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MerchantVariable API

All merchant variable related APIs are encapsulated in classes **.

Constructors of MerchantVariableApi

public MerchantVariableApi(String baseUrl, String apiKey, String apiSecret);

Constructor parameters description

Name Type Description
baseUrl String the base url of REST API
apiKey String the apiKey of marketplace, get this key from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights
apiSecret String apiSecret, get api secret from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights

Search merchant variable by merchantId, packageName, key, source

The search merchant variable API allows third party system to search merchant variable by merchantId, packageName, key, source


public Result<MerchantVariableDTO> searchMerchantVariable(int pageNo, int pageSize, SearchOrderBy orderBy, Long merchantId, String packageName, String key, VariableSource source)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
pageNo int false page number, value must >=1
pageSize int false the record number per page, range is 1 to 100
orderBy SearchOrderBy true the sort order by field name, if this parameter is null the search result will order by created date descend. The value of this parameter can be one of SearchOrderBy.Variable_asc and SearchOrderBy.Variable_desc.
merchantId Long false The id of merchant
packageName String true The package name required to get the merchant variable
key String true The variable key
source VariableSource true The source of variable, the value can be one of M(market), C(merchant)

Sample codes

MerchantVariableApi merchantVariableApi = new MerchantVariableApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Result<MerchantVariableDTO> result = merchantVariableApi.searchMerchantVariable(1,2,MerchantVariableApi.SearchOrderBy.Variable_asc, 113781L, null,null , MerchantVariableApi.VariableSource.MERCHANT);

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 1720,
	"message": "Merchant doesn't exist"

Successful sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 0,
	"pageInfo": {
		"limit": 2,
    "pageNo": 1,
    "totalCount": 2,
    "hasNext": false,
		"dataset": [{
      "id": 1000000009,
      "appPackageName": "",
      "type": "T",
      "key": "key1",
      "value": "value1",
      "remarks": "R1",
      "source": "C",
      "createdDate": 1666160856000,
      "updatedDate": 1666160856000
      "id": 1000000010,
      "appPackageName": "",
      "type": "T",
      "key": "key2",
      "value": "value2",
      "remarks": "R2",
      "source": "C",
      "createdDate": 1666161025000,
      "updatedDate": 1666161025000

The type in dataSet is MerchantVariableDTO. And the structure like below.

Property Name Type Description
id Long The id of merchant variable
appPackageName String The app package name
appName String The app name
type String Merchant variable type, T(text) or P(password)
key String Merchant variable key
value String Merchant variable value
remarks String Remark
source String Source type,M(Market) or C(Merchant)
createdDate Long
updatedDate Long

Possible client validation errors

pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be less than or equal to 100
Parameter merchantId cannot be null at same time!

Create a merchant variable


public Result<String> createMerchantVariable(MerchantVariableCreateRequest createRequest)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
createRequest MerchantVariableCreateRequest false the create request object, the structure like below

Structure of class MerchantVariableCreateRequest

Property Name Type Nullable Description
merchantId Long False the id of merchant
variableList List<ParameterVariable> false List of parametervariables,the structure like below

Structure of class ParameterVariable

Property Name Type Nullable Description
packageName String true The app package name
type String true Merchant variable type, T(text) or P(password), When it is empty, the default value is "T"

| | key | String | false | Merchant variable key | | value | String | true | Merchant variable value | | remarks | String | true | Remark |

Sample codes

MerchantVariableApi merchantVariableApi = new MerchantVariableApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Long merchantId = 113781L;
MerchantVariableCreateRequest createRequest = new MerchantVariableCreateRequest();
ParameterVariable parameterVariable1 = new ParameterVariable();
parameterVariable1.setRemarks("今日头条app testCreateApi3");
ParameterVariable parameterVariable2 = new ParameterVariable();
List<ParameterVariable> variableList = new ArrayList<>();
Result<String> createResult = merchantVariableApi.createMerchantVariable(createRequest);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["Parameter merchantVariableCreateRequest cannot be null!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 1720,
	"message": "Merchant doesn't exist"

Successful sample result

	"businessCode": 0

Possible validation errors

variableList can not be empty Parameter merchantId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!

