PixPox is a 2D General Purpose Game Engine built around the concept of simulating physics usings Cellular Automata interactions. The project is still in its early stages and only serves as a proof of concept.
Written in Rust and highly paralellised, PixPox aims to provide efficiency through easy-to-use and understand programming patterns.
- Entity-Component-System based architecture for scalable and modular game development.
- Cellular Automata utilities for building "Falling Sand"-style simulations.
- Highly parallelised.
- Easy to assemble GUI.
- Input handling.
A good place to start learning how to build projects with PixPox is the devdocs, which showcase the engine's architecture. You can access the devdocs here. The latest version of the devdocs is yet to be published. Expected around end of September.
PixPox comes with several example projects to demonstrate the engine's capabilities.
RUST_LOG=error cargo run --example <example_name> --release
For instance, to run the "ecs" example, execute the following command:
RUST_LOG=error cargo run --example ecs --release
PixPox is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.