diff --git a/atlas/atlasAPI.py b/atlas/atlasAPI.py
index b239c338..24fe1415 100644
--- a/atlas/atlasAPI.py
+++ b/atlas/atlasAPI.py
@@ -94,7 +94,12 @@ def getObservationsGenericApi(cd_ref: int):
[type]: [description]
session = db.session
- if current_app.config["AFFICHAGE_MAILLE"]:
+ if current_app.config["AFFICHAGE_TERRITOIRE_OBS"]:
+ observations = vmObservationsMaillesRepository.getObservationsMaillesTerritorySpecies(
+ session,
+ cd_ref,
+ )
+ elif current_app.config["AFFICHAGE_MAILLE"]:
observations = vmObservationsMaillesRepository.getObservationsMaillesChilds(
diff --git a/atlas/atlasRoutes.py b/atlas/atlasRoutes.py
index fb26de7f..dcd41770 100644
--- a/atlas/atlasRoutes.py
+++ b/atlas/atlasRoutes.py
@@ -158,6 +158,13 @@ def indexMedias(image):
+def get_territory_mailles_obs(connection):
+ current_app.logger.debug("start AFFICHAGE_TERRITORY")
+ observations = vmObservationsMaillesRepository.territoryObservationsMailles(connection)
+ current_app.logger.debug("end AFFICHAGE_TERRITORY")
+ return observations
@main.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index():
session = db.session
@@ -180,6 +187,8 @@ def index():
current_app.logger.debug("end AFFICHAGE_PRECIS")
+ elif current_app.config["AFFICHAGE_TERRITOIRE_OBS"]:
+ observations = get_territory_mailles_obs(connection)
observations = []
@@ -204,11 +213,13 @@ def index():
lastDiscoveries = []
+ listTaxons = vmTaxonsRepository.getTaxonsTerritory(connection)
return render_template(
+ listTaxons=listTaxons,
diff --git a/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmObservationsMaillesRepository.py b/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmObservationsMaillesRepository.py
index 58b65a42..45a45afc 100644
--- a/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmObservationsMaillesRepository.py
+++ b/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmObservationsMaillesRepository.py
@@ -5,9 +5,65 @@
from atlas.modeles.entities.vmObservations import VmObservationsMailles
from atlas.modeles.entities.tMaillesTerritoire import TMaillesTerritoire
+from atlas.modeles.entities.vmTaxons import VmTaxons
from atlas.modeles.utils import deleteAccent, findPath
+def getObservationsMaillesTerritorySpecies(session, cd_ref):
+ """
+ Retourne les mailles et le nombre d'observation par maille pour un taxon et ses enfants
+ sous forme d'un geojson
+ """
+ query = func.atlas.find_all_taxons_childs(cd_ref)
+ taxons_ids = session.scalars(query).all()
+ taxons_ids.append(cd_ref)
+ query = (
+ session.query(
+ VmObservationsMailles.id_maille,
+ TMaillesTerritoire.geojson_maille,
+ func.max(VmObservationsMailles.annee).label("last_obs_year"),
+ func.sum(VmObservationsMailles.nbr).label("obs_nbr"),
+ VmObservationsMailles.type_code,
+ VmTaxons.cd_ref,
+ VmTaxons.nom_vern,
+ VmTaxons.lb_nom,
+ )
+ .join(
+ TMaillesTerritoire,
+ TMaillesTerritoire.id_maille == VmObservationsMailles.id_maille,
+ )
+ .join(
+ VmTaxons,
+ VmTaxons.cd_ref == VmObservationsMailles.cd_ref,
+ )
+ .filter(VmObservationsMailles.cd_ref == any_(taxons_ids))
+ .group_by(
+ VmObservationsMailles.id_maille,
+ TMaillesTerritoire.geojson_maille,
+ VmObservationsMailles.type_code,
+ VmTaxons.cd_ref,
+ VmTaxons.nom_vern,
+ VmTaxons.lb_nom,
+ )
+ )
+ return FeatureCollection(
+ [
+ Feature(
+ id=o.id_maille,
+ geojson_maille=json.loads(o.geojson_maille),
+ id_maille=o.id_maille,
+ type_code=o.type_code,
+ nb_observations=int(o.obs_nbr),
+ last_observation=o.last_obs_year,
+ cd_ref=o.cd_ref,
+ taxon=format_taxon_name(o),
+ )
+ for o in query.all()
+ ]
+ )
def format_taxon_name(observation):
if observation.nom_vern:
inter = observation.nom_vern.split(",")
@@ -65,6 +121,47 @@ def getObservationsMaillesChilds(session, cd_ref, year_min=None, year_max=None):
+def territoryObservationsMailles(connection):
+ sql = """
+SELECT obs.cd_ref, obs.id_maille, obs.nbr,-- obs.annee, obs.id_observations,
+ tax.lb_nom, tax.nom_vern, tax.group2_inpn,
+ medias.url, medias.chemin, medias.id_media,
+ m.geojson_4326 AS geom,
+ m.type_code
+FROM atlas.vm_observations_mailles obs
