The Jandig platform prototype is a graphical representation of the platform developed using Figma Figma tool, it has the purpose of improving Jandig ARte platform's interface and user experience aspects. Thus, the High Fidelity Prototype is a representation of the platforms containing general usability improvements, used to arise activities to implement the suggested modifications.
The prototype must be accessed using Figma platform, follow the steps below to access the prototype:
1 - Login or Register on Figma platform;
2 - Download the prototype file to your computer;
3 - Select the "import file" option on figma's main screen and select the previously downloaded file;
5 - Access the prototype by clicking on the project.
1 - Access the prototype using Figma platform as written in the tutorial described in the previous section;
2 - Open an Issue describing changes to be made to the prototype or select an existing issue and contribute to the issue. In order to do this follow the contribution guide;
3 - After making changes to the prototype following the guidelines of the chosen or created issue, upload the file following the steps below:
1 - Download the new version of the prototype onto your computer using your Figma;
2 - Upload the file "jadig_prototype.fig" replacing the existing file with the updated version.