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We need to pwn pppd using CVE-2020-8597 on MIPS. Nuff said.


We are given a MIPS VM (vmlinux + initramfs), which contains pppd v2.4.7. pppd is started via inittab as follows:

ttyS0::sysinit:/pppd auth local lock defaultroute nodetach ms-dns require-eap lcp-max-configure 100

The bug in question is fixed by, which shows that if we manage to trigger eap_request(), due to totally defunct bounds check we can supply a large rhostname, overwrite saved ra and get pc control.

The binary is compiled without any mitigations whatsoever, most importantly: no ASLR and no W^X.


First order of business is to establish some kind of debugging setup. The supplied VM lacks debugging tools, but I have a handy script that adds strace, gdb and even valgrind.

Ok, the tools are available, but how to apply them to conveniently debug the exploit, given that exploitation process ties up the only TTY? Over the network, of course! The supplied kernel is not stripped, as is sometimes the case during CTFs, and network Just Works™ by just adding -nic tap to the provided and injecting our own init that issues a bunch of ip commands before exec()ing the original one.

Two other modifications to qemu arguments are: -m 256M (maximum QEMU MIPS supports, believe it or not :-/) and -s (yes, for kernel debugging - we'll get to that).

Another thing that the injected init does is starting a bind shell with socat in the background. I didn't try ssh, because I thought it won't fit: the available memory must accommodate the kernel and both the compressed and uncompressed initramfs at a certain point in time.

There are two QoL problems with the bind shell: gdb takes ages to start in a VM, and Ctrl+C just kills the connection instead of interrupting the debugged program. Both of them can be solved by starting gdbserver over the bind shell, and connecting to it using gdb-multiarch from the host.

That's how debugging setup looked like at the end:

Step 0 - extract initramfs, needed for gdb:

rootfs$ gunzip <../rootfs.img | cpio -idv

Step 1 - needed because -nic tap requires root, and I didn't really want to run exploit as root. So I replicated orgas' setup instead:

$ sudo socat TCP-LISTEN:8848,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:./

Step 2 - run exploit. This cleans up old VMs and triggers startup of a new one. In the exploit I added pause() calls before critical actions, so that I would have some time to attach.

$ (sudo killall qemu-system-mipsel && sleep 1) ; ./ LOCAL DEBUG

Step 3 - configure host tap ip and start gdbserver:

$ sudo ip addr add dev tap0 ; nc 4444
# gdbserver --multi --attach $(pidof pppd)

Step 4 - attach and optionally set some breakpoints right away:

$ gdb-multiarch -ex 'set sysroot rootfs' \
                -ex 'target remote' \
                -ex 'b *0x430198' \
                -ex 'c' \

Phew, that was very involved, and is only as convenient as it gets. Still the effort paid off very handsomely and will most likely be usable for similar challenges in the future.

Existing exploit

There is something to try out, cool! The exploit looks neutered (to protect the guilty and innocent alike against script kiddies?) - there must be more than 256 As, and it's just DoS anyway - there is no payload, but it's a good start.

Ethernet headers must be stripped first though; I used a very lazy approach and ran the exploit against localhost, capturing the traffic in wireshark. It has indeed shown me the EAP request, which I copy-pasted, adjusted the number of As and length fields (using EAP RFC a a reference) and replayed against my instance. Aaand nothing - the server did not crash.

Talking to pppd

Surely I messed up the packet structure somehow - this can be easily resolved by setting a breakpoint on get_input() function and single-stepping to see which of the checks fails. Aaand nothing again - my packet is not even seen by pppd. Time to start using the brain, for better or worse.

First of all, PPP packets can be wrapped in multiple protocols - the existing exploit uses Ethernet, and the challenge most likely uses some kind of serial line. Correlating the packets that pppd sends when it starts with PPP RFC confirms this: the first two bytes are 0x7e 0xff, which corresponds to constant "flag" and "address" fields.