+ JOIN atlas.vm_taxons tax ON tax.cd_ref = obs.cd_ref
+ JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT id_area, geojson_4326, type_code from atlas.vm_cor_area_synthese) m ON m.id_area=obs.id_maille
+ LEFT JOIN atlas.vm_medias medias
+ ON medias.cd_ref = obs.cd_ref AND medias.id_type = 1
+ GROUP BY obs.cd_ref, obs.id_maille, obs.nbr,
+ tax.lb_nom, tax.nom_vern, tax.group2_inpn,
+ medias.url, medias.chemin, medias.id_media,
+ m.geojson_4326,
+ m.type_code
+ """
+ observations = connection.execute(text(sql))
+ obsList = list()
+ for o in observations:
+ if o.nom_vern:
+ inter = o.nom_vern.split(",")
+ taxon = inter[0] + " | " + o.lb_nom + ""
+ else:
+ taxon = "" + o.lb_nom + ""
+ temp = {
+ "id_maille": o.id_maille,
+ "type_code": o.type_code,
+ "cd_ref": o.cd_ref,
+ "nb_observations": o.nbr,
+ "taxon": taxon,
+ "geojson_maille": json.loads(o.geom),
+ "group2_inpn": deleteAccent(o.group2_inpn),
+ "pathImg": findPath(o),
+ }
+ obsList.append(temp)
+ return obsList
# last observation for index.html
def lastObservationsMailles(connection, mylimit, idPhoto):
sql = """
diff --git a/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmTaxonsRepository.py b/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmTaxonsRepository.py
index 664d88f1..ce1fe3ab 100644
--- a/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmTaxonsRepository.py
+++ b/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmTaxonsRepository.py
@@ -6,6 +6,43 @@
from atlas.modeles import utils
+def getTaxonsTerritory(connection):
+ sql = """
+ o.cd_ref, max(date_part('year'::text, o.dateobs)) as last_obs,
+ COUNT(o.id_observation) AS nb_obs, t.nom_complet_html, t.nom_vern,
+ t.group2_inpn, t.patrimonial, t.protection_stricte,
+ m.url, m.chemin, m.id_media
+ FROM atlas.vm_observations o
+ JOIN atlas.vm_taxons t ON t.cd_ref=o.cd_ref
+ LEFT JOIN atlas.vm_medias m ON m.cd_ref=o.cd_ref AND m.id_type={}
+ GROUP BY o.cd_ref, t.nom_vern, t.nom_complet_html, t.group2_inpn,
+ t.patrimonial, t.protection_stricte, m.url, m.chemin, m.id_media
+ ORDER BY nb_obs DESC
+ """.format(
+ current_app.config["ATTR_MAIN_PHOTO"]
+ )
+ req = connection.execute(text(sql))
+ taxonCommunesList = list()
+ nbObsTotal = 0
+ for r in req:
+ temp = {
+ "nom_complet_html": r.nom_complet_html,
+ "nb_obs": r.nb_obs,
+ "nom_vern": r.nom_vern,
+ "cd_ref": r.cd_ref,
+ "last_obs": r.last_obs,
+ "group2_inpn": utils.deleteAccent(r.group2_inpn),
+ "patrimonial": r.patrimonial,
+ "protection_stricte": r.protection_stricte,
+ "path": utils.findPath(r),
+ "id_media": r.id_media,
+ }
+ taxonCommunesList.append(temp)
+ nbObsTotal = nbObsTotal + r.nb_obs
+ return {"taxons": taxonCommunesList, "nbObsTotal": nbObsTotal}
# With distinct the result in a array not an object, 0: lb_nom, 1: nom_vern
def getTaxonsCommunes(connection, insee):
sql = """
diff --git a/atlas/static/mapAreas.js b/atlas/static/mapAreas.js
index dced16dc..58abbd6b 100644
--- a/atlas/static/mapAreas.js
+++ b/atlas/static/mapAreas.js
@@ -113,31 +113,31 @@ function displayObsGridBaseUrl() {
// display observation on click
function displayObsTaxon(insee, cd_ref) {
- $.ajax({
- url:
- configuration.URL_APPLICATION +
- "/api/observations/" +
- insee +
- "/" +
- cd_ref,
- dataType: "json",
- beforeSend: function() {
- $("#loadingGif").show();
- $("#loadingGif").attr(
- "src",
- configuration.URL_APPLICATION + "/static/images/loading.svg"
- );
- }
- }).done(function(observations) {
- $("#loadingGif").hide();
- map.removeLayer(currentLayer);
+ $.ajax({
+ url:
+ configuration.URL_APPLICATION +
+ "/api/observations/" +
+ insee +
+ "/" +
+ cd_ref,
+ dataType: "json",
+ beforeSend: function() {
+ $("#loadingGif").show();
+ $("#loadingGif").attr(
+ "src",
+ configuration.URL_APPLICATION + "/static/images/loading.svg"
+ );
+ }
+ }).done(function(observations) {
+ $("#loadingGif").hide();
+ map.removeLayer(currentLayer);
- if (configuration.AFFICHAGE_MAILLE) {
- displayMailleLayerLastObs(observations);
- } else {
- displayMarkerLayerPointCommune(observations);
- }
- });
