It's a small event system created using Django framework. Project from Henrique Bastos course.
In the project directory /wttd
1 - Create your .env
2 - Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv .wttd
3 - Activate the Virtual Environment:
- on Mac (bash/zsh)
source .wttd/bin/activate
- on Windows (PowerShell)
4 - Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
5 - Run the tests
python test
In the project directory /wttd
1 - Activate the Virtual Environment:
- on Mac (bash/zsh)
source .wttd/bin/activate
- on Windows (PowerShell)
2 - Run in the development mode:
python runserver
- Create an instance on Heroku
- Send settings to Heroku
- Set a secure SECRET_KEY for the instance
- Set DEGUB=False
- Configure email service
- Send the code to Heroku
heroku create myinstance
heroku config:push
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=`XXX`
heroku config:set DEGUB=False
# configure email
git push heroku master --force