 1, "", "autoload_library"]], "pyoptinterface.copt.EnvConfig": [[1, 3, 1, "", "set"]], "pyoptinterface.copt.Model": [[1, 3, 1, "", "add_exp_cone_constraint"], [1, 3, 1, "", "add_linear_constraint"], [1, 3, 1, "", "add_mip_start"], [1, 3, 1, "", "add_quadratic_constraint"], [1, 3, 1, "", "add_second_order_cone_constraint"], [1, 3, 1, "", "add_sos_constraint"], [1, 3, 1, "", "add_variable"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_add_lazy_constraint"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_add_user_cut"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_exit"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_incumbent"], [1, 6, 1, "", "cb_get_info"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_info_double"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_info_int"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_relaxation"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_solution"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_set_solution"], [1, 3, 1, "", "cb_submit_solution"], [1, 3, 1, "", "delete_constraint"], [1, 3, 1, "", "delete_variable"], [1, 3, 1, "", "delete_variables"], [1, 6, 1, "", "get_constraint_attribute"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_info"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_name"], [1, 6, 1, "", "get_model_attribute"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_normalized_coefficient"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_normalized_rhs"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_objective_coefficient"], [1, 6, 1, "", "get_raw_attribute"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_attribute_double"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_attribute_int"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_model"], [1, 6, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter_double"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter_int"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_value"], [1, 6, 1, "", "get_variable_attribute"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_info"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_name"], [1, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_type"], [1, 3, 1, "", "init"], [1, 3, 1, "", "is_constraint_active"], [1, 3, 1, "", "is_variable_active"], [1, 6, 1, "", "number_of_constraints"], [1, 6, 1, "", "number_of_variables"], [1, 6, 1, "", "optimize"], [1, 3, 1, "", "pprint"], [1, 3, 1, "", "raw_parameter_attribute_type"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_callback"], [1, 6, 1, "", "set_constraint_attribute"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_constraint_name"], [1, 6, 1, "", "set_model_attribute"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_normalized_coefficient"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_normalized_rhs"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_obj_sense"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_objective"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_objective_coefficient"], [1, 6, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_double"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_int"], [1, 6, 1, "", "set_variable_attribute"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_bounds"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_lower_bound"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_name"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_type"], [1, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_upper_bound"], [1, 6, 1, "", "supports_constraint_attribute"], [1, 6, 1, "", "supports_model_attribute"], [1, 6, 1, "", "supports_variable_attribute"], [1, 3, 1, "", "version_string"], [1, 3, 1, "", "write"]], "pyoptinterface.gurobi": [[2, 2, 1, "", "Env"], [2, 2, 1, "", "Model"], [2, 0, 1, "", "autoload_library"]], "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Env": [[2, 3, 1, "", "raw_parameter_type"], [2, 6, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_string"], [2, 3, 1, "", "start"]], "pyoptinterface.gurobi.Model": [[2, 3, 1, "", "add_linear_constraint"], [2, 3, 1, "", "add_quadratic_constraint"], [2, 3, 1, "", "add_sos_constraint"], [2, 3, 