- Nov 3, 2015: classes->class + buttons take any propery
- Mar 30, 2015: camelcase wysiwyg.js: onkeypress->onKeyDown, onselection->onSelection, onplaceholder->onPlaceholder, hijackcontextmenu->hijackContextmenu'
- Mar 11, 2015: dropfileClick->selectImage
'wysiwyg.js' is a (uglified) 12k contenteditable-editor with no dependencies. It does only:
- Transforms any HTML-element into contenteditable
- onselection-event: e.g. to open a toolbar
- onkeypress-event: e.g. to handle hotkeys
- onplaceholder-event: show/hide a placeholder
- handle popups
- .bold(), .forecolor(), .inserthtml(), ... functions
It works with:
- Internet Explorer 6+
- Firefox 3.5+
- Chrome 4+
- Safari 3.1+
If a <textarea> was used as 'element', the library:
- keeps the <textarea> in sync
- falls back to the <textarea> if the browser does not support 'contenteditable'
- Old iOS and Android 2.3- also degrade to <textarea>
There is also a (uglified) 10k jQuery-plugin '$.wysiwyg()' - plus (minified) 2k CSS - to create a featured editor which depends on:
- wysiwyg.js
- jQuery
- FontAwesome (or JPG/PNG/GIF/SVG images)
The toolbar is easy to extend - e.g. smiley, fontname and fontsize buttons below. It is used on a website with 300M page impressions a month.
// create editor:
class: 'some-more-classes',
toolbar: 'selection'|'top'|'top-focus'|'top-selection'|'top-focus-selection'|'bottom'|'bottom-focus'|'bottom-selection'|'bottom-focus-selection',
buttons: {
buttonname: {
title: 'tooltip text',
// How should the button look like?
image: '\u1234' | '<img src="path/to/image.jpg">',
html: '<raw html>',
// What should the button do?
popup: function( $popup, $button ) { ... },
click: function( $button ) { ... },
// Where should the button be placed?
showstatic: true, // on the static toolbar
showselection: true // on selection toolbar
// anything else passed as "prop()" ...
// build-in:
insertimage: { ... },
insertvideo: { ... },
insertlink: { ... },
bold: { ... },
italic: { ... },
underline: { ... },
strikethrough: { ... },
forecolor: { ... },
highlight: { ... },
alignleft: { ... },
aligncenter: { ... },
alignright: { ... },
alignjustify: { ... },
subscript: { ... },
superscript: { ... },
indent: { ... },
outdent: { ... },
orderedList: { ... },
unorderedList: { ... },
removeformat: { ... }
submit: { ... },
selectImage: 'Click or drop image',
placeholderUrl: 'www.example.com',
placeholderEmbed: '<embed/>',
maxImageSize: [600,200],
onKeyDown: function( key, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey ) { ... },
onKeyPress: function( key, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey ) { ... },
onKeyUp: function( key, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey ) { ... },
onAutocomplete: function( tyed, key, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey ) { ... },
onImageUpload: function( insert_image ) { ... },
forceImageUpload: false,
videoFromUrl: function( url ) { ... }
// surrounding div:
// accessing 'wysiwyg.js':
$(element).wysiwyg('shell').forecolor( '#ff0000' );
$(element).wysiwyg('shell').insertHTML( '<b>some text</b>' );
// create wysiwyg:
var wysiwygeditor = wysiwyg({
element: 'editor-id' || document.getElementById('editor-id'),
onKeyDown: function( key, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey ) {
onKeyPress: function( key, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey ) {
onKeyUp: function( key, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey ) {
onSelection: function( collapsed, rect, nodes, rightclick ) {
onPlaceholder: function( visible ) {
onOpenpopup: function() {
onClosepopup: function() {
hijackContextmenu: false
// properties:
wysiwygeditor.getHTML(); -> 'html'
wysiwygeditor.setHTML( html );
wysiwygeditor.getSelectedHTML(); -> 'html'|false
wysiwygeditor.readOnly(); // -> query
wysiwygeditor.readOnly( true|false );
// selection and popup:
wysiwygeditor.expandSelection( preceding, following );
wysiwygeditor.openPopup(); -> popup-handle
// exec commands:
wysiwygeditor.forecolor( color );
wysiwygeditor.highlight( color );
wysiwygeditor.fontName( fontname );
wysiwygeditor.fontSize( fontsize );
wysiwygeditor.align( 'left'|'center'|'right'|'justify' );
wysiwygeditor.format( tagname );
wysiwygeditor.indent( outdent );
wysiwygeditor.insertLink( url );
wysiwygeditor.insertImage( url );
wysiwygeditor.insertHTML( html );
wysiwygeditor.insertList( ordered );