diff --git a/Network/time_machine_traveler.py b/Network/time_machine_traveler.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..47de6569f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Network/time_machine_traveler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Time Machine Traveler Helper
+# v1.0
+# Pavel Zhovner
+# zhovner
+# https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/774290/132701329-36b01255-50f4-4902-8ea3-0088edb38b2b.jpg
+# Helps run remote Time Machine. Test network speed to SMB server and start backup only if SMB server is speed enough.
+# python3,iperf3,osascript
+#string(SMB_SHARE_ADDRESS=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(WORKGROUP_NAME=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(SMB_MOUNT_PATH=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(SMB_USER=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(SMB_SHARE_PATH=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(SPEED_TEST_SERVER=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(SPEED_TEST_DURATION=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(SPEED_TEST_TIMEOUT=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(MIN_SPEED=""): Your SMB share address
+#string(MAX_LOAD_AVERAGE=""): Your SMB share address
+### Requirements
+# brew install python3 iperf3
+# pip3 install osascript
+### How to use:
+# 1. Mount remote SMB share and save credentials in system keychain
+# 2. Configure Time Machine to SMB share in System Preferences. Make sure that first backup is created correctly
+# 3. Disable automatic backup in Time Machine
+# 4. Setup this script
+import subprocess
+import json
+import glob
+import os
+import time
+import sys
+import datetime
+# If you still have this error after install osascript, try to set right python3 shell bang
+ import osascript
+except ImportError:
+ generate_output('''Can't import osascript module
+Run: pip3 install osascript''', status='FATAL_ERROR')
+def generate_output(message, status):
+ if status == 'FATAL_ERROR':
+ print("⚠️")
+ print("---")
+ print("Time Machine Travel Helper | font=LucidaGrande-Bold")
+ print("---")
+ print("Fatal error:")
+ print(message)
+ if status == 'IDLE':
+ print("🕒")
+ print("---")
+ print("Time Machine Travel Helper | font=LucidaGrande-Bold")
+ # TODO: Show latest backup date
+ print("Last Run: " + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d %b %Y - %H:%M") + " | size=10")
+ print("---")
+ print(message)
+ print("Skipping backup...")
+ if status == 'RUN':
+ print("🌀")
+ print("---")
+ print("Time Machine Travel Helper | font=LucidaGrande-Bold")
+ print("---")
+ # TODO: Show backup status and progress
+ print("Backuping...")
+ # Manually run button
+ print("---")
+ print("Run now | refresh=true")
+ # Trying to print some logs if we have some
+ try:
+ # Output log in dropdown menu
+ print("Logs")
+ # Current time machine path settings
+ print("-- Time Machine Settings:")
+ for l in TMUTIL_SETTINGS.splitlines():
+ print("-- " + l)
+ # SMB status
+ # Display upload speed
+ print("-- ")
+ print("-- Speed Test to: " + SPEED_TEST_SERVER)
+ print("-- ====================================================")
+ print("-- Upload Speed: " + str(UPLOAD_SPEED) + " Mbits/sec")
+ # List Time Machine bundles files
+ print("-- ")
+ print("-- Found " + str(len(TIME_MACHINE_BACKUPS)) + " Time Machine files:")
+ print("-- ====================================================")
+ print("-- " + str(l))
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Stop script after print logs
+ # we need to always exit with 0 because of xbar
+ exit(0)
+# Settings VARIABLES
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+SMB_USER = os.environ["SMB_USER"]
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#### Script exit status to draw correct icon
+STATUS = ""
+#### Print Time Mahcine settings
+TMUTIL_SETTINGS_SUB = subprocess.run(["tmutil", "destinationinfo"], capture_output=True)
+# Stop if Time Machine not configured
+if "No destinations configured" in TMUTIL_SETTINGS:
