diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index cc3b31bd..91d6f871 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
### Added
- J.S. Bach: Neun kleine Praludien BWV924-932: Praeambulum BWV924,924a,925-928,930
+- J.S. Bach: Partita 1 BWV825
## [v47] - 2024-02-10
diff --git a/lyinit/templates/part-four-voices.ly b/lyinit/templates/part-four-voices.ly
index fa2d99c1..00128a5a 100644
--- a/lyinit/templates/part-four-voices.ly
+++ b/lyinit/templates/part-four-voices.ly
@@ -4,12 +4,9 @@ Global = {
\include "../global.ly"
-staffLower = { \change Staff = "lower" }
-staffUpper = { \change Staff = "upper" }
Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c' {
- \stemNeutral
+ \stemUp
\override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
\override Rest.staff-position = #0
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/JS-Bach-BWV830-Partita-1.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/JS-Bach-BWV830-Partita-1.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85d6db81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/JS-Bach-BWV830-Partita-1.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+\version "2.25.12"
+#(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t)
+\include "./covercolor.ly"
+\header {
+ tagline = ##f
+\paper {
+ #(set-paper-size "a4")
+ annotate-spacing = ##f
+ binding-offset = 0\mm
+ bottom-margin = 5\mm
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+% last-bottom-spacing.padding = #2
+ left-margin = 10\mm
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+ markup-system-spacing =
+ #'((basic-distance . 2)
+ (minimum-distance . 1)
+ (padding . 2)
+ (stretchability . 24))
+ outer-margin = 20\mm
+ print-all-headers = ##t
+ ragged-last-bottom = ##f
+ ragged-bottom = ##f
+ right-margin = 10\mm
+ system-system-spacing =
+ #'((basic-distance . 2)
+ (minimum-distance . 1)
+ (padding . 2)
+ (stretchability . 24))
+ top-margin = 10\mm
+ top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = 0
+ top-system-spacing.basic-distance = 1
+\bookpart {
+ \header {
+ maintainer = "Davide Madrisan"
+ maintainerEmail = "d.madrisan@proton.me"
+ }
+ \include "./header.ily"
+ \header {
+ title = ##f
+ composer = ##f
+ }
+ \markup {
+ \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
+ \with-color \coverColor
+ \filled-box #'(-200 . 200) #'(-200 . 200) #0
+ }
+ \markup {
+ \fill-line {
+ \center-column {
+ \null\null\null\null
+ \null\null\null\null
+ \line { \abs-fontsize #30 \bold "Johann Sebastian" }
+ \null
+ \line { \abs-fontsize #80 \bold "Bach" }
+ \null
+ \fill-line { \draw-hline }
+ \null\null\null
+ \line { \abs-fontsize #40 \bold "Partita I" }
+ \null\null
+ \line { \abs-fontsize #20 "BWV 825" }
+ \null\null\null
+ \null\null\null
+ \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #20 "For Piano or Harpsichord" }
+ \null\null\null
+ \null\null\null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \include "./logo.ly"
+ \markup {
+ \fill-line {
+ \center-column {
+ \null\null\null\null
+ \fill-line {
+ \abs-fontsize #10 "Based on: Muzgiz, Moscow"
+ }
+ \null\null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\include "./parts/bach-partita-1-1-praeludium.ly"
+%\include "./parts/bach-partita-1-2-allemande.ly"
+%\include "./parts/bach-partita-1-3-corrente.ly"
+%\include "./parts/bach-partita-1-4-sarabande.ly"
+%\include "./parts/bach-partita-1-5-menuet-1.ly"
+%\include "./parts/bach-partita-1-5-menuet-2.ly"
+%\include "./parts/bach-partita-1-6-giga.ly"
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/Makefile.am b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14790c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program. If not, see .