1, "", "add_variable"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_add_lazy_constraint"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_add_user_cut"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_exit"], [2, 6, 1, "", "cb_get_info"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_info_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_info_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_relaxation"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_get_solution"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_set_solution"], [2, 3, 1, "", "cb_submit_solution"], [2, 3, 1, "", "delete_constraint"], [2, 3, 1, "", "delete_variable"], [2, 3, 1, "", "delete_variables"], [2, 6, 1, "", "get_constraint_attribute"], [2, 6, 1, "", "get_constraint_raw_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_raw_attribute_char"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_raw_attribute_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_raw_attribute_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_raw_attribute_string"], [2, 6, 1, "", "get_model_attribute"], [2, 6, 1, "", "get_model_raw_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_model_raw_attribute_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_model_raw_attribute_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_model_raw_attribute_list_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_model_raw_attribute_string"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_model_raw_attribute_vector_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_normalized_coefficient"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_normalized_rhs"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_objective_coefficient"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_model"], [2, 6, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter_string"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_value"], [2, 6, 1, "", "get_variable_attribute"], [2, 6, 1, "", "get_variable_raw_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_raw_attribute_char"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_raw_attribute_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_raw_attribute_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_raw_attribute_string"], [2, 3, 1, "", "init"], [2, 3, 1, "", "is_constraint_active"], [2, 3, 1, "", "is_variable_active"], [2, 6, 1, "", "number_of_constraints"], [2, 6, 1, "", "number_of_variables"], [2, 3, 1, "", "optimize"], [2, 3, 1, "", "pprint"], [2, 3, 1, "", "raw_attribute_type"], [2, 3, 1, "", "raw_parameter_type"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_callback"], [2, 6, 1, "", "set_constraint_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_constraint_name"], [2, 6, 1, "", "set_constraint_raw_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_constraint_raw_attribute_char"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_constraint_raw_attribute_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_constraint_raw_attribute_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_constraint_raw_attribute_string"], [2, 6, 1, "", "set_model_attribute"], [2, 6, 1, "", "set_model_raw_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_model_raw_attribute_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_model_raw_attribute_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_model_raw_attribute_string"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_normalized_coefficient"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_normalized_rhs"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_objective"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_objective_coefficient"], [2, 6, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_string"], [2, 6, 1, "", "set_variable_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_bounds"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_name"], [2, 6, 1, "", "set_variable_raw_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_raw_attribute_char"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_raw_attribute_double"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_raw_attribute_int"], [2, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_raw_attribute_string"], [2, 6, 1, "", "supports_constraint_attribute"], [2, 6, 1, "", "supports_model_attribute"], [2, 6, 