DQN, Double DQN, Dueling DQN, Prioritized Experience Replay, Atari, keras, tensorflow, gym
Various Deep Reinforcement Learning techniques applied to different environments. Will be updated with new algorithms and environments often!
Just added (03/15/2019) is a general version of DQN with Double DQN and Dueling DQN compatibility. This version is located in the gym directory.
- python 3.6
- keras
- tensorflow
- gym
- gym['atari']
- numpy
- OpenCV
- random
- collections
Running this code is very simple. Make sure that you have the above requirements taken care of, then download the two python files. In the command line, or any python editor change directory to either gym or Atari folder where the python files are located and type:
python dqn.py --train_dqn
or for DDQN:
python ddqn.py --train_ddqn
If you can also render the atari environment by typing:
python ddqn.py --train_ddqn --render
To specify a certain number of episodes (example: 10) to run (50,000 default) use:
python ddqn.py --train_ddqn --episodes 10
Finally to test the final model after training, you can pass the test_dqn (or test_ddqn) flag:
python ddqn.py --test_ddqn --render --episodes 10
This code makes use of an atari wrapper code that can be found here
Priortized experience replay version of this code will be uploaded shortly!
Recent Additions:
- (03/15/2019): DQN for gym environments with Double and Dueling DQN
If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to send me an email! I am looking for ways to make this code even more computationally efficient. Contact info can be found here