diff --git a/hub-prime/lib/techbd-udi-jooq-ingress.auto.jar b/hub-prime/lib/techbd-udi-jooq-ingress.auto.jar
index fb5f24bfef..eefb3a01d3 100644
Binary files a/hub-prime/lib/techbd-udi-jooq-ingress.auto.jar and b/hub-prime/lib/techbd-udi-jooq-ingress.auto.jar differ
diff --git a/hub-prime/src/main/java/org/techbd/service/http/hub/prime/ux/ContentController.java b/hub-prime/src/main/java/org/techbd/service/http/hub/prime/ux/ContentController.java
index 457f19508e..729cd91ba6 100644
--- a/hub-prime/src/main/java/org/techbd/service/http/hub/prime/ux/ContentController.java
+++ b/hub-prime/src/main/java/org/techbd/service/http/hub/prime/ux/ContentController.java
@@ -61,11 +61,16 @@ public String organizations(final Model model, final HttpServletRequest request)
return presentation.populateModel("page/content/organizations", model, request);
@RouteMapping(label = "SCN", title = "SCN", siblingOrder = 40)
public String scn(final Model model, final HttpServletRequest request) {
return presentation.populateModel("page/content/scn", model, request);
+ @GetMapping("/content/hrsn-data-tracker")
+ @RouteMapping(label = "HRSN Data Tracker", title = "HRSN Data Tracker", siblingOrder = 50)
+ public String hrsnDataTracker(final Model model, final HttpServletRequest request) {
+ return presentation.populateModel("page/content/hrsn-data-tracker", model, request);
+ }
diff --git a/hub-prime/src/main/resources/templates/page/content/hrsn-data-tracker.html b/hub-prime/src/main/resources/templates/page/content/hrsn-data-tracker.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bac550bc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hub-prime/src/main/resources/templates/page/content/hrsn-data-tracker.html
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ This widget offers an overview of interactions processed through the system. It includes columns such as Encountered Time, TechBD Tenant ID, IT Vendor, SCN, Bundle Resource Type, and Count. Users can filter and sort the data to analyze interactions effectively. The widget helps in identifying trends and patterns based on tenant-specific and SCN-specific details.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/udi-prime/src/main/postgres/ingestion-center/001_idempotent_interaction.psql b/udi-prime/src/main/postgres/ingestion-center/001_idempotent_interaction.psql
index f0dea0d778..e1cdcae768 100644
--- a/udi-prime/src/main/postgres/ingestion-center/001_idempotent_interaction.psql
+++ b/udi-prime/src/main/postgres/ingestion-center/001_idempotent_interaction.psql
@@ -3972,4 +3972,70 @@ WHERE
AND (((((sifcr.validation_result_payload -> 'validationResults'::text) -> 'report'::text) -> 'stats'::text) ->> 'errors'::text)::integer) > 0
- order by sifcr.created_at DESC ;
\ No newline at end of file
+ order by sifcr.created_at DESC ;
+This query retrieves interaction details from the techbd_udi_ingress.sat_interaction_fhir_request table. It includes interaction date, tenant ID (QE), IT vendor, SCN, type, and the count of interactions.
+SCN is determined based on tenant_id and patient_mrn_source_system, defaulting to NULL if patient_mrn_source_system is NULL.
+Filters exclude invalid bundles and specific URIs.
+Results are grouped by key fields and sorted in ascending order.
+ drop view if exists techbd_udi_ingress.hrsn_data_tracker cascade;
+ create or replace view techbd_udi_ingress.hrsn_data_tracker as
+ htt_req.created_at::date AS interaction_date,
+ htt_req.tenant_id AS qe_name,
+ case
+ WHEN htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system IS NULL THEN NULL
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healtheconn' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'HAHRSN' THEN 'Healthy Alliance'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'hixny' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'HAHRSN' THEN 'Healthy Alliance Foundation Inc.'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healtheconn' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'HVCCHRSN' THEN 'Hudson Valley Care Coalition, Inc.'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healtheconn' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'CCHRSN' THEN 'Care Compass'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healthix' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'HWCLI' THEN 'Health and Welfare Council of LI'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healthix' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'PHS' THEN 'Public Health Solutions'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healthix' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'SIPPS' THEN 'Staten Island PPS'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'bronxrhio' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'SOMOSFH' THEN 'Somos Healthcare Providers, Inc.'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'grrhio' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'FLIPAFH' THEN 'Finger Lakes IPA Inc.'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'grrhio' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'FLIPATN' THEN 'Finger Lakes IPA Inc. (Monroe County Only)'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healthelink' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'WNYICCFH' THEN 'Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative, Inc.'
+ ELSE SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5)
+ END AS scn,
+ -- Determine IT Vendor based on SCN and QE
+ case
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healtheconn' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'HAHRSN' THEN 'Unite Us'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'hixny' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'HAHRSN' THEN 'UniteUs'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healtheconn' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'HVCCHRSN' THEN 'Unite Us'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healtheconn' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'CCHRSN' THEN 'Unite Us'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healthix' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'HWCLI' THEN 'UniteUs'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healthix' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'PHS' THEN 'UniteUs'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healthix' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'SIPPS' THEN 'Channels360'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'bronxrhio' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'SOMOSFH' THEN 'FindHelp'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'grrhio' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'FLIPAFH' THEN 'FindHelp'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'grrhio' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'FLIPATN' THEN 'TogetherNow'
+ WHEN tenant_id_lower = 'healthelink' AND SPLIT_PART(htt_req.patient_mrn_source_system, '/', 5) = 'WNYICCFH' THEN 'FindHelp'
+ ELSE ''
+ END AS it_vendor,
+ WHEN 'ServiceRequest' = ANY(string_to_array(htt_req.resource_type_set, ', '))
+ OR 'Task' = ANY(string_to_array(htt_req.resource_type_set, ', '))
+ THEN 'Referral'
+ WHEN 'Consent' = ANY(string_to_array(htt_req.resource_type_set, ', '))
+ THEN 'Screening'
+ WHEN 'Condition' = ANY(string_to_array(htt_req.resource_type_set, ', '))
+ THEN 'Assessment'
+ END AS type,
+ COUNT(*) AS count
+FROM techbd_udi_ingress.sat_interaction_fhir_request htt_req
+ htt_req.uri = ANY (ARRAY['/Bundle/', '/Bundle', '/flatfile/csv/Bundle', '/flatfile/csv/Bundle/'])
+ AND htt_req.is_bundle_valid = true
+ AND htt_req.nature = 'Forwarded HTTP Response'
+ interaction_date, qe_name, it_vendor, scn, type
+ interaction_date DESC;
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