Socialoo is social media platform to share your thoughts, feelings and engage with them. Connect with people and get entertained.
Take a look at Socialoo
- User able to login by entering email and password
- User can use guest credentials to login
- Form validation is done for login fields
- Logged in user only can access the app
Sign Up
- User able to create account and signup for the site
- Form validation is done for signup fields
Home Page
- Home page has the posts of the user who you follow
- It also has suggestion card to other user you can follow
Explore page
- Explore page shows the posts by all the user
- It also has suggestion card to other user you can follow
Create Post
- User can click create post button and an Form will appear in the modal
- Where they can give the caption and chose image for a post
- User can post a text post or image post
Edit Post
- User can click edit button on users's post to edit the particular post posted by the user.
- User can edit the text and image in the modal.
Like Feature
- User can like/unlike like the post from post card
Follow Feature
- User can follow/ unfollow a user from post card or suggestsion card.
Save Feature
- User can add/remove a post from save in post card
- Saved page shows all the saved posts and option to remnove it from page.
Comment Feature
- When the user click the comment button from post card it will open the single post page.
- Single post page have feature to comment.
- User can also reply to existing comments.
Share Feature
- When the share button in post card is clicked link to that particular post is copied to clipboard and the user can share them.
Single Post Page
- Single Post page has the post with the comments of the post.
Profile page
- User profile page with Name, Followers, Following, Bio and portfolio link.
- Option to Edit the profile details like name, bio and portfolio link.
- Button to logout from the app.
Private Routes
- All the user specific routes are made as private routes and can be accessed only after login
Loaders and Toasts
- Loaders and toast is provided as the acknowledgment to the users
- Backend is done with the help of firebase
$ git clone
$ cd socialoo
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Notification
- Messaging
- Emoji support
Resources that help in building Finflix includes
- React Js
- React Router
- Firebase
- Fastart component library
- Google Fonts
- Material Icons
- React toastify
- Moment js
- React drag and drop files
- Redux toolkit
- React redux