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Apigee X Trial Provisioning


This script creates an Apigee X evaluation organization and instance. It uses gcloud commands to create an Apigee runtime instance, a proxy MIG and a GCLB for external exposure.

Apigee X Ingress Diagram

The script follows the documentation installation steps. The relevant step numbers are added for easier cross-referencing.

If you provisioned an organization using the Apigee eval provisioning wizard, you can run this script to add the proxy MIG and GCLB configuration for external exposure.

A reference example of Command Line Provisioning for Apigee X.

Please refer to the documentation for the latest usage.


Note: To customize your installation with optional configuration parameters see below.

Run locally

You need to set up a PROJECT environment variable.

export PROJECT=<gcp-project-name>

Then you can run the script. You can use the --quiet option to skip the manual confirmation step.


Run locally with script on Github

To invoke the script directly from the github repo, use

curl -L | bash -

WARNING: A successful Provisioning organization... step takes 25-30 minutes to complete. According to the documentation: "This is a long running operation and could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour to complete." ->

After the script runs, it displays your RUNTIME_IP, RUNTIME_TLS_CERT location, your RUNTIME_HOST_ALIAS, and an example curl command to send a test request to an automatically deployed hello-world proxy.

When the script finishes, it takes an extra 5-7 minutes to provision the load balancing infrastructure. You can use the example curl command to run it until 200 OK is returned to ensure that Apigee X install is fully completed.

Sample Output (using the self-signed certificate option, see below):

export RUNTIME_IP=

export RUNTIME_TLS_CERT=~/mig-cert.pem

curl --cacert "$RUNTIME_TLS_CERT" "https://$RUNTIME_HOST_ALIAS/hello-world" -v \

A self-signed key and certificate are generated for your convenience. You can use your own certificate and key if you override $RUNTIME_TLS_CERT and $RUNTIME_TLS_KEY environment variables.

The curl command above uses --resolve for ip address resolution and --cacert for trusting the certificate.

To be able to execute requests transparently at your development machine, you need:

  1. Add the RUNTIME_TLS_CERT certificate your machine truststore;
  2. Add the RUNTIME_IP with the RUNTIME_HOST_ALIAS to your machine's /etc/hosts file.

Optional Customization

The following arguments can all be overridden (otherwise the indicated defaults are used):


You can override the network and subnetwork used to peer your Apigee X organization:

export NETWORK=default
export SUBNET=default

export PROXY_MACHINE_TYPE=e2-micro

Regions and Zones

You can override the following locations:

# Used for regional resources like routers and subnets
export REGION=europe-west1
# Used as the Apigee X runtime location (trial orgs are zonal only)
export ZONE=europe-west1-b
# Used as the Apigee analytics region (see docs for allowed values)
export AX_REGION=europe-west1

Certificates and Hostname

The following certificate options are supported and can be configured through the CERTIFICATES environment variable:

CERTIFICATES value Description Hostname
managed (default) Google-managed Certificates [external ip] (use for test purposes only)
generated Auto-Generated Self-Signed Certs $RUNTIME_HOST_ALIAS or else $
supplied User-supplied in RUNTIME_TLS_CERT and RUNTIME_TLS_KEY $RUNTIME_HOST_ALIAS or else $

Apigee X instance with Custom Networking Provisioning

VPC Network Planning

When working with custom networks, the first step we do is to plan a layout of your your network with regards to CIDR allocations. It is important because as a rule, allocated CIDR ranges should not overlap between VPCs and Kubernetes clusters. In our case, there are three decisions to make:

Custom Network exco-vpc
Network CIDR For routes and firewall rules, etc
Subnet exco-vpc-dev-subnet
Subnet Primary Range CIDR: CIDR IP Range: -, 65,536 IP addresses
Apigee X Peering Range /22 -- a default peering range for Apigee X Trial installation

For details on peering range, see: Understanding of Peering Ranges

For extended advise on the topic, including GCP recommended naming convention, see:

Bastion VM in a default network

This is an optional section. You can skip it if you know what you are doing. If it is your first time in GCP, follow these instructions.

As Apigee X instance provisioning is a long-running operation, it is recommended to use your working PC terminal or to provision a bastion VM. Bastion VM is also useful for troubleshooting, at it would be able to access private network addresses.

We are following Best Security Practices here to use a Bastion host and a Service Account to execute gcloud commands and not to expose operator credentials. For Details, see

We are going to:

  • create a Service Account;
  • add Editor and Network Admin roles to it;
  • provision a VM with scope and service account that will allow execute the provisioning script successfully;
  • invoke SSH session at the VM.
  1. In the GCP Console, activate Cloud Shell

  2. Define PROJECT variable

export PROJECT=<your-project-id>
  1. Create a service account for installation purposes.