+.in:; @echo "Generating $@...";\
+ sed "s,@rgb_color@,$(RGB_COLOR),g;" \
+ $< > $@
+%: %.ly
+ $(LILYPOND) --pdf --output $@ $<
+BUILT_SOURCES = covercolor.ly
+EXTRA_DIST = JS-Bach-BWV830-Partita-1.ly \
+all: $(BUILT_SOURCES) JS-Bach-BWV830-Partita-1
+ -rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ -rm -f *.midi parts/*.midi
+ -rm -f *.pdf parts/*.pdf
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/covercolor.ly.in b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/covercolor.ly.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1276805b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/covercolor.ly.in
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+coverColor = #(rgb-color @rgb_color@) % lavender blue
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/global.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/global.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0b84c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/global.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+% Draw a box round the bar number(s)
+\override Score.BarNumber.stencil
+ = #(make-stencil-boxer 0.1 0.25 ly:text-interface::print)
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/header.ily b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/header.ily
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5185c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/header.ily
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+\header {
+ composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
+ date = ""
+ footer = "Mutopia-2024/02/17"
+ lastupdated = "2024 February 17"
+ license = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
+ maintainerEmail = "d.madrisan@proton.me"
+ maintainerWeb = "https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores"
+ % Extra Mutopia Information
+ mutopiacomposer = "BachJS"
+ mutopiacopyright = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
+ mutopiainstrument = "Harpsichord, Piano"
+ mutopiamaintainer = "Davide Madrisan"
+ mutopiaopus = "BWV 825"
+ mutopiatitle = "Partita I"
+ opus = "BWV 825"
+ title = "Partita I"
+ source = "Muzgiz, Moscow"
+ style = "Baroque"
+ copyright = \markup {
+ \override #'(font-name . "DejaVu Sans, Bold")
+ \override #'(baseline-skip . 0)
+ \right-column {
+ \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" {
+ \abs-fontsize #9 "Mutopia "
+ \concat {
+ \abs-fontsize #12
+ \with-color \coverColor "ǀ"
+ \abs-fontsize #9 "Project "
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \override #'(font-name . "DejaVu Sans, Bold")
+ \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 )
+ \center-column {
+ \abs-fontsize #11.9
+ \with-color #grey
+ \bold { "ǀ" "ǀ" }
+ }
+ \override #'(font-name . "DejaVu Sans,sans-serif")
+ \override #'(baseline-skip . 0)
+ \column {
+ \abs-fontsize #8
+ \concat {
+ "Typeset using " \with-url #"http://www.lilypond.org" "LilyPond " ©" 2022-2024 ""by " \maintainer " — " \footer
+ }
+ \concat {
+ \concat {
+ \abs-fontsize #8 {
+ \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/40/"
+ "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License"
+ " — free to distribute, modify, and perform"
+ }
+ }
+ \abs-fontsize #13 \with-color \coverColor "ǀ"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tagline = ##f
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/logo.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/logo.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72be42ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/logo.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\markup {
+ \fill-line {
+ \center-column {
+ \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #20 \smallCaps "lavender" }
+ \fill-line {
+ \abs-fontsize #12
+ \concat {
+ \draw-line #'(-3 . 0)
+ \smallCaps " b l u e "
+ \draw-line #'(-3 . 0)
+ }
+ }
+ \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #9 \smallCaps "Open Scores" }
+ \null
+ \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #10 "Engraved by Davide Madrisan" }
+ \fill-line {
+ \with-url #"https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores/" {
+ \abs-fontsize #10
+ \typewriter "https://github.com/madrisan/open-scores/"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-1-praeludium.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-1-praeludium.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3ef3904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-1-praeludium.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+Global = {
+ \key bes \major
+ \time 4/4
+ \include "../global.ly"
+grayTextColor = #(x11-color "dimgray")
+staffLower = { \change Staff = "lower" }
+staffUpper = { \change Staff = "upper" }
+Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c'' {
+ \voiceOne
+ \stemUp
+ \showStaffSwitch
+ %1
