diff --git a/environments.html.md.erb b/environments.html.md.erb
index 668570eb..25be8920 100644
--- a/environments.html.md.erb
+++ b/environments.html.md.erb
@@ -44,9 +44,18 @@ Pivotal Web Services (PWS) is a highly-available, production-scale PCF environme
### Shared PCF Development Environments for Pivotal Partners
-Pivotal operates and manages a number of shared PCF development environments, called Pivotal Integration Environments (PIEs), for Pivotal Technical Partnership Program (PTPP) program members to develop their tiles on.
-To access the URLs and login credentials for these environments, log into the [Tile Dashboard](https://tile-dashboard.cfapps.io/static/index.html#/environments) using the same credentials that you use for [Pivotal Partners Slack](https://pivotalpartners.slack.com/).
+Pivotal operates and manages a number of shared PCF development environments,
+called Pivotal Integration Environments (PIEs),
+for Pivotal Technical Partnership Program (PTPP) program members to develop their tiles on.
+To use your assigned PIE environment:
+1. Log in to the Pivotal [Tile Dashboard](https://tile-dashboard.cfapps.io/)
+using the credentials that you use for [Pivotal Partners Slack](https://pivotalpartners.slack.com/).
+1. Click the `pie-xx` environment assigned to you.
+1. You can log in to Ops Manager with the given Ops Manager URL and credentials.
+1. You can log in to Apps Manager or the cf CLI with the Cloud Foundry information provided on the same page.
+>>>>>>> 7606438... PR edits [#156938990]
If you are not in the PTPP or cannot access Pivotal Partners Slack, email isv@pivotal.io.