Click at the Authorize button when asked.

export INSTALLER_SA_ID=installer-sa

gcloud iam service-accounts create $INSTALLER_SA_ID
  1. Add IAM policy bindings with required roles
roles='roles/editor roles/compute.networkAdmin'

for r in $roles; do
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
        --member="serviceAccount:$INSTALLER_SA_ID@$" \
  1. Create a compute instance with installer SA identity that will be used to execute script.
gcloud compute instances create bastion \
    --service-account "$INSTALLER_SA_ID@$" \
    --scopes cloud-platform
  1. In GCP Console, open Compute Engine/VM instances page, using hamburger menu.

  2. The for bastion host, click SSH button to open an SSH session.

Custom Network and Subnet Creation

  1. Define a PROJECT variable that holds the ID of your project and set $PROJECT as default.

    export PROJECT=<project-id>
    gcloud config set project $PROJECT
  2. Define environment variables that describe network topology

    export NETWORK=exco-vpc
    export SUBNET=exco-vpc-dev-subnet
    export REGION=us-central1
    export ZONE=us-central1-b
    export AX_REGION=us-central1
    export NETWORK_CIDR=
    export SUBNET_CIDR=
    export PEERING_CIDR=
  3. GCP: Create a VPC Network

    gcloud compute networks create "$NETWORK" \


    Created [<project>/global/networks/exco-vpc].
    exco-vpc  CUSTOM       REGIONAL
  4. Firewall Rules for internal, 22, and icmp traffic

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create "$NETWORK-allow-internal" --network "$NETWORK" --allow tcp,udp,icmp --source-ranges "$NETWORK_CIDR"


    Creating firewall...⠹Created [<project>/global/firewalls/exco-vpc-allow-internal].
    Creating firewall...done.
    exco-vpc-allow-internal  exco-vpc  INGRESS    1000      tcp,udp,icmp        False
    gcloud compute firewall-rules create "fr-$NETWORK-ssh" --network "$NETWORK" --allow tcp:22


    Creating firewall...⠹Created [<project>/global/firewalls/fr-exco-vpc-ssh].
    Creating firewall...done.
    fr-exco-vpc-ssh  exco-vpc  INGRESS    1000      tcp:22        False
  5. GCP: Create a network subnet

    gcloud compute networks subnets create "$SUBNET" \
        --network="$NETWORK" \
        --range="$SUBNET_CIDR" \


    Created [<project>/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/exco-vpc-dev-subnet].
    NAME                 REGION       NETWORK   RANGE
    exco-vpc-dev-subnet  us-central1  exco-vpc

Create Apigee X org and LB in custom network

  1. Install required utilities

    sudo apt install -y git jq
  2. Fetch apigee-x-provision utility

    git clone
    cd ~/devrel/tools/apigee-x-trial-provision/
  3. With Google-managed certificate

    ./ \
      --network "$NETWORK" \
      --subnet "$SUBNET" \
      --region "$REGION" \
      --zone "$ZONE" \
      --ax-region "$AX_REGION" \
      --certificates=managed \
      --peering-cidr "$PEERING_CIDR"

Shared VPCs

This section explains how to install Apigee X in a service project of a shared VPC.

Apigee X Shared VPC Diagram

First create network and subnet in your HOST_PROJECT and share it with your APIGEE_SERVICE_PROJECT.

export HOST_PROJECT=<your-Apigee-Host-Project>
export SERVICE_PROJECT=<your-Apigee-Service-Project>

To configure the VPC peering of Apigee X and firewall you first configure the host project:

export NETWORK=<your-shared-vpc>
export SUBNET=<your-shared-subnet>
./tools/apigee-x-trial-provision/ -p "$HOST_PROJECT" --shared-vpc-host-config

Once the script is done it will tell you the fully qualified NETWORK and SUBNET variables that you will need to provide:

# Sample output
export NETWORK=projects/<your Apigee Host Project>/global/networks/<your-shared-vpc>
export SUBNET=projects/<your Apigee Host Project>/regions/<your-gcp-region>/subnetworks/<your-shared-subnet>

Make sure you execute these exports and continue with the following script:

./tools/apigee-x-trial-provision/ -p "$SERVICE_PROJECT"
  1. Output of the provisioning command will provide you with a test request you can use to verify functionality of the Apigee X organization.

Troubleshooting section

Test connectivity from proxy VM to private Apigee endpoint

  1. In the GCP Console, Open Compute Engine/Instance templates page.

  2. Click on the apigee-proxy-[region] template

  3. Identify and make a note of the Custom Metadata section property called ENDPOINT, an IP address that server API requests.

  4. Open Compute Engine/VM instances page. Choose any of the apigee-proxy-xxxx VMs.

  5. SSH into it.

  6. Define convenience environment variables

    export ENDPOINT=
  7. Execute API request directly against apigee x runtime endpoint

curl -k "https://$HOSTNAME/hello-world"  --resolve "$HOSTNAME:443:$ENDPOINT"