See/manage incidents
pd incident ack
pd incident ack
pd incident alerts
pd incident analytics
pd incident assign
pd incident create
pd incident field get
pd incident field set
pd incident list
pd incident log
pd incident merge
pd incident notes
pd incident open
pd incident priority
pd incident assign
pd incident rename
pd incident resolve
pd incident responder add
pd incident responder list
pd incident set
pd incident subscriber add
pd incident subscriber list
pd incident subscriber remove
pd incident subscriber update
pd incident set
Acknowledge PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident ack
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to acknowledge. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Acknowledge all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-z, --snooze=<value> Also snooze selected incidents for the specified amount of time (5m, '1 hour', default unit is
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Acknowledge PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident acknowledge
Acknowledge PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident ack
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to acknowledge. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Acknowledge all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-z, --snooze=<value> Also snooze selected incidents for the specified amount of time (5m, '1 hour', default unit is
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Acknowledge PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident acknowledge
Show Alerts in PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident alerts
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: \n] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Show alerts for these Incident ID's. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=<value>... Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-m, --me Show alerts for all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Show Alerts in PagerDuty Incidents
Get Incident analytics
$ pd incident analytics
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: \n] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to look at. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=<value>... Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Get Incident analytics
Assign/Reassign PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident assign
-E, --assign_to_ep_name=<value> Escalation policy name to assign incidents to.
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy
API tokens.
-U, --assign_to_user_emails=<value>... User emails to assign incidents to. Specify multiple times for multiple
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --assign_to_ep_id=<value> Escalation policy ID to assign incidents to.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to assign. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Reassign all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-u, --assign_to_user_ids=<value>... User ID's to assign incidents to. Specify multiple times for multiple
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Assign/Reassign PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident reassign
Create a PagerDuty Incident
$ pd incident create
-E, --escalation_policy=<value> The name of the escalation policy to assign the incident to
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API
-P, --priority=<value> Incident priority
-S, --service=<value> The name of the service to create the incident in
-U, --user=<value>... The email of a user to assign the incident to
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --details=<value> Incident details
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --key=<value> Incident key
-o, --open Open the new incident in the browser
-p, --pipe Print the incident ID only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-t, --title=<value> (required) Incident title
-u, --urgency=<option> Incident urgency
<options: high|low>
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--escalation_policy_id=<value> The ID of the escalation policy to assign the incident to
--service_id=<value> The ID of the service to create the incident in
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--user_id=<value>... The ID of a user to assign the incident to
Create a PagerDuty Incident
Get Custom Field Values on PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident field get
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default:
] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to show. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Show all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-n, --display_name Show the display names of fields rather than their canonical names.
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Get Custom Field Values on PagerDuty Incidents
Set Custom Field Values on PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident field set
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to update. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Update all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-n, --names=<value>... (required) Custom Field names to set. Specify multiple times to set multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-v, --values=<value>... (required) Custom Field values to set. To set multiple name/values, specify multiple times in
the same order as the names.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--[no-]jsonvalues Interpret values as JSON [default: true]
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Set Custom Field Values on PagerDuty Incidents
List PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident list
-E, --exact_assignees=<value>... Return incidents assigned to the PD account whose login email is exactly this text.
Specify multiple times for multiple assignees.
-S, --services=<value>... Return incidents in services whose names contain this text. Specify multiple times
for multiple service filters.
-T, --exact_teams=<value>... Return incidents belonging to the team whose name is exactly this text. Specify
multiple times for multiple teams.
-X, --exact_services=<value>... Return incidents in the service whose name is exactly this text. Specify multiple
times for multiple services.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: \n] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-e, --assignees=<value>... Return incidents assigned to PD accounts whose login emails contain this text.
Specify multiple times for multiple assignee filters.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=<value>... Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-m, --me Return incidents assigned to me
-n, --name=<value> Select incidents whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Print incident ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-s, --statuses=<option>... [default: open] Return only incidents with the given statuses. Specify multiple
times for multiple statuses.
<options: open|closed|triggered|acknowledged|resolved>
-t, --teams=<value>... Return incidents belonging to teams whose names contain this text. Specify multiple
times for multiple team filters.
-u, --urgencies=<option>... [default: high,low] Urgencies to include.
<options: high|low>
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--limit=<value> Return no more than this many entries. This option turns off table filtering
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--notes Also show incident notes (Uses a lot more HTTPS requests!)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--since=<value> The start of the date range over which you want to search.
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
--until=<value> The end of the date range over which you want to search.
