Presto is a Python service that aims to perform, most generally, on-demand media fingerprints at scale. In the context of text, fingerprints are transformer vectors - video is done by TMK, images by PDQ, and audio by chromaprint.
Presto performs text vectorization using different Hugging Face models. The texts are enqueued via a generic Queue class, which can either be a ElasticMQ (local) or SQS (production) instance. The project's directory structure consists of two main directories, model/
and queue/
, which contain classes for different models and queues, respectively. The test/
directory contains test classes for the different models and queues. Audio, Image, and Video fingerprinting are accomplished by specific packages aimed at those tasks. Text generates lists of floats as output (i.e. vectors), while Audio, Image, And Video generate string represented bitfields or hashes. Video additionally generates .tmk files which are ≈250kb files typically (though the file can technically grow as the video length grows).
This project requires the following dependencies, which are listed in the requirements.txt
- boto3==1.18.64
- pyacoustid==1.2.2
- sentence-transformers==2.2.0
- tmkpy==0.1.1
- torch==1.9.0
- transformers==4.6.0
Depending on your environment, and if you are using Docker directly or not, these dependencies may force you install other development packages.
To run the project, you can use the provided Dockerfile
, or start via docker-compose build && docker-compose up
. This file sets up the environment by installing the required dependencies and running the
file when the container is started. To build and run the Docker image from the Dockerfile directly, run the following commands:
docker build -t text-vectorization .
docker run -e MODEL_NAME=<model_name> -e INPUT_QUEUE_NAME=<input_queue_name> -e OUTPUT_QUEUE_NAME=<output_queue_name>
Here, we require at least one environment variable - model_name
. If left unspecified, input_queue_name
, and output_queue_name
will be automatically set to {model_name}
and {model_name}-output
. Depending on your usage, you may need to replace <input_queue_name>
, <output_queue_name>
, and <model_name>
with the appropriate values.
Currently supported model_name
values are just module names keyed from the model
directory, and currently are as follows:
- text model, usesmeedan/paraphrase-filipino-mpnet-base-v2
- text model, usesmeedan/indian-sbert
- text model, usesxlm-r-bert-base-nli-stsb-mean-tokens
- video modelimage.Model
- image modelaudio.Model
- audio model
The Makefile contains four targets, run
, run_http
, run_worker
, and run_test
. run
runs the
file when executed - if RUN_MODE
is set to http
, it will run the run_http
command, else it will run_worker
. Alternatively, you can call run_http
or run_worker
directly. Remember to have the environment variables described above defined. run_test
runs the test suite which is expected to be passing currently - reach out if it fails on your hardware!
file is the main routine that runs the vectorization process. It sets up the queue and model instances, receives messages from the queue, applies the model to the messages, responds to the queue with the vectorized text, and deletes the original messages in a loop within the queue.process_messages
function. The os.environ
statements retrieve environment variables to create the queue and model instances.
file is the HTTP server. We use FastAPI and provide two endpoints, which are described lower in this document. The goal of this HTTP server is to add items into a queue, and take messages from a queue and use them to fire HTTP call backs with the queue body to external services.
Presto is able to process_messages
via ElasticMQ or SQS. In practice, we use ElasticMQ for local development, and SQS for production environments. When interacting with a queue
, we use the generic superclass queue
. queue.fingerprint
takes as an argument a model
instance. The fingerprint
routine collects a batch of BATCH_SIZE
messages appropriate to the BATCH_SIZE
for the model
specified. Once pulled from the input_queue
, those messages are processed via model.respond
. The resulting fingerprint outputs from the model are then zipped with the original message pulled from the input_queue
, and a message is placed onto the output_queue
that consists of exactly: {"request": message, "response": response}
Models are defined by inheriting from the lib.model.model.Model
superclass - all models require a respond
function which accepts one or more messages
which are individual items popped from whatever queue
is currently in use. The number of messages a model
can consume concurrently is specified by the BATCH_SIZE
variable - if not explicitly set within the model, it defaults to 1 (i.e. single-threaded). It is the responsibility of anyone writing a new model to pack in whatever metadata is useful to transmit across the queue response into the return value of the respond
function - including returning the individual original messages (eventually we'll abstract that requirement out, but not today).
Messages passed to presto input queues must have the following structure, per each model type:
Input Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"text": "The text to be processed by the vectorizer"
Output Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"text": "The text to be processed by the vectorizer",
"response": [List of floats representing vectorization results],
Input Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"text": "The text to be processed by the vectorizer"
Output Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"text": "The text to be processed by the vectorizer",
"response": [List of floats representing vectorization results],
Input Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"url": "The URL at which the media is located",
Output Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"url": "The URL at which the media is located",
"bucket": "bucket within which the .tmk file is stored",
"outfile": "The filename of the .tmk file generated for the video",
"hash_value": "The shorter, getPureAverageFeature hash from tmk (used in first-pass approximation searches)",
Input Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"url": "The URL at which the media is located"
Output Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"url": "The URL at which the media is located",
"hash_value": [pyacoustid output hash value for the audio clip],
Input Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"url": "The URL at which the media is located",
Output Message:
"id": "A unique string ID that identifies the item being processed",
"callback_url": "A unique URL that will be requested upon completion",
"url": "The URL at which the media is located",
"hash_value": [pdqhasher output hash value for the image],
This endpoint pushes a message into a queue. It's an async operation, meaning the server will respond before the operation is complete. This is useful when working with slow or unreliable external resources.
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"message_key\":\"message_value\"}"
Replace sample_fingerprinter with the name of your fingerprinter, and message_key and message_value with your actual message data.
"message": "Message pushed successfully"
This endpoint receives a message from the Queue and sends a POST request to the URL specified in the callback_url field of the message. If the callback_url field is missing, the server will respond with a message indicating that there's no callback.
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"callback_url\":\"\", \"message\":\"Hello, world\"}"
Replace with the URL you want the server to call back to, and "Hello, world!" with the message you want to send.
"message": "Message Called Back Successfully"
If no callback_url is provided:
"message": "No Message Callback, Passing"