A vuejs based dashboard framework. Demo
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
- Value - Simple numeric value with before / after text
- Text - Text / html value tile
- List - List of label and value items
- Battery - A battery level indicator
- Gauage - A gauge display
- Level - A vertical level display
- Chart - A line, bar or doughnut chart
- Sparkline - A spirkline style chart
- Indicator - A true/false indicator
- Date Time - A date time value (updates every 1 second)
- Weather - Outputs the temperature / icon of a city (updates every 15 minutes)
- Percentile Value - Show an up / down percentile change of value
- Min Value - Tracks the minimum value of passed readings
- Max Value - Tracks the maximum value of passed readings
- Avg Value - Calculate an average value of passed readings
- Ema Value - Exponential moving average of passed readings
- Animated Number - Animates a number change
This framework uses the spatie.be dashboard framework as it's starting point, using the same "spreadsheet" style grid layout system.
Copyright © 2017 Matt Brialsford. Licensed under the MIT License