1, "", "supports_variable_attribute"], [2, 3, 1, "", "update"], [2, 3, 1, "", "version_string"], [2, 3, 1, "", "write"]], "pyoptinterface.highs": [[3, 2, 1, "", "Model"], [3, 0, 1, "", "autoload_library"]], "pyoptinterface.highs.Model": [[3, 3, 1, "", "add_linear_constraint"], [3, 3, 1, "", "add_variable"], [3, 3, 1, "", "delete_constraint"], [3, 3, 1, "", "delete_variable"], [3, 3, 1, "", "delete_variables"], [3, 6, 1, "", "get_constraint_attribute"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_dual"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_name"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_primal"], [3, 6, 1, "", "get_model_attribute"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_normalized_coefficient"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_normalized_rhs"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_obj_sense"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_obj_value"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_objective_coefficient"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_info_double"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_info_int"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_info_int64"], [3, 6, 1, "", "get_raw_information"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_model"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_option_bool"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_option_double"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_option_int"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_option_string"], [3, 6, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_value"], [3, 6, 1, "", "get_variable_attribute"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_lower_bound"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_name"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_type"], [3, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_upper_bound"], [3, 3, 1, "", "getnumcol"], [3, 3, 1, "", "getnumrow"], [3, 3, 1, "", "getruntime"], [3, 3, 1, "", "init"], [3, 3, 1, "", "is_constraint_active"], [3, 3, 1, "", "is_variable_active"], [3, 4, 1, "", "m_n_constraints"], [3, 4, 1, "", "m_n_variables"], [3, 6, 1, "", "number_of_constraints"], [3, 6, 1, "", "number_of_variables"], [3, 6, 1, "", "optimize"], [3, 3, 1, "", "pprint"], [3, 3, 1, "", "raw_info_type"], [3, 3, 1, "", "raw_option_type"], [3, 6, 1, "", "set_constraint_attribute"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_constraint_name"], [3, 6, 1, "", "set_model_attribute"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_normalized_coefficient"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_normalized_rhs"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_obj_sense"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_objective"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_objective_coefficient"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_primal_start"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_option_bool"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_option_double"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_option_int"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_option_string"], [3, 6, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter"], [3, 6, 1, "", "set_variable_attribute"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_bounds"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_lower_bound"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_name"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_type"], [3, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_upper_bound"], [3, 4, 1, "", "solution"], [3, 6, 1, "", "supports_constraint_attribute"], [3, 6, 1, "", "supports_model_attribute"], [3, 6, 1, "", "supports_variable_attribute"], [3, 3, 1, "", "version_string"], [3, 3, 1, "", "write"]], "pyoptinterface.mosek": [[4, 2, 1, "", "Env"], [4, 2, 1, "", "Model"], [4, 0, 1, "", "autoload_library"]], "pyoptinterface.mosek.Env": [[4, 3, 1, "", "putlicensecode"]], "pyoptinterface.mosek.Model": [[4, 3, 1, "", "add_exp_cone_constraint"], [4, 3, 1, "", "add_linear_constraint"], [4, 3, 1, "", "add_quadratic_constraint"], [4, 3, 1, "", "add_second_order_cone_constraint"], [4, 3, 1, "", "add_variable"], [4, 3, 