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Day 12
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mohsen-biglari committed Dec 13, 2024
1 parent ba432d4 commit 5c632e5
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 0 deletions.
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions src/Day12.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
import Direction.*

fun main() {
data class Coord(val row: Int, val col: Int) {
fun move(direction: Direction) = copy(row = row + direction.y, col = col + direction.x)
fun neighbors() = listOf(Up, Down, Left, Right).map { move(it) }
fun isValid(size: Int) = row in 0..<size && col in 0..<size
fun isNeighbor(other: Coord) = neighbors().contains(other)
fun getEdgeFacing(other: Coord) = if (row == other.row) {
if (col < other.col) Right else Left
} else {
if (row < other.row) Down else Up

data class Edge(val coord: Coord, val direction: Direction) {
fun isConnected(other: Edge) = direction == other.direction && coord.isNeighbor(other.coord)
fun isHorizontal() = direction == Up || direction == Down

operator fun Array<Array<Int>>.get(index: Coord) = this[index.row][index.col]
fun Array<Array<Int>>.put(index: Coord, value: Int) {
this[index.row][index.col] = value

operator fun Array<CharArray>.get(index: Coord) = this[index.row][index.col]

data class ConnectedComponents(
val graph: Array<Array<Int>>,
val numOfComponents: Int,
) {

fun Coord.edges(): List<Edge> {
val component = graph[this]
return buildList {
neighbors().forEach { neighbor ->
if (neighbor.isValid(graph.size)) {
if (graph[neighbor] != component) add(Edge(this@edges, getEdgeFacing(neighbor)))
} else add(Edge(this@edges, getEdgeFacing(neighbor)))

fun numOfEdges(coord: Coord): Int {
val component = graph[coord]
return coord.neighbors().fold(0) { acc, neighbor ->
acc + if (neighbor.isValid(graph.size)) {
if (graph[neighbor] == component) 0 else 1
} else 1


class MapManager(
val map: Array<CharArray>,
) {
constructor(input: List<String>) : this( { it.toCharArray() }.toTypedArray())

private val size = map.size

private fun connectedComponents(
graph: Array<Array<Int>>,
start: Coord,
componentIndex: Int
) {
val queue = mutableSetOf<Coord>()
val char = map[start]

while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val curr = queue.elementAt(0)
graph.put(curr, componentIndex)
curr.neighbors().forEach { neighbor ->
if (neighbor.isValid(size) && map[neighbor] == char && graph[neighbor] == -1) {

private fun connectedComponents(): ConnectedComponents {
val graph = Array(size = size) { Array(size) { -1 } }
var componentIndex = 0

graph.forEachIndexed { row, rowChars ->
rowChars.forEachIndexed { col, _ ->
val coord = Coord(row, col)
if (graph[coord] == -1) {
connectedComponents(graph, coord, componentIndex)
return ConnectedComponents(graph, componentIndex)

fun fencePrice(): Long {
val connectedComponents = connectedComponents()
val areas = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
val perimeters = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()

connectedComponents.graph.forEachIndexed { row, rowChars ->
rowChars.forEachIndexed { col, component ->
val coord = Coord(row, col)
areas[component] = areas.getOrPut(component) { 0 } + 1
perimeters[component] = perimeters.getOrPut(component) { 0 } + connectedComponents.numOfEdges(coord)
return areas.keys.fold(0L) { acc, component ->
acc + areas[component]!! * perimeters[component]!!

private fun List<Edge>.numOfEdges(): Int {
var edgesCount = 0
var lastEdge = this[0]
for (i in 1..<size) {
val currEdge = this[i]
if (!currEdge.isConnected(lastEdge)) edgesCount++
lastEdge = currEdge
return edgesCount + 1

fun ConnectedComponents.numOfSides(coord: Coord): Int {
val component = graph[coord]
val horEdges = mutableSetOf<Edge>()
val verEdges = mutableSetOf<Edge>()
val queue = mutableSetOf<Coord>()
val visited = mutableSetOf<Coord>()

while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val curr = queue.elementAt(0)
curr.edges().forEach {
if (it.isHorizontal()) horEdges.add(it) else verEdges.add(it)
curr.neighbors().forEach { neighbor ->
if (neighbor.isValid(size) && graph[neighbor] == component && !visited.contains(neighbor)) {
val horEdgesPerRow = horEdges.groupBy { it.coord.row }
var horEdgesCount = 0
horEdgesPerRow.forEach { (_, edges) ->
val upSorted = edges.filter { it.direction == Up }.sortedBy { it.coord.col }
val downSorted = edges.filter { it.direction == Down }.sortedBy { it.coord.col }
if (upSorted.isNotEmpty()) horEdgesCount += upSorted.numOfEdges()
if (downSorted.isNotEmpty()) horEdgesCount += downSorted.numOfEdges()

val verEdgesPerCol = verEdges.groupBy { it.coord.col }
var verEdgesCount = 0
verEdgesPerCol.forEach { (_, edges) ->
val leftSorted = edges.filter { it.direction == Left }.sortedBy { it.coord.row }
val rightSorted = edges.filter { it.direction == Right }.sortedBy { it.coord.row }
if (leftSorted.isNotEmpty()) verEdgesCount += leftSorted.numOfEdges()
if (rightSorted.isNotEmpty()) verEdgesCount += rightSorted.numOfEdges()
return horEdgesCount + verEdgesCount

fun fenceBulkDiscountPrice(): Long {
val connectedComponents = connectedComponents()
val areas = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
val edges = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()

val visited = mutableSetOf<Int>()
connectedComponents.graph.forEachIndexed { row, rowChars ->
rowChars.forEachIndexed { col, component ->
val coord = Coord(row, col)
areas[component] = areas.getOrPut(component) { 0 } + 1
if (!visited.contains(component)) {
edges[component] = connectedComponents.numOfSides(coord)
return areas.keys.fold(0L) { acc, component ->
acc + areas[component]!! * edges[component]!!

fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
return MapManager(input).fencePrice()

fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
return MapManager(input).fenceBulkDiscountPrice()

val testInput11 = readInput("Day12_test1")
check(part1(testInput11) == 140L)
check(part2(testInput11) == 80L)
val testInput12 = readInput("Day12_test2")
check(part1(testInput12) == 1930L)
check(part2(testInput12) == 1206L)

val input = readInput("Day12")

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