diff --git a/src/svelte-consulting.njk b/src/svelte-consulting.njk index 883efeba81..37dafe7eea 100644 --- a/src/svelte-consulting.njk +++ b/src/svelte-consulting.njk @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ og:

Succeeding with Svelte


Getting started with Svelte and SvelteKit is straightforward but an experienced partner can help ensure you're set up for success from the beginning. Paolo Ricciuti, Svelte ambassador, co-author of SvelteLab, and our in-house Svelte expert, is here to help your team.


Getting started with Svelte and SvelteKit is straightforward but an experienced partner can help ensure you're set up for success from the beginning. Paolo Ricciuti, Svelte ambassador, co-author of SvelteLab, and our in-house Svelte expert, is here to help your team.

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