1, "", "delete_constraint"], [4, 3, 1, "", "delete_variable"], [4, 3, 1, "", "delete_variables"], [4, 3, 1, "", "disable_log"], [4, 3, 1, "", "enable_log"], [4, 6, 1, "", "get_constraint_attribute"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_dual"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_name"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_constraint_primal"], [4, 6, 1, "", "get_model_attribute"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_normalized_coefficient"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_normalized_rhs"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_obj_sense"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_objective_coefficient"], [4, 6, 1, "", "get_raw_information"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_information_double"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_information_int"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_model"], [4, 6, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter_double"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter_int"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_raw_parameter_string"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_value"], [4, 6, 1, "", "get_variable_attribute"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_lower_bound"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_name"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_type"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_variable_upper_bound"], [4, 3, 1, "", "getdualobj"], [4, 3, 1, "", "getnumcon"], [4, 3, 1, "", "getnumvar"], [4, 3, 1, "", "getprimalobj"], [4, 3, 1, "", "getprosta"], [4, 3, 1, "", "getsolsta"], [4, 3, 1, "", "init"], [4, 3, 1, "", "is_constraint_active"], [4, 3, 1, "", "is_variable_active"], [4, 6, 1, "", "number_of_constraints"], [4, 6, 1, "", "number_of_variables"], [4, 6, 1, "", "optimize"], [4, 3, 1, "", "pprint"], [4, 3, 1, "", "raw_parameter_type"], [4, 6, 1, "", "set_constraint_attribute"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_constraint_name"], [4, 6, 1, "", "set_model_attribute"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_normalized_coefficient"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_normalized_rhs"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_obj_sense"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_objective"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_objective_coefficient"], [4, 6, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_double"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_int"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_raw_parameter_string"], [4, 6, 1, "", "set_variable_attribute"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_bounds"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_lower_bound"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_name"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_primal"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_type"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_variable_upper_bound"], [4, 6, 1, "", "supports_constraint_attribute"], [4, 6, 1, "", "supports_model_attribute"], [4, 6, 1, "", "supports_variable_attribute"], [4, 3, 1, "", "version_string"], [4, 3, 1, "", "write"]], "pyoptinterface.tupledict": [[0, 6, 1, "", "clean"], [0, 6, 1, "", "map"], [0, 6, 1, "", "select"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "1": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "2": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "3": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "4": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "5": ["py", "data", "Python data"], "6": ["py", "method", "Python method"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:function", "1": "py:module", "2": "py:class", "3": "py:attribute", "4": "py:property", "5": "py:data", "6": "py:method"}, "terms": {"": [13, 14, 17, 25, 28], "0": [0, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 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13, 29], "execut": 16, "exist": 14, "exp": 13, "expect": 16, "expl": [25, 28], "explain": 19, "exponenti": [11, 22], "export": 19, "expos": 16, "expr": [0, 12, 13, 14, 18], "expr1": 18, "expr2": 18, "expr3": 18, "expr_or_var": 12, "expr_valu": [18, 