- Add featured image in index pages.
- Add page template portfolio custom post type.
- Fix the single page name for portfolio custom post type.
- Add image size support for the theme.
- Add user portfolio support for theme.
- Implemets logo api.
- Add post format support for all post formats except Status, Aside, Image.
- Change the avatar size(50x50) when it is uploaded.
- When the avatar feature is added it should come with default image not with empty one.
- Remove the social urls from index pages. And show them all on single pages at the end of post.
- Add excerpt limit and add it to customization.
- Show search bar in header.
- Add a post meta box named "Post subtitle" after post formats in post editing area. Add text area in it.
- Add a new function which will take parameter number and will show number of categories provided in parameter.
- Use above category function on standard post showing single category in index page.
- Show all categories and all tags on bottom of single post page.
- Create a new function which will show estimated time reading.
- truncate_by_words function with parameter get_excerpt, number_of_chars, suffix for expert limitation (can contain HTML tags).
- Create a function userPost that will return a array like this:
userPost["dataPublished"]---------- returns date of published in ugly format i.e 2015-02-05T08:00:00+08:00
userPost["datamodified"]----------- returns date of modified in ugly format i.e 2015-02-05T08:00:00+08:00
userPost["featuredImage"]---------- returns post's featured image URL
userPost["featuredImageWidth"]---- returns post's featured image width
userPost["featuredImageHeight"]--- returns post's featured image height
userPost["authorName"]------------- returns author's name
userPost["authorImage"]------------- returns author's image
userPost["postPublisher"]------------ returns the name of Organization (the user will set in customizer - needed for schema.org)
userPost["blogLogo"]---------------- returns the URL of blog logo
userPost["blogLogoWidth"]---------- returns the width of Logo image
userPost["blogLogoHeight"]--------- returns the height of Logo image
userPost["tags"]---------------------- returns an array of tags separated by commas - Create two funtions that displays the date (and time) a post was published and last modified respectively (format: 2015-02-05T08:00:00+08:00 )
- Create function that displays the width and height in array of featured image of current post.
- Remove function the_leader_posted_on() from content.php and create separate functions that shows 'posted on', 'author name' and 'author image (only URL)' respectively. - Dealyed for some time.
- Add schema.org markups to blog