+ | r16 bes[ bes32 \prall a bes16] c bes d bes es[ bes bes32 \prall a bes16] d bes es bes
+ | f'[ bes, bes32 \prall a bes16] g' bes, a' bes, bes'[ a32 g f16 bes] c,32[ d es8 d32 c]
+ | d32[ c bes8 g32 a] bes[ c d8 c32 bes] c[ bes a8 f32 g] a[ bes c8 bes32 a]
+ | bes[ a g8 a32 bes] c[ d e f g16 bes,]~ bes8 a bes c
+ %5
+ | d c16 bes c8 d es d16 e f8 g~
+ | g f4 e8 f2~
+ | f8 f d bes es g c4~
+ | c8 f, bes4~ bes8 a16 g a fis g8
+ | fis fis g a bes, g' a bes
+ %10
+ | c, es d c bes32[ c d8 c32 bes] a[ bes c8 bes32 a]
+ | bes16[ d d32^\prall c d16] bes'4~ bes8 a~ a16 g8 f16
+ | e[ c c32 \prall b c16] d c e c f[ c c32 \prall b c16] e c f c
+ | g'32[ f e8 d32 c] bes'[ a g8 f32 e] c'[ e, f g f e f d] e8. \prall f16
+ | f8. a,32 bes \stemNeutral c[ d es8 d32 c] d[ c bes8 d32 es] f[ g aes8 g32 f]
+ %15
+ | g[ f es8 d32 es] f[ g a bes c16 es,] f32[ es d8 c32 d] es[ f g a bes16 d,]
+ | es32[ d c8 d32 es] d[ c bes a bes a g f] \stemUp d'4~ d8. c16
+ | bes16 a g'8 f es d bes' a g
+ | f es d c d32[ c bes16 es32 d c16] bes8 a16. \prall bes32
+ | bes16[ bes bes32 \prall a bes16] c bes d bes es[ bes bes32 \prall a bes16] d bes es bes
+ %20
+ | f'[ bes, bes32 \prall a bes16] g' bes, a' bes, bes'[ a32 g f16 bes] g bes f a
+ | bes1\fermata
+ \fine
+Alto = \context Voice = "two" \relative c' {
+ \voiceTwo
+ \stemDown
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ \override VoiceFollower.color = \grayTextColor
+ \showStaffSwitch
+ %1
+ | d4 es8 f g4 f8 es
+ | d4 es8 c d \staffLower\stemUp bes4 a8
+ | bes \hideStaffSwitch \staffUpper\stemDown d g4~ g8 c, f4~ \showStaffSwitch
+ | f8 e16 d e4 f2~
+ %5
+ | f2 a8 bes4.
+ | a4 bes8 g a\rest c a f
+ | bes2~ bes4 d8\rest es
+ | d4 d8\rest d8 c4~ c8. bes16
+ | a16[ d, d32\prall cis d16] e d fis d g[ d d32\prall cis d16] fis d g d
+ %10
+ | a'8 c bes a~ a g~ g fis
+ | g g \rest d'16 \rest d[ d32\prall c d16] g16 c,8 c16 d8 bes~
+ | bes e, f g a f g a
+ | bes e, f g a4 g
+ | a8\hideStaffSwitch \staffLower\stemUp\tieUp c, a f bes2~ \showStaffSwitch
+ %15
+ | bes8 g c4~ c8 f, bes4~
+ | bes8 a16 g a4 \staffUpper\stemDown\tieDown es'32 \rest f[ g a bes16 f] g d es8~
+ | es es' d c bes d c bes
+ | a c bes4~ bes8 c, d es
+ | d d es f f \rest es d c
+ %20
+ | bes f' es es d d'
+ | 1
+Tenor = \context Voice = "three" \relative c' {
+ \voiceThree
+ \stemUp
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | s1*18
+ | b8\rest bes4 aes8 q
+ %20
+ | [ ~] d ees f
+ | bes,1\fermata
+Bass = \context Voice = "four" \relative c' {
+ \voiceFour
+ \stemDown\tieDown
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | bes1~
+ | bes2~ bes8 d, es f
+ | bes, r r bes' a4 r8 d
+ | g,4 r8 c r16 \stemNeutral f,[ f32^\prall e f16] g f a f
+ %5
+ | bes[ f f32^\prall e f16] a f bes f c'[ f, f32^\prall e f16] d' f, e' f,
+ | f'[ e32 d c16 f] g,32[ a bes8 a32 g] a[ g f8 a32 bes] c[ d es8 d32 c]
+ | d[ c bes8 d32 es] \clef "G" f[ g aes8 g32 f] g[ f es8 d32 es] f[ g a bes c16 es,]
+ | f32[ es d8 c32 d] es[ f g a bes16 d,] es32[ d c16_~ c32 bes a bes] c[ d es d c bes a g]
+ | d'16 r r8 r4 \clef "bass" d,8 r r4
+ %10
+ | r16 d d32^\prall cis d16 e d fis d g8 bes, c d
+ | g, g'4 f8 e f bes, g
+ | c r r4 c8 r r4
+ | r8 c' d e f bes, c c,
+ | f, c'\rest c4\rest c8\rest f d bes
+ %15
+ | es4 r8 es d4 r8 g
+ | \stemDown c,4 r8 f bes, d es c
+ | \stemNeutral f16[ f, f32^\prall e f16] g f a f bes[ f f32^\prall e f16] a f bes f
+ | c'[ f, f32^\prall e f16] d' f, ees' f, f'8 g16 es f8 f,
+ | \stemDown bes g\rest g4\rest bes8 g\rest g4\rest
+ %20
+ | bes8 g\rest g4\rest g8\rest d ees f
+ | bes,1
+ \fine
+\score {
+ \new PianoStaff
+ <<
+ \accidentalStyle Score.piano
+ \context Staff = "upper" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef treble
+ \Soprano
+ \Alto
+ >>
+ \context Staff = "lower" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef bass
+ \Tenor
+ \Bass
+ >>
+ >>
+ \header {
+ composer = ##f # "Johann Sebastian @composer_lastnam@"
+ opus = ##f # "BWV 825"
+ title = \markup { "Praeludium" }
+ subtitle = ##f
+ }
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \PianoStaff
+ \override Parentheses.font-size = #-2
+ \override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic
+ \override TextScript.font-size = #-1
+ }
+ }
+ \midi {
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+ }
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-2-allemande.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-2-allemande.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..621a82c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-2-allemande.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Global = {
+ \key c \major
+ \time 4/4
+ \include "../global.ly"
+staffLower = { \change Staff = "lower" }
+staffUpper = { \change Staff = "upper" }
+Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c' {
+ \voiceOne
