All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See commit-and-tag-version for commit guidelines.
4.0.0 (2024-08-23)
- Added DictionaryLookupArray operation (64a24fc)
- Each operation has its own character and array element limits now (64a24fc)
Finally PHP 8.0 is supported now (PHP7 still supported)
Added DictionaryLookup call
Added PSR6 compatible Cache support
Upgraded to Buzz Browser v1.2
- Any PSR7 compatible adapter should work with it
Some detected BC breaks
- Dropped PHP5.6 compatibility
- AzureTokenCache and CachedClient constructors changed to support PSR6 caches
- This means Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache is no longer supported
- Buzz Browser upgrade forces new initialization process