Create an empty directory. Change directories (cd)
into the new directory, create a file called Dockerfile
copy-and-paste the following content into that file, and save it.
You can browse for existing official images on Docker Hub. Usually if the official image is based on Alpine Linux, its footprint is much smaller.
# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:2.7-slim
# Set the working directory to /app
# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
ADD . /app
# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# Make port 80 available to the world outside this container
# Define environment variable
# Run when the container launches
CMD ["python", ""]```
This Dockerfile refers to a couple of files we haven’t created yet,
namely ```` and ``requirements.txt``.
## The app itself
Create two more files, ``requirements.txt`` and ````,
and put them in the same folder with the ``Dockerfile``.
This completes our app, which as you can see is quite simple.
When the above Dockerfile is built into an image,
```` and ``requirements.txt`` will be present because of that
``Dockerfile``’s ``ADD`` command, and the output from ````
will be accessible over HTTP thanks to the ``EXPOSE`` command.
* requirements.txt:
Flask Redis
from flask import Flask from redis import Redis, RedisError import os import socket
redis = Redis(host="redis", db=0, socket_connect_timeout=2, socket_timeout=2)
app = Flask(name)
@app.route("/") def hello(): try: visits = redis.incr("counter") except RedisError: visits = "cannot connect to Redis, counter disabled"
html = "<h3>Hello {name}!</h3>" \
"<b>Hostname:</b> {hostname}<br/>" \
"<b>Visits:</b> {visits}"
return html.format(name=os.getenv("NAME", "world"), hostname=socket.gethostname(), visits=visits)
if name == "main":'', port=80)
Now we see that ```pip install -r requirements.txt``` installs the Flask and Redis libraries for Python,
and the app prints the environment variable ```NAME```, as well as the output of a call to ```socket.gethostname()```.
Finally, because Redis isn’t running (as we’ve only installed the Python library, and not Redis itself), we should expect that the attempt to use it here will fail and produce the error message.
## Build the app image
Run the build command. This creates a Docker image:
docker build -t friendlyhello .
Let's check that the image was built correctly:
$ docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID friendlyhello latest 326387cea398
## Run the app
Run the app, mapping your machine’s port 4000 to the container’s published port 80 using -p:
docker run -p 4000:80 friendlyhello```
You should see a notice that Python is serving your app at
The message is coming from inside the container, which doesn’t know you mapped port 80
of that container to 4000
, making the correct URL http://localhost:4000
Go to that URL in a web browser to see the display content served up on a web page, including Hello World text, the container ID, and the Redis error message.
in your terminal to quit.
Now let’s run the app in the background, in detached mode:
docker run -d -p 4000:80 friendlyhello
You get the long container ID for your app and then are kicked back to your terminal. Your container is running in the background. You can also see the abbreviated container ID with docker container ls
(and both work interchangeably when running commands):
``$ docker container ls CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED 1fa4ab2cf395 friendlyhello "python" 28 seconds ago```
Now use docker stop to end the process, using the CONTAINER ID, like so:
docker stop 1fa4ab2cf395
To share the image we just created, let’s upload our built image and run it somewhere else.
A registry is a collection of repositories, and a repository is a collection of images—sort of like a GitHub repository, except the code is already built. An account on a registry can create many repositories. The docker CLI uses Docker’s public registry by default.
### Log in with your Docker ID
- If you don’t have a Docker account, sign up for one at Make note of your username.
- Log in to the Docker public registry on your local machine:
docker login
The notation for associating a local image with a repository on a registry is username/repository:tag
. The tag is optional, but recommended, since it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version. Give the repository and tag meaningful names for the context, such as get-started:part2
. This will put the image in the get-started repository and tag it as part2.
Now, put it all together to tag the image. Run docker tag image with your username, repository, and tag names so that the image will upload to your desired destination. The syntax of the command is: ``docker tag image username/repository:tag```
For example:
docker tag friendlyhello john/get-started:part2```
Run ``docker images`` to see your newly tagged image. (You can also use ``docker image ls``.)
$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE friendlyhello latest d9e555c53008 3 minutes ago 195MB john/get-started part2 d9e555c53008 3 minutes ago 195MB python 2.7-slim 1c7128a655f6 5 days ago 183MB ...
### Publish the image
Upload your tagged image to the repository:
``docker push username/repository:tag``
Once complete, the results of this upload are publicly available. If you log in to Docker Hub, you will see the new image there, with its pull command.
### Pull and run the image from the remote repository
From now on, you can use docker run and run your app on any machine with this command:
``docker run -p 4000:80 username/repository:tag``
If the image isn’t available locally on the machine, Docker will pull it from the repository.
$ docker run -p 4000:80 john/get-started:part2 Unable to find image 'john/get-started:part2' locally part2: Pulling from john/get-started 10a267c67f42: Already exists f68a39a6a5e4: Already exists 9beaffc0cf19: Already exists 3c1fe835fb6b: Already exists 4c9f1fa8fcb8: Already exists ee7d8f576a14: Already exists fbccdcced46e: Already exists Digest: sha256:0601c866aab2adcc6498200efd0f754037e909e5fd42069adeff72d1e2439068 Status: Downloaded newer image for john/get-started:part2
- Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
## Monitor you environment
CAdvisor is a small addon that can help you to monitor your docker services.
To launch it:
sudo docker run