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Releases: memsql/singlestore-odbc-connector

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.8-alpha

30 Mar 11:01
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This release includes the same changes as 1.0.8. The only difference is that when the driver is installed, its name is "SingleStore ODBC 1.0.8 Unicode/ANSI Driver" instead of "SingleStore ODBC Unicode/ANSI Driver". This is needed for testing and is not intended for general use.

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.7

30 Nov 17:52
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  • Fixed setting of length in SQLGetData

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.6

18 Nov 10:17
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  • Driver names have been changed to "SingleStore ODBC ANSI driver" and "SingleStore ODBC Unicode driver", i.e. they don't include the version
  • fixed bug in SQLColumns which caused driver to crash if the table of interest had more than 256 columns

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.5

05 Nov 13:40
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SQLColumns and SQLPrimaryKeys were modified to use SHOW COLUMNS and SHOW FIELDS statements instead of querying information_schema.columns. For databases with a big number of columns (>100k) this gives a significant performance improvement for SQLColumns and SQLPrimaryKeys.

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.4

18 Aug 19:27
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  • Added handling of SQL_C_DEFAULT to the SQLBindCol function

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.3

10 Aug 19:44
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  • Added support of anonymous code bocks
  • Fixed bug with merging options between DSN configuration file and connection string in SQLDriverConnect

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.2

05 Aug 18:11
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  • Fixed bug that caused a crash with the 7.5 version of SingleStore
  • Changed the way, statements are prepared when NO_SSPS is disabled. Now it is possible to execute a batch of statements that depends on each other

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.1

30 Jul 15:54
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  • Fixed tests for MacOS
  • Fixed searching of the default plugin directory for Windows
  • Fixed setting of defaults in Windows DSN GUI

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 1.0.0

15 Jul 12:44
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  • Updated Windows GUI
  • Fixed memory leaks
  • Changed default values of NO_CACHE and NO_SSPS
  • Changed default DECIMAL scale and precision for PowerBI
  • Fixed SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID for SQLProcedureColumns
  • Changed behavior when NO_SSPS is enabled, several arrays of parameters are provided and result returning query is executed to return the result for the last set of parameters
  • Fixed bug that cause resultset metadata to not be available after execution of SQLPrepare and before execution of SQLExecute with NO_SSPS disabled
  • Fixed type conversions in the case of NO_SSPS enabled
  • Fixed SQLNativeSQLW
  • Fixed SQLGetTypeInfo
  • Fixed SQLGetInfo
  • Updated C driver that is used under the hood

SingleStore Connector/ODBC 0.8.2-beta

09 Apr 19:30
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  • Changed UpgradeCode in the WIX installer