+ \stemNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+Alto = \context Voice = "two" \relative c' {
+ \voiceTwo
+ \stemDown
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Tenor = \context Voice = "three" \relative c {
+ \voiceThree
+ \stemUp
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Bass = \context Voice = "four" \relative c {
+ \voiceFour
+ \stemDown\tieNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+\score {
+ \new PianoStaff
+ <<
+ \accidentalStyle Score.piano
+ \context Staff = "upper" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef treble
+ \Soprano
+ \Alto
+ >>
+ \context Staff = "lower" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef bass
+ \Tenor
+ \Bass
+ >>
+ >>
+ \header {
+ composer = ##f # "Johann Sebastian @composer_lastnam@"
+ opus = ##f # "BWV 825"
+ title = \markup { "Allemande" }
+ subtitle = ##f
+ }
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \PianoStaff
+ \override Parentheses.font-size = #-2
+ \override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic
+ \override TextScript.font-size = #-1
+ }
+ }
+ \midi {
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+ }
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-3-corrente.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-3-corrente.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3064df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-3-corrente.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Global = {
+ \key c \major
+ \time 4/4
+ \include "../global.ly"
+staffLower = { \change Staff = "lower" }
+staffUpper = { \change Staff = "upper" }
+Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c' {
+ \voiceOne
+ \stemNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+Alto = \context Voice = "two" \relative c' {
+ \voiceTwo
+ \stemDown
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Tenor = \context Voice = "three" \relative c {
+ \voiceThree
+ \stemUp
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Bass = \context Voice = "four" \relative c {
+ \voiceFour
+ \stemDown\tieNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+\score {
+ \new PianoStaff
+ <<
+ \accidentalStyle Score.piano
+ \context Staff = "upper" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef treble
+ \Soprano
+ \Alto
+ >>
+ \context Staff = "lower" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef bass
+ \Tenor
+ \Bass
+ >>
+ >>
+ \header {
+ composer = ##f # "Johann Sebastian @composer_lastnam@"
+ opus = ##f # "BWV 825"
+ title = \markup { "Corrente" }
+ subtitle = ##f
+ }
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \PianoStaff
+ \override Parentheses.font-size = #-2
+ \override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic
+ \override TextScript.font-size = #-1
+ }
+ }
+ \midi {
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+ }
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-4-sarabande.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-4-sarabande.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..242467b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-4-sarabande.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Global = {
+ \key c \major
+ \time 4/4
+ \include "../global.ly"
+staffLower = { \change Staff = "lower" }
+staffUpper = { \change Staff = "upper" }
+Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c' {
+ \voiceOne
+ \stemNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+Alto = \context Voice = "two" \relative c' {
+ \voiceTwo
+ \stemDown
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Tenor = \context Voice = "three" \relative c {
+ \voiceThree
+ \stemUp
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Bass = \context Voice = "four" \relative c {
+ \voiceFour
+ \stemDown\tieNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+\score {
+ \new PianoStaff
+ <<
+ \accidentalStyle Score.piano
+ \context Staff = "upper" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef treble
+ \Soprano
+ \Alto
+ >>
+ \context Staff = "lower" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef bass
+ \Tenor
+ \Bass
+ >>
+ >>
+ \header {
+ composer = ##f # "Johann Sebastian @composer_lastnam@"
+ opus = ##f # "BWV 825"
+ title = \markup { "Sarabande" }
+ subtitle = ##f
+ }
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \PianoStaff
+ \override Parentheses.font-size = #-2
+ \override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic
+ \override TextScript.font-size = #-1
+ }
+ }
+ \midi {
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+ }
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-5-menuet-1.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-5-menuet-1.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cde7f8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-5-menuet-1.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Global = {