23], "exprbuild": [0, 14, 17, 18], "express": [11, 13, 14, 22, 23], "extens": [11, 23], "extra": 19, "f": [0, 14, 17, 19, 23, 25, 28], "fac": 9, "facil": 9, "fail": 19, "fals": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 19, 22, 23], "fanci": 25, "fast": 22, "fast_expr": 18, "faster": [11, 22], "fastest": 22, "feasibl": [25, 28], "feasible_point": 0, "featur": [10, 16, 19, 25], "file": [11, 13, 16, 19, 22, 27], "final": [16, 17, 19, 25, 28], "first": [11, 17, 19], "firstli": [16, 17, 25], "fix": [11, 14], "flag": 10, "flatten": 14, "flexibl": 14, "fliplr": [25, 28], "float": [0, 12, 13, 17, 23, 29], "fmtlib": 22, "folder": [13, 22], "follow": [10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29], "foral": 14, "fork": 16, "form": 13, "format": [12, 16, 18, 23], "found": [13, 19, 22, 23], "four": [9, 10], "fourth": 19, "frac": [13, 18], "frequent": 14, "from": [9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29], "fromit": 17, "full": [19, 22], "func": 0, "function": [10, 11, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28], "g": 19, "gap": [25, 28], "gcc": 16, "ge": 13, "gener": [12, 14, 17, 28], "geq": [0, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22], "get": [5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29], "get_constraint_attribut": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13], "get_constraint_du": [3, 4], "get_constraint_info": [1, 15], "get_constraint_nam": [1, 3, 4], "get_constraint_prim": [3, 4], "get_constraint_raw_attribut": [2, 20], "get_constraint_raw_attribute_char": 2, "get_constraint_raw_attribute_doubl": 2, "get_constraint_raw_attribute_int": 2, "get_constraint_raw_attribute_str": 2, "get_model_attribut": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28], "get_model_raw_attribut": [2, 20], "get_model_raw_attribute_doubl": 2, "get_model_raw_attribute_int": 2, "get_model_raw_attribute_list_doubl": 2, "get_model_raw_attribute_str": 2, "get_model_raw_attribute_vector_doubl": 2, "get_normalized_coeffici": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12], "get_normalized_rh": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12], "get_obj_sens": [3, 4], "get_obj_valu": 3, "get_objective_coeffici": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12], "get_raw_attribut": [1, 15], "get_raw_attribute_doubl": 1, "get_raw_attribute_int": 1, "get_raw_info_doubl": 3, "get_raw_info_int": 3, "get_raw_info_int64": 3, "get_raw_inform": [3, 4, 21, 24], "get_raw_information_doubl": 4, "get_raw_information_int": 4, "get_raw_model": [1, 2, 3, 4], "get_raw_option_bool": 3, "get_raw_option_doubl": 3, "get_raw_option_int": 3, "get_raw_option_str": 3, "get_raw_paramet": [1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24], "get_raw_parameter_doubl": [1, 2, 4], "get_raw_parameter_int": [1, 2, 4], "get_raw_parameter_str": [2, 4], "get_v": 25, "get_valu": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25], "get_variable_attribut": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 29], "get_variable_info": [1, 15], "get_variable_lower_bound": [3, 4], "get_variable_nam": [1, 3, 4], "get_variable_raw_attribut": [2, 20], "get_variable_raw_attribute_char": 2, "get_variable_raw_attribute_doubl": 2, "get_variable_raw_attribute_int": 2, "get_variable_raw_attribute_str": 2, "get_variable_typ": [1, 3, 4], "get_variable_upper_bound": [3, 4], "getdualobj": 4, "getincumb": 10, "getinfo": 10, "getnumcol": 3, "getnumcon": 4, "getnumrow": 3, "getnumvar": 4, "getprimalobj": 4, "getprosta": 4, "getrelaxsol": 10, "getruntim": 3, "getsolsta": 4, "getsolut": 10, "gil": 11, "git": [14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28], "github": [9, 16, 19], "global": [15, 20, 23, 24], "grb": [10, 20], "greater": 0, "greaterequ": [0, 13, 19], "guid": 17, "gurobi": [0, 10, 11, 22, 23], "gurobi110": 19, "gurobi1100": 19, "gurobi1101": 19, "gurobi_hom": 19, "gurobipi": [9, 14, 19, 20], "h": [25, 28], "ha": [13, 19, 22, 25], "hand": [12, 13, 17, 19, 20], "handl": [12, 13, 14, 26], "hash": [14, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28], "hatch": 22, "have": [14, 22, 25], "header": [16, 22], "help": 10, "here": [10, 14, 22], "heurist": [10, 25, 28], "high": [0, 11, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29], "highli": [10, 14], "highs_hom": 