Possible business codes

Business Code Message Description
135 Request parameter is missing or invalid
1000 App not found
1010 App is invalid
1720 Merchant doesn't exist
13001 Variable key is mandatory
13002 Variable key is invalid, only letters, numbers, dash, underline and dot is allowed
13003 Invalid variable type, only text(T) and password(P) is allowed
13004 Variable value is too long
13011 Variable remarks is too long
13015 Variable key is too long
13016 Variable with same key and application already exist
13200 Merchant parameter variable invalid

Update merchant variable by id

Update merchant variable by id.


public Result<String> updateMerchantVariable(Long merchantVariableId, MerchantVariableUpdateRequest updateRequest)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
merchantVariableId Long false the id of merchant variable
updateRequest MerchantVariableUpdateRequest false The parameterVariable request object. The structure shows below.

Structure of class MerchantVariableUpdateRequest

Property Name Type Nullable Description
packageName String true The name of param template
type String true Merchant variable type, T(text) or P(password), When it is empty, the default value is "T"

| | key | String | false | Merchant variable key | | value | String | true | Merchant variable value | | remarks | String | true | Remark |

Note: updateRequest cannot be empty

Sample codes

MerchantVariableApi merchantVariableApi = new MerchantVariableApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Long merchantVariableId = 1000000008L;
MerchantVariableUpdateRequest updateRequest = new MerchantVariableUpdateRequest();
Result<String> updateResult = merchantVariableApi.updateMerchantVariable(merchantVariableId,updateRequest);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["Parameter merchantVariableId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 13000
	"message"::"Variable not found"

Successful sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 0

Parameter merchantVariableId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!

Possible business codes

Business Code Message Description
113 Your request is invalid, please try again or contact marketplace administrator  
13001 Variable key is mandatory
13002 Variable key is invalid, only letters, numbers, dash, underline and dot is allowed
13003 Invalid variable type, only text(T) and password(P) is allowed
13004 Variable value is too long
13011 Variable remarks is too long
13015 Variable key is too long
13016 Variable with same key and application already exist
13100 Variable not found
13200 Merchant parameter variable invalid

Delete merchant variable by merchant variable id

The delete merchant variable API allows third party system to delete merchant variable.


public Result<String> deleteMerchantVariable(Long merchantVariableId)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
merchantVariableId Long false The merchant variable id

Sample codes

MerchantVariableApi merchantVariableApi = new MerchantVariableApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Long merchantVariableId = 1000000008L;
Result<String> deleteResult = merchantVariableApi.deleteMerchantVariable(merchantVariableId);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["Parameter merchantVariableId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 13000,
	"message": "Variable not found"

Successful sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 0
Business Code Message Description
113 Your request is invalid, please try again or contact marketplace administrator
13100 Variable not found

Batch delete merchant variable


public Result<String> batchDeletionMerchantVariable(MerchantVariableDeleteRequest batchDeleteRequest)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
batchDeleteRequest MerchantVariableDeleteRequest false The batchDeletionRequest object. The structure shows below.

Structure of class MerchantVariableDeleteRequest

Property Name Type Nullable Description
variableIds List<Long> false The ids of merchant variable id

Sample codes

MerchantVariableApi merchantVariableApi = new MerchantVariableApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
MerchantVariableDeleteRequest batchDeletionRequest = new MerchantVariableDeleteRequest();
List<Long> variableIds = new ArrayList<>();
Result<String> batchDeletionResult = merchantVariableApi.batchDeletionMerchantVariable(batchDeletionRequest);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["Parameter merchantVariableDeleteRequest cannot be null!"]

Successful sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 0

Possible validation errors

Parameter merchantVariableDeleteRequest cannot be null!
variableIds cannot be empty!

Business Code Message Description
113 Your request is invalid, please try again or contact marketplace administrator
13100 Variable not found