Url patterns should be based on which model they refer to, e.g.:
For listing items of a given model, with url parameters specifying how to filter, or for creating a new itempath('some_model/<int:pk>/'...
For reading or changing a specific item. The HTTP method should then be used to specify the operation (read, write, delete etc.)path('some_model/<int:pk>/some_aspect'...
For reading or changing a certail aspect of an item, such as obtaining specialized data that is not included normally
this is basically REST applied to our url patterns
If a button should perform an action (not just navigating to a page), it should be wrapped in a form that uses POST, not merely be a link to an endpoint that answers and executes on a GET request
A search interface should receive all parameters as URL parameters, not having any parameters as part of the path. This includes hardcoded searches in links.