19, "highs_model_ext": 3, "highsbox": [19, 22], "highssolut": 3, "home": 13, "hostedtoolcach": 13, "how": [14, 17, 19, 25, 28], "howev": [10, 14, 19, 22, 25], "html": 16, "http": [9, 16], "human": [12, 18], "i": [9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], "ij": 14, "immedi": 10, "implement": [10, 16, 22], "impli": [25, 28], "implicit": [15, 20, 24], "import": [10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29], "includ": [9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23], "increas": 17, "increment": 22, "index": [0, 14, 16, 22, 25], "indic": [10, 14, 25], "individu": 10, "inf": [12, 25, 28], "infeas": [0, 20, 27], "infeasibility_certif": 0, "infeasible_or_unbound": 0, "infeasible_point": 0, "influenc": 9, "info": [13, 15], "inform": [10, 22], "infti": [12, 19], "init": [1, 2, 3, 4], "initi": [23, 29], "inlp": [25, 28], "inqueu": [25, 28], "inspir": [14, 22], "instal": [16, 17], "instanc": [10, 23], "instead": 10, "instruct": [15, 16, 20, 21, 24], "int": [0, 3, 4, 23, 25, 28], "integ": [0, 10, 22, 25, 28, 29], "integr": [25, 28], "intel": 19, "intend": 16, "intenum": 0, "interfac": [9, 16, 23], "intermedi": 10, "interrupt": [0, 10], "interven": 10, "introduc": [19, 25, 28], "invalid_model": 0, "invalid_opt": 0, "invok": [10, 19], "io": 23, "ipopt": 22, "is_act": [13, 29], "is_constraint_act": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13], "is_library_load": 19, "is_variable_act": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 29], "isol": 16, "issu": 11, "iter": [0, 12, 14, 17, 19, 23, 25, 28], "iteration_limit": 0, "its": [10, 13, 29], "itself": [19, 22, 28], "j": [14, 25, 28], "jit": 19, "jk": 14, "jl": [22, 23, 27], "julia": 14, "jump": [9, 14, 22, 23, 27], "just": [10, 19, 25, 28], "k": 14, "kei": [0, 14], "kind": 10, "kwarg": [0, 1, 2, 4], "l": [25, 28], "lambda": [14, 25], "languag": [14, 22], "larg": [14, 18, 28], "last": 17, "later": 16, "latest": 16, "lazi": [10, 27], "lb": [0, 11, 12, 14, 19, 22, 23, 29], "ld_library_path": 19, "ldot": 17, "le": 13, "least": 22, "leav": [25, 28], "left": 19, "leq": [0, 10, 13, 17, 25, 28], "less": 0, "lessequ": [0, 13, 19], "lh": 17, "lib": [16, 19], "libcopt": 19, "libgurobi110": 19, "libhigh": 19, "libipopt": 19, "libmosek64": 19, "librari": [16, 17, 22], "licenc": [14, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28], "licens": [13, 15, 20, 23, 24], "lightweight": 28, "like": [10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28], "limit": [9, 13, 17, 23], "lin": 22, "linear": [0, 17, 18, 19, 22, 26], "linopi": 9, "linux": 19, "linux64": 19, "linux64x86": 19, "list": [0, 10, 12, 13, 14, 29], "live": 27, "llvmlite": 19, "load": 19, "load_librari": 19, "loadabl": 19, "loadsolut": 10, "local": [16, 19], "locally_infeas": 0, "locally_solv": 0, "locat": [9, 19], "log": 19, "look": 19, "lot": [9, 20], "low": 22, "lower": [12, 17, 19, 25, 28, 29], "lowerbound": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 17, 20, 21, 24, 29], "lowest": 17, "lp": [22, 23, 25, 27, 28], "lpiter": [25, 28], "lqcp": 9, "luo": 22, "lvert": 13, "m": [18, 22, 28], "m_n_constraint": 3, "m_n_variabl": 3, "machin": 16, "maco": 19, "macos_universal2": 19, "mai": [10, 12, 19, 23], "maintain": 28, "make": [11, 14, 16, 19, 28], "make_nd_vari": 0, "make_tupledict": [0, 11, 14, 17], "manag": [15, 17, 20, 23, 24, 28], "mani": [14, 18], "manipul": [14, 23, 25, 28], "manual": [15, 17, 20, 22, 24], "map": [0, 11], "martinu": 22, "match": 14, "mathbb": 13, "mathemat": 22, "mathoptinterfac": 23, "matrix": [14, 17, 19, 23, 25, 28], "max": [17, 25, 28], "maxim": [0, 12, 26], "mean": [14, 23], "measur": 9, "meet": 17, "memory_limit": 0, "met": 10, "metab0t": 9, "method": [11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 29], "miecp": 22, "migrat": 10, "milp": 22, "min": [14, 17, 19], "minim": [0, 12, 14, 19, 22, 23, 26], "mip": [10, 25, 28], "mipcandobj": 10, "mipsol": 10, "mipsol_obj": 10, "miqcqp": 22, "miqp": 22, "misc": 22, "misocp": 22, "miss": 14, "mit": [14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28], "mix": [10, 16, 22, 29], "mode": 16, "model": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 18, 25, 26, 27, 29], "model_copt": 10, "model_gurobi": 10, "modelattribut": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28], "modifi": [16, 