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File metadata and controls

153 lines (104 loc) · 3.67 KB


This project aims to simplify and automatize the conversion of case classes and heterogeneous lists from/to CSV. CaseCSV is a small library based on shapeless and the idea is to keep it small and easy to integrate in other projects. To use it, import the CSVConverter and create one for your case class (or HList):

import casecsv.CSVConverter

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

object Main extends App {
  val peopleSerialized = """john,19


This will print

Right(Person(john, 19))
Right(Person(smith, 26))
Right(Person(carl, 20))


To convert one value to CSV call the to method

> CSVConverter[Person].to(Person("john", 19))
res0: String = john,19

To convert multiple values to CSV call the toLines method

> CSVconverter[Person].toLines(Seq(Person("smith", 26), Person("carl", 20)))
res1: String =

To write the converted lines to file call the toFile method

CSVConverter[Person].toFile(filePath, Seq(Person("smith", 26), Person("carl", 20)))


To convert a CSV String to a value call the from method

> CSVConverter[Person].from("john,19")
res0: Result[Person] = Right(Person(john, 19))

The result of de-serialization is a Result, that is an alias for Either[String,A] where A is the type of the value to de-serialize. Left values are errors while Right are successfully de-serialized values.

To convert a list of CSV lines to values, call the fromLines method

> CSVConverter[Person].fromLines(Seq("john","smith,25")).foreach(println)
Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "")

To read a file into values call the fromFile method



Every method has an optional parameter to specify the separator character

> CSVConverter[Person].from("john|19", '|')
res0: Result[Person] = Right(Person(john, 19))


It is possible to work with heterogeneous lists instead of case classes with casecsv. The API is exactly the same:

> CSVConverter[Int :: String :: HNil].from("1,test")
Right(1 :: "test" :: HNil)

Extend the Library

The library is composed by two traits: the StringConverter, that converts a value from/to a string, and the CSVConverter, that converts value a from/to a CSV String. StringConverter is used for base types, such as Float and Boolean, and CSVConverter uses StringConver for serialized and de-serialized the fields of case classes or hlists.

The StringConverter can be extended with new types for, for example, supporting new field types. Let's do an example: we want to be able to de-serialize the Foo datatype

case class Foo(i: Int)

We add the StringConverter for it with

import casecsv.StringConverter

implicit def fooStringConverter = new StringConverter[Foo] {
  def from(s: String): Result[Foo] = tryOn(Foo(s.toInt))
  def to(f: Foo): String = f.i.toString

and that's it. We can then use Foo as field for our case class or hlist

> case class MyData(s: String, f: Foo)
> import casecsv.CSVConverter
> CSVConverter[MyData].from("foo,1")
Right(MyData("foo", 1))

More examples can be found in the StringConverter Object.


We accept contribution via pull requests.


This library is provided under the Apache License 2.0.