+ \key c \major
+ \time 4/4
+ \include "../global.ly"
+staffLower = { \change Staff = "lower" }
+staffUpper = { \change Staff = "upper" }
+Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c' {
+ \voiceOne
+ \stemNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+Alto = \context Voice = "two" \relative c' {
+ \voiceTwo
+ \stemDown
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Tenor = \context Voice = "three" \relative c {
+ \voiceThree
+ \stemUp
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Bass = \context Voice = "four" \relative c {
+ \voiceFour
+ \stemDown\tieNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+\score {
+ \new PianoStaff
+ <<
+ \accidentalStyle Score.piano
+ \context Staff = "upper" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef treble
+ \Soprano
+ \Alto
+ >>
+ \context Staff = "lower" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef bass
+ \Tenor
+ \Bass
+ >>
+ >>
+ \header {
+ composer = ##f # "Johann Sebastian @composer_lastnam@"
+ opus = ##f # "BWV 825"
+ title = \markup { "Menuet I" }
+ subtitle = ##f
+ }
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \PianoStaff
+ \override Parentheses.font-size = #-2
+ \override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic
+ \override TextScript.font-size = #-1
+ }
+ }
+ \midi {
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+ }
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-5-menuet-2.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-5-menuet-2.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34df25d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-5-menuet-2.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Global = {
+ \key c \major
+ \time 4/4
+ \include "../global.ly"
+staffLower = { \change Staff = "lower" }
+staffUpper = { \change Staff = "upper" }
+Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c' {
+ \voiceOne
+ \stemNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+Alto = \context Voice = "two" \relative c' {
+ \voiceTwo
+ \stemDown
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Tenor = \context Voice = "three" \relative c {
+ \voiceThree
+ \stemUp
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Bass = \context Voice = "four" \relative c {
+ \voiceFour
+ \stemDown\tieNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+\score {
+ \new PianoStaff
+ <<
+ \accidentalStyle Score.piano
+ \context Staff = "upper" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef treble
+ \Soprano
+ \Alto
+ >>
+ \context Staff = "lower" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef bass
+ \Tenor
+ \Bass
+ >>
+ >>
+ \header {
+ composer = ##f # "Johann Sebastian @composer_lastnam@"
+ opus = ##f # "BWV 825"
+ title = \markup { "Menuet II" }
+ subtitle = ##f
+ }
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \PianoStaff
+ \override Parentheses.font-size = #-2
+ \override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic
+ \override TextScript.font-size = #-1
+ }
+ }
+ \midi {
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+ }
diff --git a/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-6-giga.ly b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-6-giga.ly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad262c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/johann-sebastian-bach/partitas/BWV825/parts/bach-partita-1-6-giga.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Global = {
+ \key c \major
+ \time 4/4
+ \include "../global.ly"
+staffLower = { \change Staff = "lower" }
+staffUpper = { \change Staff = "upper" }
+Soprano = \context Voice = "one" \relative c' {
+ \voiceOne
+ \stemNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+Alto = \context Voice = "two" \relative c' {
+ \voiceTwo
+ \stemDown
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Tenor = \context Voice = "three" \relative c {
+ \voiceThree
+ \stemUp
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+Bass = \context Voice = "four" \relative c {
+ \voiceFour
+ \stemDown\tieNeutral
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
+ \override Rest.staff-position = #0
+ %1
+ | R1
+ \fine
+\score {
+ \new PianoStaff
+ <<
+ \accidentalStyle Score.piano
+ \context Staff = "upper" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef treble
+ \Soprano
+ \Alto
+ >>
+ \context Staff = "lower" <<
+ \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
+ \Global
+ \clef bass
+ \Tenor
+ \Bass
+ >>
+ >>
+ \header {
+ composer = ##f # "Johann Sebastian @composer_lastnam@"
+ opus = ##f # "BWV 825"
+ title = \markup { "Giga" }
+ subtitle = ##f
+ }
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \PianoStaff
+ \override Parentheses.font-size = #-2
+ \override TextScript.font-shape = #'italic
+ \override TextScript.font-size = #-1
+ }
+ }
+ \midi {
+ \tempo 4 = 100
+ }