17, 22, 23, 29], "modul": [0, 11, 22, 23, 25], "monitor": 10, "more": [10, 14, 19, 23, 28], "mosek": [0, 11, 13, 22, 23], "mosek64_10_1": 19, "mosek64_10_2": 19, "mosek_10_2_bindir": 19, "most": [10, 13, 14, 23, 25, 29], "mp": [23, 27], "mpl": 22, "msk_dpar_optimizer_max_tim": 24, "msk_ipar_intpnt_basi": 23, "msvc": 16, "multi": [14, 25], "multidimension": [14, 17], "multipl": [10, 14, 26], "multipli": [13, 18], "must": [16, 19], "myserver1": 20, "n": [9, 13, 14, 18, 22, 28], "n_d": 17, "n_g": 17, "name": [0, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29], "nanobind": [16, 22], "nativ": [22, 23], "ndarrai": 25, "nearly_feasible_point": 0, "nearly_infeasibility_certif": 0, "nearly_reduction_certif": 0, "necessari": 25, "need": [10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28], "new": [12, 14, 16, 17], "newer": 19, "next": [16, 17, 25], "nlp": [19, 22], "no_solut": 0, "node": [25, 28], "node_limit": 0, "nodecount": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24], "non": 13, "nondiagon": 11, "none": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 17], "nonlinear": [19, 22], "nonzero": [25, 28], "norm_limit": 0, "normal": [12, 14], "notat": 14, "notic": 14, "novic": 19, "np": [17, 25, 28], "nullspacedim": [14, 17, 19, 23], "number": [14, 15], "number_of_constraint": [1, 2, 3, 4], "number_of_vari": [1, 2, 3, 4], "numberofthread": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24], "numerical_error": 0, "numpi": [17, 22, 28], "obj": [10, 14, 17, 19, 22, 26], "object": [0, 1, 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28], "objective_limit": 0, "objectivebound": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24], "objectivesens": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26], "objectivevalu": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24], "objval": [10, 23], "obtain": [23, 25], "offici": [10, 19, 22], "often": 14, "onc": 22, "one": 25, "onli": [10, 13, 14, 19, 23], "open": [16, 17, 19, 22], "oper": [14, 18, 19, 29], "opt": [13, 19], "optim": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29], "optimize_not_cal": 0, "option": [12, 13, 14, 19], "optmodel": 28, "order": [10, 11, 16, 19, 22, 23], "organ": 16, "osx64x86": 19, "osxaarch64": 19, "other": [14, 19, 23], "other_error": 0, "other_limit": 0, "other_result_statu": 0, "otherwis": [13, 15, 19, 20, 24, 29], "our": [10, 14], "out": [19, 22], "output": [17, 23], "outputflag": 23, "overhead": 22, "own": [14, 22, 25], "p": [17, 25, 28], "p_": 17, "p_max": 17, "p_min": 17, "p_valu": 17, "packag": [16, 19, 22, 23], "page": [19, 22], "pair": 14, "paper": [9, 22], "param_nam": [1, 2, 3, 4], "paramet": [10, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23], "part": [10, 13, 16, 26, 28], "parti": 16, "pass": [10, 14, 15, 20, 23, 24], "path": [11, 17], "pattern": 14, "perform": [9, 11, 22], "philosophi": 28, "pip": [16, 19, 22], "place": [14, 18, 25], "placement": 25, "platform": 19, "pleas": [10, 13, 16, 22, 23], "poi": [10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29], "point": [10, 25, 28], "polynomi": 18, "posit": 25, "postsolv": [25, 28], "powebalance_constraint": 17, "power": 17, "powerbalance_": 17, "pprint": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 18], "practic": 28, "pre": [19, 22], "prepar": 9, "presolv": [23, 25, 28], "previou": [14, 25], "primal": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28], "primalstart": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 24, 29], "primalstatu": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24], "primaryclass": 22, "principl": [14, 25], "print": [14, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28], "problem": [9, 10, 13, 15, 19, 28, 29], "proc": [25, 28], "procedur": 23, "process": [9, 10, 28], "program": [10, 17, 19, 22, 23, 29], "progress": 27, "project": [16, 27], "properti": [0, 3, 13], "provid": [10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24], "pull": 16, "pump": [25, 28], "put": 19, "putlicensecod": 4, "py": 10, "pyomo": [9, 14, 22], "pyoptinterfac": [9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29], "pyoptinterface_benchmark": 9, "pypi": [11, 19, 22], "pyproject": 16, "pytest": 16, "python": [10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 25, 28], "qcqp": 