The third byte ("control") does not match though: it's 0x7d instead of the expected 0x3. Linux sources quite unhelpfully provide the following hint:

#define	PPP_ESCAPE	0x7d	/* Asynchronous Control Escape */

So.. it's some kind of undocumented "control" value that Linux uses? Well, no. After some mucking around I realized I need to use the information from Appendix A.: Asynchronous HDLC of the PPP RFC (the linux driver is called ppp_async.c, so this matches quite nicely). It defines the escaping mechanism: values less than 0x20 as well as 0x7d and 0x7e are escaped by prepending 0x7d byte and xoring the original byte with 0x20. Now it begins to make sense: in packets that pppd sends 0x7d on the third position is followed by 0x23, so this is the correct "control" value.

Ok, so it's clear that in the DoS attempt the encapsulation was messed up, but where is the packet? Reading the linux driver further brings us to the following function, which explains everything:

/* Called when the tty driver has data for us. Runs parallel with the
   other ldisc functions but will not be re-entered */

static void
ppp_async_input(struct asyncppp *ap, const unsigned char *buf,

So the transfer of data between PPP and TTY devices happens not in pppd, but in the kernel! There must be some ioctls to set that up, right? Sure there are!

Okay, so the kernel needs to be made happy first. It would be handy to single-step through the kernel code that handles packets, which can be achieved by attaching to qemu gdbserver that was enabled earlier with -s as follows:

gdb-multiarch -ex 'target remote localhost:1234' ./vmlinux

and setting breakpoints (symbols are not stripped, and the kernel version is known - v4.11.3, so asm can be correlated with the source code).

There are three kind of sort of crazy things in PPP RFC that must be taken into account:

  • Each packet must start and end with the 0x7e flag. This and this alone defines its length.
  • Escaping. What needs to be escaped are: bytes with small values (for whatever reason), as well as escape symbol itself and flags (reasonable).
  • FCS checksum. I call it crazy, because of the checking procedure: instead of computing the checksum of the original data and comparing the result with the checksum field, instead the checksum of the original data AND the checksum field is computed and compared with the constant value. Mathematically this is reasonable - why not?, but I have not seen anything like this before.

LCP state machine

Implementing the above is indeed enough to convince the kernel to pass the packet to pppd. However, again, no luck - pppd does not crash. Fortunately, single-stepping works now, so the brain can be switched back to the energy saving mode.

The reason EAP packet doesn't get far enough is that the following check fails:

     * Toss all non-LCP packets unless LCP is OPEN.
    if (protocol != PPP_LCP && lcp_fsm[0].state != OPENED) {

So some kind of LCP handshake is needed before interesting packets can be sent. By correlating section 5.1. State Diagram with lcp_fsm-related source code, I could come up with the following sequence: recv Configure-Request (that's what startup packets actually are), send Configure-Ack, send Configure-Request (curiously, pppd rejects such packets if they contain options it previously sent - probably has to do with options being applicable to each direction individually - so it's better to just make it empty), recv Configure-Ack.

And send EAP request. And, finally, KABOOM! SIGSEGV trying to execute code at address 0x414141. pc control achieved.


I thought I could make the challenge even more interesting by using ROP (well, no - in reality, I just forgot there was no W^X ;)), but this turned out to be an exercise in futility: I managed to call device_script(a0="sh", a1=STDIN_FILENO, a2=STDOUT_FILENO, a3=0), but I could not talk to my shell, because the kernel was still sitting in the middle and of course it did not like my cat flag command or anything that the shell would've sent back had it received it.

What was missing was a tty_disestablish_ppp(0) call to undo the unholy TTY/PPP union, however, I could not find any gadgets to call a function and then return to a controlled location (something like lw ra, X(sp); jr Y, where I control Y).

In desperation I finally remembered about W|X, and the rest was easy: the packets are stored in the global variable, so I just needed to put the shellcode that does tty_disestablish_ppp+execl somewhere in the packet and overwrite the return address with the address of that buffer.

That worked.

