diff --git a/classes/cli_helper.php b/classes/cli_helper.php
index 8d68294..84e420e 100644
--- a/classes/cli_helper.php
+++ b/classes/cli_helper.php
@@ -281,12 +281,13 @@ public function validate_and_clean_args(): void {
- if (!(isset($cliargs['manifestpath']) || isset($cliargs['quizmanifestpath']) || isset($cliargs['nonquizmanifestpath'])) && !isset($cliargs['contextlevel'])) {
+ if (!(isset($cliargs['manifestpath']) || isset($cliargs['quizmanifestpath'])) && !isset($cliargs['contextlevel'])) {
echo "\nYou have not specified context. " .
"You must specify context level (--contextlevel) unless " .
"using a function where this information can be read from a manifest file, in which case " .
"you could set a manifest path (--manifestpath) instead. If using exportrepofrommoodle, you " .
- "must set manifest path only. If you still see this message, you may be using invalid arguments.\n";
+ "must set manifest path only. If dealing with import/export of quizzes, you must specify --quizmanifestpath. " .
+ "If you still see this message, you may be using invalid arguments.\n";
diff --git a/classes/create_repo.php b/classes/create_repo.php
index af738c1..8f5dabf 100644
--- a/classes/create_repo.php
+++ b/classes/create_repo.php
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public function create_quiz_directories($clihelper, $scriptdirectory) {
$quizmanifestname = cli_helper::get_manifest_path($moodleinstance, 'module', null,
$contextinfo->contextinfo->coursename, $quiz->name, $rootdirectory);
- $output = shell_exec('php exportquizstructurefrommoodle.php -w -r "" -i "' . $moodleinstance . '" -n ' . $instanceid . ' -t ' . $token. ' -p "' . $this->manifestpath . '" -f "' . $quizmanifestname . '"');
+ $output = shell_exec('php exportquizstructurefrommoodle.php -w -r "" -i "' . $moodleinstance . ' -t ' . $token. ' -p "' . $this->manifestpath . '" -f "' . $quizmanifestname . '"');
$quizlocation = new \StdClass();
$quizlocation->moduleid = $instanceid;
$quizlocation->directory = basename($rootdirectory);
diff --git a/classes/export_quiz.php b/classes/export_quiz.php
index 3d52009..f406054 100644
--- a/classes/export_quiz.php
+++ b/classes/export_quiz.php
@@ -90,11 +90,6 @@ class export_quiz {
* @var \stdClass|null
public ?\stdClass $nonquizmanifestcontents = null;
- /**
- * URL of Moodle instance
- *
- * @var string
- */
* Full path to output file
@@ -112,18 +107,15 @@ public function __construct(cli_helper $clihelper, array $moodleinstances) {
// Convert command line options into variables.
$arguments = $clihelper->get_arguments();
$moodleinstance = $arguments['moodleinstance'];
- $instanceid = $arguments['instanceid'];
- $rootdirectory = ($arguments['rootdirectory']) ? $arguments['rootdirectory'] . '/' : '';
- if ($arguments['quizmanifestpath']) {
- $this->quizmanifestpath = ($arguments['quizmanifestpath']) ?
- $rootdirectory . $arguments['quizmanifestpath'] : null;
- $this->quizmanifestcontents = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->quizmanifestpath));
- if (!$this->quizmanifestcontents) {
- echo "\nUnable to access or parse manifest file: {$this->quizmanifestpath}\nAborting.\n";
- $this->call_exit();
- }
- $instanceid = $this->quizmanifestcontents->context->instanceid;
+ $rootdirectory = ($arguments['rootdirectory']) ? $arguments['rootdirectory'] . '/' : '';
+ $this->quizmanifestpath = ($arguments['quizmanifestpath']) ?
+ $rootdirectory . $arguments['quizmanifestpath'] : null;
+ $this->quizmanifestcontents = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->quizmanifestpath));
+ if (!$this->quizmanifestcontents) {
+ echo "\nUnable to access or parse manifest file: {$this->quizmanifestpath}\nAborting.\n";
+ $this->call_exit();
+ $instanceid = $this->quizmanifestcontents->context->instanceid;
if ($arguments['nonquizmanifestpath']) {
$this->nonquizmanifestpath = ($arguments['nonquizmanifestpath']) ?
$rootdirectory . $arguments['nonquizmanifestpath'] : null;
@@ -147,8 +139,6 @@ public function __construct(cli_helper $clihelper, array $moodleinstances) {
'wstoken' => $token,
'wsfunction' => 'qbank_gitsync_export_quiz_data',
'moodlewsrestformat' => 'json',
- 'coursename' => $arguments['coursename'],
- 'quizname' => $arguments['modulename'],
'moduleid' => $instanceid,
$this->curlrequest->set_option(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
@@ -209,19 +199,22 @@ public function export_quiz_data() {
if (!$responsejson) {
echo "Broken JSON returned from Moodle:\n";
echo $response . "\n";
- echo "{$this->filepath} not updated.\n";
+ echo "Quiz data file not updated.\n";
+ $responsejson = json_decode('{"quiz": {"name": ""}, "questions": []}'); // For unit test purposes.
} else if (property_exists($responsejson, 'exception')) {
echo "{$responsejson->message}\n";
if (property_exists($responsejson, 'debuginfo')) {
echo "{$responsejson->debuginfo}\n";
- echo "{$this->filepath} not updated.\n";
+ echo "Quiz data file not updated.\n";
+ $responsejson = json_decode('{"quiz": {"name": ""}, "questions": []}'); // For unit test purposes.
$quizmanifestentries = [];
$nonquizmanifestentries = [];
- // Determine quiz info location based on loactions of manifest paths.