22, "qp": [14, 17, 19, 22, 23], "quad": [14, 17, 19], "quadrat": [0, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26], "qualnam": 0, "queen": [22, 28], "queri": [10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 22, 29], "quicksum": [0, 14, 17, 25, 28], "quicksum_": [0, 14], "r": [13, 16, 25, 28], "rais": [13, 29], "ramp": 17, "rampdown_": 17, "rampdown_con": 17, "rampdown_constraint": 17, "rampup_": 17, "rampup_con": 17, "rampup_constraint": 17, "random": [25, 28], "rang": [0, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28], "raw_attribute_typ": 2, "raw_info_typ": 3, "raw_option_typ": 3, "raw_parameter_attribute_typ": 1, "raw_parameter_typ": [2, 4], "rawenv": 2, "rawmodel": [1, 2, 3, 4], "rawstatusstr": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24], "rc": [15, 20], "rdn": 17, "rdn_": 17, "re": 22, "reach": 10, "read": 17, "readabl": [12, 18, 28], "recent": [9, 16], "recogn": 19, "recommend": [19, 28], "recompil": 19, "record": 10, "redcost": 15, "reduc": [15, 20], "reduction_certif": 0, "refer": [10, 13, 23], "regist": 10, "reinstal": 16, "relat": 22, "relativegap": [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24], "relax": 10, "releas": 11, "remov": 22, "repair": [25, 28], "replac": [19, 23], "report": [25, 28], "repositori": 16, "repres": [13, 14, 17, 25, 28, 29], "represent": 14, "request": [9, 16], "requir": [11, 14, 16, 19, 23], "research": 22, "reserv": 0, "reserve_affin": 0, "reserve_quadrat": 0, "reshap": 17, "respect": 9, "respons": 28, "restrict": 14, "result": [9, 10], "resultstatuscod": [0, 23], "ret": 19, "retuen": 14, "return": [12, 13, 14, 17, 19], "revert": 19, "rh": [13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28], "right": [12, 13, 17, 19, 20], "root": 16, "rotat": [11, 13], "round": [9, 25, 28], "routin": 16, "row": [25, 28], "rule": [0, 14, 17], "run": [9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28], "runner": 13, "runtim": 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24, 29], "value_": 14, "value_0_6_asia": 14, "value_0_6_europ": 14, "value_0_7_asia": 14, "value_0_7_europ": 14, "value_1_6_asia": 14, "value_1_6_europ": 14, "value_1_7_asia": 14, "value_1_7_europ": 14, "value_2_6_asia": 14, "value_2_6_europ": 14, "value_2_7_asia": 14, "value_2_7_europ": 14, "var": [10, 12, 13], "vari": 23, "variabl": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28], "variable_1": 0, "variable_2": 0, "variableattribut": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 17, 29], "variabledomain": [0, 12, 13, 22, 25, 28, 29], "variableindex": 0, "variou": 22, "ve": 16, "vector": 25, "vendor": [10, 22], "veri": 22, "version": [11, 14, 19, 22], "version_str": [1, 2, 3, 4], "via": [16, 17, 19, 22], "view": 16, "viol": [25, 28], "visual": 25, "wai": [14, 28], "wall": 18, "want": [10, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24], "warn": 13, "we": [9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29], "web": 16, "weight": 13, "well": [16, 28], "wenchuan": 22, "what": [1, 2, 10], "when": 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24, 28], "modifi": [12, 13, 26], "mosek": [4, 19, 24], "multi": 12, "n": 25, "numpi": 25, "object": [12, 26], "oper": [15, 20, 21, 24], "optim": [9, 19, 22, 28], "order": 13, "other": 22, "overview": 16, "packag": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "paramet": [15, 20, 21, 24], "part": 12, "pass": 9, "path": 19, "pretti": [12, 18], "print": [12, 18], "problem": [17, 22, 25], "process": 16, "program": 9, "pyoptinterfac": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 22], "python": 22, "quadrat": 13, "queen": 25, "queri": 23, "roadmap": 27, "second": [9, 13], "set": [12, 13, 14], "setup": [15, 19, 20, 21, 24], "short": 22, "simpl": 19, "so": 13, "solut": 23, "solv": [9, 17, 19, 22, 23], "solver": [15, 20, 21, 24], "special": 13, "specif": [15, 20, 21, 24], "specifi": 19, "standard": [13, 23, 29], "start": 19, "submodul": 0, "support": [5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 22, 24], "tabl": 22, "time": 9, "tupledict": [12, 14], "unreleas": 11, "usag": 22, "valu": [12, 14, 18], "variabl": [5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15, 20, 21, 24, 29], "what": 22, 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Building Bigger Optimization Model