Welcome to Urban Company, your ultimate destination for professional services at your doorstep. Urban Company is a web application that connects users with professional service providers, offering a convenient and reliable way to get services at your doorstep. It's built using ReactJS for the frontend and JSON-Server for the backend (simulated data).
clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/meet-bhimani/Urban-company.git
navigate to the project folder
cd Urban-company
Navigate to the client directory:
cd client
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the React app
npm run dev
Open new terminal and navigate to the server directory:
cd server
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the JSON-Server
npm start
- User can register as normal user or service provider and login with their credentials
- Browse and search for various services offered.
- View all available services with functionalities to search/sort/filter
- View detailed information about each service, including descriptions, pricing, and provider details.
- Book appointments for services after successful login.
- Track the status of your bookings.
- Manage your profile and update personal information.
- Send query or message via contact us form
- Create and manage your profile, showcasing your expertise and services offered.
- Receive booking requests from users and manage appointments.
- Can add new services
- Filter various service request based on status like accepted service request or incoming service requests
- Send query or message via contact us form
- Manage users and service providers accounts and profiles.
- Manage service provider's services and can delete inappropriate services.
- analyze data in tabular format with functionality of search/sort/filter
- Can add new services for any service provider providing their Id
- Handle customer support and address user queries received from contact form.
- Redux: State management library for JavaScript apps.
- React Router DOM: Declarative routing for React applications.
- Formik: Form management library for React applications.
- Yup: JavaScript schema builder for value parsing and validation.
- Axios: Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
- Material-UI Data Grid: A customizable table component for displaying data.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for quickly building custom designs.
- tailwind-merge: A Tailwind CSS utility to merge multiple classes.
- React Slick: Carousel component built with React.
- React Icons: Icon library for React applications.
- React Helmet Async: Declarative meta tags management for React.
- React Spinners: Loading spinner components for React applications.
- PropTypes: Type checking library for React props.
- React Hot Toast: Toast notification library for React applications.
- Browser's localStorage API: Web API for storing data in the browser.