List PagerDuty Incidents
Show PagerDuty Incident Log Entries
$ pd incident log
-O, --overview Get only `overview` log entries
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: \n] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Select incidents with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=<value>... Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-p, --pipe Read incident IDs from stdin, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Show PagerDuty Incident Log Entries
Merge PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident merge
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-I, --parent_id=<value> Use this incident ID as the parent ID.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Merge incidents with the given ID. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents. If -I is
not given, the first incident in the list will be the parent incident.
-o, --open Open the merged incident in the browser
-p, --pipe Read incident IDs from stdin, for use with pipes. If -I is not given, the first incident ID
from the pipe will be the parent incident.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Merge PagerDuty Incidents
See or add notes on PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident notes
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Incident ID.
-n, --note=<value> Note to add
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
See or add notes on PagerDuty Incidents
Open PagerDuty Incidents in your browser
$ pd incident open
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to open. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Open all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Open PagerDuty Incidents in your browser
Set priority on PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident priority
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to set priority on. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Set priority on all incidents assigned to me
-n, --priority=<value> (required) The name of the priority to set.
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Set priority on PagerDuty Incidents
Assign/Reassign PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident assign
-E, --assign_to_ep_name=<value> Escalation policy name to assign incidents to.
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy
API tokens.
-U, --assign_to_user_emails=<value>... User emails to assign incidents to. Specify multiple times for multiple
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --assign_to_ep_id=<value> Escalation policy ID to assign incidents to.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to assign. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Reassign all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-u, --assign_to_user_ids=<value>... User ID's to assign incidents to. Specify multiple times for multiple
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Assign/Reassign PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident reassign
Rename (change the title of) PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident rename
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to rename. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Rename all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-t, --title=<value> Set the incident title to this string
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--prefix=<value> Prefix the incident title with this string
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Rename (change the title of) PagerDuty Incidents
Resolve PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident resolve
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to resolve. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Resolve all incidents assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Resolve PagerDuty Incidents
Add Responders to PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident responder add
-E, --ep_names=<value>... Escalation policy names to add as responders. Specify multiple times for multiple EPs
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API
-U, --user_emails=<value>... User emails to add as responders. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --ep_ids=<value>... Escalation policy IDs to add as responders. Specify multiple times for multiple EPs
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to add responders to. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Add responders to all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-s, --message=<value> A custom message to send to the responders
-u, --user_ids=<value>... User ID's to add as responders. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Add Responders to PagerDuty Incidents
List Responders on PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident responder list
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to list responders on. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me List responders on all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
List Responders on PagerDuty Incidents
Update PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident set
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to update. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-k, --key=<value> (required) Attribute key to set
-m, --me Update all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-v, --value=<value> (required) Attribute value to set
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Update PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident update
Add Subscribers to PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident subscriber add
-T, --team_names=<value>... Team names to add as subscribers. Specify multiple times for multiple teams
-U, --user_emails=<value>... User emails to add as subscribers. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to add subscribers to. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Add subscribers to all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-t, --team_ids=<value>... Team IDs to add as subscribers. Specify multiple times for multiple teams
-u, --user_ids=<value>... User ID's to add as subscribers. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Add Subscribers to PagerDuty Incidents
List Responders on PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident subscriber list
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to list subscribers on. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me List subscribers on all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
List Responders on PagerDuty Incidents
Remove Subscribers from PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident subscriber remove
-T, --team_names=<value>... Team names to remove. Specify multiple times for multiple teams
-U, --user_emails=<value>... User emails to remove. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to remove subscribers from. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-m, --me Remove subscribers from all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-t, --team_ids=<value>... Team IDs to remove. Specify multiple times for multiple teams
-u, --user_ids=<value>... User ID's to remove. Specify multiple times for multiple users.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Remove Subscribers from PagerDuty Incidents
Send a status update to PagerDuty Incident Subscribers
$ pd incident subscriber update
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Send a status update to subscribers on these Incident ID's. Specify multiple times for
multiple incidents.
-m, --me Send a status update to subscribers on all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--html_message=<value> The html content to be sent for the custom html email status update. Required if sending
custom html email.
--message=<value> (required) The message to be posted as a status update.
--subject=<value> The subject to be sent for the custom html email status update. Required if sending custom
html email.
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Send a status update to PagerDuty Incident Subscribers
Update PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident set
-F, --from=<value> Login email of a PD user account for the "From:" header. Use only with legacy API tokens.
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... Incident ID's to update. Specify multiple times for multiple incidents.
-k, --key=<value> (required) Attribute key to set
-m, --me Update all incidents that are currently assigned to me
-p, --pipe Read incident ID's from stdin.
-v, --value=<value> (required) Attribute value to set
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Update PagerDuty Incidents
$ pd incident update