+ generate_output("Time Machine not configured",status='FATAL_ERROR')
+#### Check Load Average. Exit if system busy
+LA = round(os.getloadavg()[0])
+ generate_output("System load is to high.",status='IDLE')
+#### Check if Time Machine running
+# exit if backup running
+# TODO: Display running progress
+# Use python tmutil function if need more info from running time machine process
+# https://gist.github.com/andrewbenson/cc5fd79ff6999f0524b8979fe17937a3
+TMUTIL_PHASE_SUB = subprocess.run(["tmutil", "currentphase"], capture_output=True)
+TMUTIL_PHASE = str(TMUTIL_PHASE_SUB.stdout, 'utf-8').strip()
+if TMUTIL_PHASE != "BackupNotRunning":
+ generate_output("Backup is running...",status='RUN')
+#### Check if SMB share availible
+SMBUTIL_SUB = subprocess.run(["smbutil", "status", SMB_SHARE_ADDRESS], capture_output=True)
+SMB_CHECK_RESULT = str(SMBUTIL_SUB.stdout, 'utf-8').strip()
+# Check if SMB share connect have workgoup name
+# Oterwise stop because SMB share not reacheble
+ generate_output("SMB " + SMB_SHARE_ADDRESS + " not availible.",status='IDLE')
+#### Run Network Speed Test
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ IPERF_SUB = subprocess.run(
+ ["/opt/homebrew/bin/iperf3",
+ "--connect-timeout", SPEED_TEST_TIMEOUT, # Drop connection in laggy network
+ "--time", SPEED_TEST_DURATION, # Run speed test shorter then default 10 seconds
+ "--json", # Output in JSON format
+ "--client", SPEED_TEST_SERVER], # Connects to Speed Test server in client mode
+ capture_output=True)
+ generate_output("iperf3 failed to run",status='FATAL_ERROR')
+# Convert iperf3 output to valid JSON
+IPERF_RESULT = str(IPERF_SUB.stdout, 'utf-8') # Convert bytes to string
+# Exit if error key found
+if "error" in IPERF_JSON:
+ generate_output("iperf3: " + IPERF_JSON["error"],status='FATAL_ERROR')
+# Else calculate the upload speed and decide if it's enough to start Time Machine
+ USPEED_FLOAT = IPERF_JSON["end"]["sum_sent"]["bits_per_second"]
+ UPLOAD_SPEED = round(USPEED_FLOAT) // 1000000
+ if int(UPLOAD_SPEED) < int(MIN_SPEED):
+ generate_output("Internet is too slow: " + str(UPLOAD_SPEED) + " Mbits/sec\n" + "Minimum is: " + str(MIN_SPEED) + " Mbits/sec",status='IDLE')
+#### Mounting SMB share if not mounted. Using osascript (hardest part)
+if not os.path.isdir(SMB_MOUNT_PATH):
+ #print(SMB_MOUNT_PATH + " not founded. Trying to mount...")
+ OSA_ARGS = 'tell application "Finder" to mount volume ' + '"smb://' + SMB_USER + '@' + SMB_SHARE_ADDRESS + '/' + SMB_SHARE_PATH + '"'
+ osacode,osaout,osaerr = osascript.run(OSA_ARGS)
+ #time.sleep(1)
+# Looking for a SMB Path again after mount
+if not os.path.isdir(SMB_MOUNT_PATH):
+ generate_output("Mount " + SMB_MOUNT_PATH + " Failed",status='FATAL_ERROR')
+ #print("Command used to mount via osascript: " + str(OSA_ARGS))
+#### Looking for *.sparsebundle files on SMB share
+# exit if not founded
+# Create Time Machine backup manually before using this script
+TIME_MACHINE_BACKUPS = glob.glob(SMB_MOUNT_PATH + "/*.sparsebundle")
+ print_error("Time Machine files not found on SMB share.\n Run Time Machine first time manually before using this script")
+#### Run Time Machine backup
+TIME_MACHINE_SUB = subprocess.run(
+ ["tmutil",
+ "startbackup"],
+ capture_output=True)
+if TIME_MACHINE_SUB.returncode != 0:
+ #print("ERROR: Time Machine Starting Failed!")
+ #osacode,osaout,osaerr = osascript.run('display notification "⚠️ ERROR: Time Machine Starting Failed!" with Title "Time Machine Helper"')
+ print_error('Time Machine start failed\n run: "tmutil startbackup" in terminal')
+### Check if Time Machine really starts backup
+TMUTIL_PHASE_SUB = subprocess.run(["tmutil", "currentphase"], capture_output=True)
+TMUTIL_PHASE = str(TMUTIL_PHASE_SUB.stdout, 'utf-8').strip()
+if 'BackupNotRunning' in TMUTIL_PHASE:
+ generate_output('Time Machine not started\n Run manually: \"tmutil startbackup\" in terminal',status='FATAL_ERROR')
+# Generate output
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
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