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International official finance

Indicator Indicator ID
Net ODA received, US$ in_oda_net_constant
Gross ODA received, US$ in_oda_gross_constant
Net ODA produced by OECD DAC members, US$ out_oda_net_constant
ODA per person living on under $1.90 a day, US$ oda_per_poor_person_constant
Net ODA provided by DAC members, % of GNI oda_percent_gni
Net ODA provided by DAC members to LDCs, % of GNI oda_to_ldcs_percent_gni
Gross long-term other official flows and export credits received, US$ in_oof_gross_constant
Net other official flows and export credits provided, US$ out_oof_net_constant
Net ODA provided by non-DAC donors, US$ out_ssc_net_constant
Net ODA provided by non-DAC donors, % of GNI ssc_percent_gni

Internation finance

Indicator Indicator ID
Largest international resource flow largest_intl_flow
Total international resource flows, % of GDP intl_resources_total_percent_gdp
ODA, % of international resource flows oda_percent_intl_resources
Foreign direct investment, % of GDP fdi_percent_gdp
Foreign direct investment per person, US$ fdi_pp
Remittances received per person, US$ remittances_pp


Indicator Indicator ID
Fragile states fragile_states
Climate vulnerability climate_vulnerability
Human hazard and exposure score human_hazard
Natural hazard and exposure score natural_hazard
Number of UN-coordinated appeals number_of_un_appeals
Number of appearances on ECHO's Forgotten Crisis Assessment index forgotten_crisis
Number of people displaced due to human hazards by hosting country displacement

Government finance

Indicator Indicator ID
Government revenue per person (excluding grants), 2011 PPP$ non_grant_revenue_ppp_pc
Government revenue per person (including grants), 2011 PPP$ total_revenue_ppp_pc
Government revenue (excluding grants), % of GDP govt_revenue_pc_gdp
Government revenue (including grants), % of GDP total_revenue_percent_gdp
Grants, % of government revenue grants_percent_total_revenue
Government spending per person, 2011 PPP$ govt_spend_pc


Indicator Indicator ID
Number of people living in extreme poverty poor_people_190
% of population living in extreme poverty poverty_190
Depth of extreme poverty (poverty gap) depth_of_extreme_poverty_190
% of population living on less than $3.10 a day poverty_310
Number of people in the P20 2013_p20_population
% of people in the P20 percent_in_p20_national
% of people in the P20 (subnational level) Data not fetched from API
% of people in the P20 (survey level) Data not fetched from API

Humanitarian finance

Indicator Indicator ID
Humanitarian assistance, US$ in_ha

Data revolution

Indicator Indicator ID
Latest (planned) population census latest_census
Latest (planned) household survey latest_hh_survey
Number of poverty surveys in past 10 years number_of_surveys
Latest (planned) agricultural census agricultural_census
Vital statistics from civil registration (births) civil_reg_births
Vital statistics from civil registration (deaths) civil_reg_deaths
Health management information system health_mis
Education management information system educ_mis
Statistical capacity stat_capacity

Forward looking ODA

Indicator Indicator ID
UK, DFID planned budgets, US$ iati_budgets_gb
Canada, Global Affairs planned budgets, US$ iati_budgets_ca
Denmark, DANIDA and Foreign Affairs planned budgets, US$ iati_budgets_dk
Netherlands, Foreign Affairs planned budgets, US$ iati_budgets_nl
Belgian Development Cooperation planned budgets, US$ iati_budgets_be

Funding to pneumonia

Indicator Indicator ID
ODA to pneumonia received, US$ oda_to_pneumonia
ODA to pneumonia received, % of health ODA oda_to_pneumonia_percent_health
Private Development Assistance to Pneumonia received, US$ pda_to_pneumonia
Funding proceeds to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, US$ funding_to_gavi