Cross Site "Scripter" (aka XSSer) is an automatic -framework- to detect, exploit and report XSS vulnerabilities in web-based applications.
It provides several options to try to bypass certain filters and various special techniques for code injection.
XSSer has pre-installed [ > 1300 XSS ] attacking vectors and can bypass-exploit code on several browsers/WAFs:
[Imperva]: Imperva Incapsula WAF
[WebKnight]: WebKnight WAF
[F5]: F5 Big IP WAF
[Barracuda]: Barracuda WAF
[ModSec]: Mod-Security
[QuickDF]: QuickDefense
[Sucuri]: SucuriWAF
[Chrome]: Google Chrome
[IE]: Internet Explorer
[FF]: Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine, used by Firefox/Iceweasel
[NS-IE]: Netscape in IE rendering engine mode
[NS-G]: Netscape in the Gecko rendering engine mode
[Opera]: Opera Browser
XSSer runs on many platforms. This install requires FreeBSD, Python 3.9 and you may install its dependencies with the following:
doas pkg install py39-pycurl py39-pygeoip pygobject3-common py39-gobject3 py39-cairocffi py39-selenium py39-beautifulsoup py39-setuptools
If you wish to use the GUI version, also run:
doas pkg install py39-pillow
- Python:
- PyCurl:
- PyBeautifulSoup4:
- PyGeoIP:
- PyGObject:
- PyCairocffi:
- PySelenium:
XSSer is released under the GPLv3. You can find the full license text in the LICENSE file.