+ if (configuration.AFFICHAGE_MAILLE) {
+ displayMailleLayerLastObs(observations);
+ } else {
+ displayMarkerLayerPointCommune(observations);
+ }
+ });
@@ -162,31 +162,29 @@ function displayObsTaxonMaille(areaCode, cd_ref) {
-function refreshObsArea() {
- $("#taxonList ul").on("click", "#taxonListItem", function () {
+function refreshObsArea(elem) {
+ $(this)
+ .siblings()
+ .removeClass("current");
+ $(this).addClass("current");
+ if (configuration.AFFICHAGE_MAILLE) {
+ displayObsTaxonMaille(elem.currentTarget.getAttribute("area-code"), elem.currentTarget.getAttribute("cdref"));
+ } else {
+ displayObsTaxon(elem.currentTarget.getAttribute("area-code"), elem.currentTarget.getAttribute("cdref"));
+ }
+ const name = elem.currentTarget.querySelector("#name").innerHTML;
+ $("#titleMap").fadeOut(500, function () {
- .siblings()
- .removeClass("current");
- $(this).addClass("current");
- if (configuration.AFFICHAGE_MAILLE) {
- displayObsTaxonMaille($(this).attr("area-code"), $(this).attr("cdRef"));
- } else {
- displayObsTaxon($(this).attr("area-code"), $(this).attr("cdRef"));
- }
- var name = $(this)
- .find("#name")
- .html();
- $("#titleMap").fadeOut(500, function () {
- $(this)
- .html("Observations du taxon : " + name)
- .fadeIn(500);
- });
+ .html("Observations du taxon : " + name)
+ .fadeIn(500);
$(document).ready(function () {
if (configuration.INTERACTIVE_MAP_LIST) {
- refreshObsArea();
+ $("#taxonList ul").on("click", "#taxonListItem", elem => {
+ refreshObsArea(elem);
+ });
diff --git a/atlas/static/mapHome.js b/atlas/static/mapHome.js
index b2b56204..1540fb99 100644
--- a/atlas/static/mapHome.js
+++ b/atlas/static/mapHome.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $('#map').click(function(){
- if (configuration.AFFICHAGE_MAILLE){
+ if (configuration.AFFICHAGE_MAILLE || configuration.AFFICHAGE_TERRITOIRE_OBS){
// display maille layer
@@ -71,6 +71,51 @@ $(function(){
+function displayObsTaxonMaille(cd_ref) {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: `${configuration.URL_APPLICATION}/api/observations/${cd_ref}`,
+ dataType: "json",
+ beforeSend: function () {
+ $("#loaderSpinner").show();
+ }
+ }).done(function (observations) {
+ $("#loaderSpinner").hide();
+ map.removeLayer(currentLayer);
+ clearOverlays()
+ const geojsonMaille = generateGeoJsonMailleLastObs(observations, true);
+ displayMailleLayerFicheEspece(geojsonMaille);
+ });
+function refreshTerritoryArea(elem) {
+ $(this)
+ .siblings()
+ .removeClass("current");
+ $(this).addClass("current");
+ if (configuration.AFFICHAGE_TERRITOIRE_OBS) {
+ displayObsTaxonMaille(elem.currentTarget.getAttribute("cdref"));
+ }
+ const name = $(this)
+ .find("#name")
+ .html();
+ $("#titleMap").fadeOut(500, function () {
+ $(this)
+ .html("Observations du taxon : " + name)
+ .fadeIn(500);
+ });
+$(document).ready(function () {
+ $("#loaderSpinner").hide();
+ if (configuration.INTERACTIVE_MAP_LIST) {
+ $("#taxonList").on("click", "#taxonListItem", function (elem) {
+ refreshTerritoryArea(elem);
+ });
+ }
// Generate legends and check configuration to choose which to display (Maille ou Point)
htmlLegendMaille = " Maille comportant au moins une observation
" +
diff --git a/atlas/templates/home/_main.html b/atlas/templates/home/_main.html
index 3c8c4b5b..971cd41a 100644
--- a/atlas/templates/home/_main.html
+++ b/atlas/templates/home/_main.html
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@
{% include 'templates/home/lastObs.html' %}
{% endif %}
+ {% if configuration.AFFICHAGE_TERRITOIRE_OBS %}
+ {% include 'templates/home/territory.html' %}
+ {% endif %}
{% if configuration.AFFICHAGE_NOUVELLES_ESPECES %}
{% include 'templates/home/newSpecies.html' %}
diff --git a/atlas/templates/home/territory.html b/atlas/templates/home/territory.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4dfac5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atlas/templates/home/territory.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{% block territory_obs %}
+ {% block additionalHeaderAssets %}
+ {% endblock %}