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300 lines (193 loc) · 3.84 KB

File metadata and controls

300 lines (193 loc) · 3.84 KB

Git basics

Commit routine:

git status
git add ...
git status
git commit -m "${commit message}" -m "${commit description}"


Show changes on staged files only:

git diff --staged


Show file differences at a smaller scope than a line:

git diff --color-words   # word-wise
git diff --color-words=. # character-wise


Fix last commit message (safe for local commits):

git commit --amend -m "${new commit message}"


Undo last commit (safe for local commits):

git reset HEAD~1


List branches by date:

git branch --sort=committerdate


List remote branches:

git branch -r


Switch branches:

git checkout ${existing branch}


Create a new branch and switch to it:

git checkout -b ${new branch}


Rename current local branch:

git branch -m ${new branch name}


Delete a local branch:

git branch -D ${existing local branch}


Push new branch to remote repository:

git push -u origin ${local branch}


Remove branches that no longer exist on the remote, then update:

git fetch -p # or --prune


List files modified between two commits:

git diff --name-only ${commit A} ${commit B}


Create a patch, check it, apply it:

git diff ${commit A} ${commit B} > diff_fromA_toB.patch
git apply --check diff_fromA_toB.patch
git apply diff_fromA_toB.patch


Export one commit as a detailed patch file:

git format-patch -1 ${commit}


Apply version of a file from another branch:

git checkout ${reference branch} -- ${file}


Apply existing commit without commiting:

git cherry-pick -n ${commit}


Reset the state of a file:

git checkout -- ${file}


Reset the state of a branch:

git checkout ${branch}
git reset --hard origin/${branch}


Put aside current changes for later use (called stash):

git stash push -m "${description}"


List stash entries:

git stash list


Show a stash as a patch:

git stash show -p ${stash index}


Apply a stash:

git stash apply ${stash index}


Remove a stash:

git stash drop ${stash index}


Apply and remove a stash at the same time:

git stash pop ${stash index}


Put aside changes for unstaged files only:

git stash --keep-index


Put aside changes for some files only:

git stash push -m "${description}" -p ${file 1} ${file 2} ... ${file N}


Apply the latest stash on some files only:

git checkout stash@{0} -- ${file 1} ${file 2} ... ${file N}


Revert up to some specific commit and loose intermediate history (does not work on a protected branch):

git reset --hard ${commit}
git push origin HEAD --force


Add up-stream project and rebase on it:

# from the fork repository:
git remote add upstream ${Git project URL, either SSH or HTTP}
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/${branch}


Display all commit messages (subject and body) separated by a line containing -- written in blue:

git log --format=%B%Cblue--%Creset


Display the first commit of some user in current branch:

git log --author="${user}" --reverse | head -4


Display the list of all users:

git shortlog --summary --numbered --email


Display ignored files:

git status --ignored


Use libsecret as a credential manager for git on Linux:

sudo apt-get install make gcc libsecret-1-0 libsecret-1-dev libsecret-tools seahorse
cd /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/credential/libsecret && sudo make
git config --global credential.helper /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/credential/libsecret/git-credential-libsecret