Image/doc tips:
- lossless JPEG cropping
- lossless JPEG rotating (
jpegtran -rotate 90 -perfect input.jpg > output.jpg
) convert -page A5 input.jpg output.pdf
- pdfsandwich
- how to install jpegtran:
sudo apt install libjpeg-progs
montage image{1,2,3}.png -tile 1x3 -geometry +0+0 images.png
mogrify ... *.png
pdfimages -list input.pdf
pdfimages -all input.pdf prefix
pdfimages -png input.pdf prefix
pdfinfo input.pdf
qpdf --stream-data=uncompress compressed.pdf uncompressed.pdf
qpdf uncompressed.pdf compressed.pdf
qpdf --qdf --object-streams=disable in.pdf out.pdf
- enable PDF operations in ImageMagick
Audio tips:
- choose MP3 compression bitrate and quality
- Compresser en AAC CBR avec FFMpeg sans bibliothèque additionnelle :
ffmpeg -i input.wav -c:a aac -b:a 160k output.m4a
Windows tips:
- check uptime command, and add alternative command using
- check uptime command, and add alternative command using
Linux tips:
- simpler alternative command to finding text in files using grep with some options?
- XFCE: add type-related send-to commands in file manager
sudo groupadd restricted
,sudo usermod -aG restricted jdoe
,id jdoe
sudo chown root:root /home/jdoe
,sudo chmod 755 /home/jdoe
,sudo chown jdoe:jdoe sub_dir
SFTP basics :
get [-r]
,put [-r]
,pwd #remote
,lcd #local
,lpwd #local
Java 8:
CLI general:
- check POSIX compliance of cli-general
- strace basics
- Remplacer les retours à la lignes Windows par :
cat file | tr "\r\n" "##"
- Exemple de substitution en perl vers la sortie standard :
perl -p -e 's/parent\.VARIABLES\.(\w+)/parent.VARIABLES.X.$1/g' file > file2
- Exemple de substitution en perl avec remplacement sur place :
perl -pi.bak -e 's/parent\.VARIABLES\.(\w+)/parent.VARIABLES.X.$1/g' file
- Extraction des lignes contenant
dans tous les .html :find . -name "*.html" | xargs grep "parent.VARIABLES" | sed -e 's/html:/~/' | cut -d~ -f2- | sort -u
- Liste des fichiers .html contenant
:find . -name "*.html" | xargs grep parent.VARIABLES | cut -d: -f1 | sort -u
- Ajouter une ligne "toto" avant chaque ligne "tata" :
perl -ni.bak -e 'print "toto\n" if $_ =~ /tata/; print;' file
- Ajouter une ligne "toto" avant la premiere ligne "tata" :
perl -ni.bak -e 'BEGIN{$c=0} print "toto\n" if $_ =~ /tata/ and 0 == $c++; print;' file
VIM basics:
, :q!
- insert an empty first line in a comment : insert a soft hyphen (
) just before the carriage return
- insert an empty first line in a comment : insert a soft hyphen (
xmllint --xpath "//*[local-name()='stage']/@name" $f 2>/dev/null
xmllint --format document.xml
- install Ubuntu via WSL 2 : PS> wsl --install Ubuntu
- install Windows Terminal without having access to the Windows Store
- set default terminal in Windows Terminal
- add GitBash profil into Windows Terminal
- GitBash cygpath
k get <kind> --show-labels
,k get CiliumNetworkPolicy
k delete <kind> <name> -n <namespace>
k get account <account>
helm list -n <namespace>
### Delete untracked files ###
git clean --dry-run # files are not deleted for real
# ...
git clean -f # files are deleted straightaway
# ...
git clean -i # interactive: git asks for what to do
# ...
### Start an interactive rebase session ###
git rebase -i HEAD~$N
# explain