+ $missingquestions = false;
+ // Determine quiz info location based on locations of manifest paths.
if ($this->quizmanifestpath) {
$this->filepath = cli_helper::get_quiz_structure_path($responsejson->quiz->name, dirname($this->quizmanifestpath));
$quizmanifestentries = array_column($this->quizmanifestcontents->questions, null, 'questionbankentryid');
@@ -242,20 +235,29 @@ public function export_quiz_data() {
$question->nonquizfilepath = $nonquizmanifestentry->filepath;
} else {
+ $missingquestions = true;
$multiple = ($this->quizmanifestpath && $this->nonquizmanifestpath) ? 's' : '';
- echo "Question: {$question->questionbankentryid}\n";
- echo "This question is in the quiz but not in the supplied manifest file" . $multiple . ".\n";
- echo "Questions must either be in the repo for the quiz context defined by a supplied quiz manifest " .
- "(--quizmanifestpath) or in the context (e.g. course) " .
- "defined by a different manifest (--nonquizmanifestpath).\n";
- echo "You can supply either or both. If your quiz questions are spread between 3 or more contexts " .
- "consider consolidating them.\n";
+ echo "\nQuestion: {$question->questionbankentryid}\n";
+ echo "This question is in the quiz but not in the supplied manifest file{$multiple}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($missingquestions) {
+ echo "Questions must either be in the repo for the quiz context defined by a supplied quiz manifest " .
+ "(--quizmanifestpath) or in the context (e.g. course) " .
+ "defined by a different manifest (--nonquizmanifestpath).\n";
+ echo "You can supply either or both. If your quiz questions are spread between 3 or more contexts " .
+ "you will need to consolidate them.\n";
+ echo "Quiz structure file: {$this->filepath} not updated.\n";
+ } else {
+ // Save exported information (including relative file location but not QBE id so Moodle independent).
+ $success = file_put_contents($this->filepath, json_encode($responsejson));
+ if ($success === false) {
+ echo "\nUnable to update quiz structure file: {$this->filepath}\n Aborting.\n";
+ $this->call_exit();
+ echo "Quiz data exported to:\n";
+ echo "{$this->filepath}\n";
- // Save exported information (including relative file location but not QBE id so Moodle independent).
- file_put_contents($this->filepath, json_encode($responsejson));
- echo "Quiz data exported to:\n";
- echo "{$this->filepath}\n";
diff --git a/classes/export_repo.php b/classes/export_repo.php
index 2fa923a..7cda0dc 100644
--- a/classes/export_repo.php
+++ b/classes/export_repo.php
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ public function update_quiz_directories($clihelper, $scriptdirectory) {
$quizmanifestname = cli_helper::get_manifest_path($moodleinstance, 'module', null,
$contextinfo->contextinfo->coursename, $quiz->name, $rootdirectory);
- $output = shell_exec('php exportquizstructurefrommoodle.php -w -r "" -i "' . $moodleinstance . '" -n ' . $instanceid . ' -t ' . $token. ' -p "' . $this->manifestpath. '" -f "' . $quizmanifestname . '"');
+ $output = shell_exec('php exportquizstructurefrommoodle.php -w -r "" -i "' . $moodleinstance . ' -t ' . $token. ' -p "' . $this->manifestpath. '" -f "' . $quizmanifestname . '"');
echo $output;
diff --git a/cli/exportquizstructurefrommoodle.php b/cli/exportquizstructurefrommoodle.php
index 3ad6370..4c62ff1 100644
--- a/cli/exportquizstructurefrommoodle.php
+++ b/cli/exportquizstructurefrommoodle.php
@@ -87,30 +87,6 @@
'variable' => 'usegit',
'valuerequired' => true,
- [
- 'longopt' => 'coursename',
- 'shortopt' => 'c',
- 'description' => 'Unique course name for course or module context.',
- 'default' => null,
- 'variable' => 'coursename',
- 'valuerequired' => true,
- ],
- [
- 'longopt' => 'modulename',
- 'shortopt' => 'm',
- 'description' => 'Unique (within course) quiz name.',
- 'default' => null,
- 'variable' => 'modulename',
- 'valuerequired' => true,
- ],
- [
- 'longopt' => 'instanceid',
- 'shortopt' => 'n',
- 'description' => 'Numerical course module id of quiz.',
- 'default' => null,
- 'variable' => 'instanceid',
- 'valuerequired' => true,
- ],
'longopt' => 'subcall',
'shortopt' => 'w',
diff --git a/testrepoparent/testrepo_quiz_quiz-1/fakeexportquiz_module_course-1_quiz-1_question_manifest.json b/testrepoparent/testrepo_quiz_quiz-1/fakeexportquiz_module_course-1_quiz-1_question_manifest.json
index 10aec08..6e99a0b 100644
--- a/testrepoparent/testrepo_quiz_quiz-1/fakeexportquiz_module_course-1_quiz-1_question_manifest.json
+++ b/testrepoparent/testrepo_quiz_quiz-1/fakeexportquiz_module_course-1_quiz-1_question_manifest.json
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
"importedversion": "1",
"exportedversion": "1",
"format": "xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "questionbankentryid":"36002",
+ "filepath": "\/top\/quiz-cat\/Quiz-Question-2.xml",
+ "importedversion": "1",
+ "exportedversion": "1",
+ "format": "xml"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testrepoparent/testrepo_quiz_quiz-1/top/gitsync_category.xml b/testrepoparent/testrepo_quiz_quiz-1/top/gitsync_category.xml
index f5864d9..2322c43 100644
--- a/testrepoparent/testrepo_quiz_quiz-1/top/gitsync_category.xml
+++ b/testrepoparent/testrepo_quiz_quiz-1/top/gitsync_category.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@