BIGGEST ISSUES: FIX FIRST [ ] - After clear is pressed and confirmed, auto-switch back to account tab [ ] - Show timer on screen [ ] - Add color to text that is important when pulling user information [ ] - Get APR working [ ] - Get T2 buttons functioning [ ] - Change to yaml for security [ ] - Add an auto-refresh function to Argos and Finesse windows [ ] - Add the ability to remember window locations on start-up [ ] - Remove the Lock button (replace with computer name button?) [ ] - Grab the computer name of a staff user
[ ] - Refactor sn with classes [ ] - Save call_doc to a file if SN post fails, then allow for SN posts of all unposted call_doc later [ ] - Show user's department in CallerLookup (Threading the sn api?) [ ] - Add prompt to make sure user is on VPN
[x] - Create update script (Temporary fix via a .ahk file that Harlos created) [x] - Add the ability to edit quicknotes instead of just overwrite them [x] - Obfuscate passwords entered into credGUI [x] - create GUI for the setup of the config file. also launches when helper is opened for the first time [x] - Create/Add setup GUI to create the cred.yaml file that holds the user credentials information, then create a check in that will validate the creation of cred.yaml and if the check fails will launch setup GUI [x] - Refactor AD functions [x] - Change wording/location of "random" button so that one button will create a random password in the password field and one will randomize the password via AD function` [x] - Pull username into search if it exists instead of LUID [x] - Fill out student type in Call Doc [x] - Fix Ticket integration [x] - When reviewing documented call in Service-now, LMIR and first-call are checked no matter what [x] - When template is set to T2 need to apply corresponding transfer/internal transfer info [x] - Work for LUIDs as well as Usernames [x] - graceful quit [x] - Make Clear work [x] - finesse is pulled settings from Helper [x] - Pull username into search if it exists instead of LUID [x] - Fill out student type in Call Doc [x] - Fix Ticket integration [x] - When reviewing documented call in Service-now, LMIR and first-call are checked no matter what [x] - When template is set to T2 need to apply corresponding transfer/internal transfer info