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WordPress installer on EC2

A simple bash script that installs WordPress on a new EC2 instance.


  • AWS EC2 account
  • AWS cli installed
    • with credentials setup
      aws_secret_access_key = abc123
      aws_access_key_id = 456789
    • with region set in the config
      region = ap-southeast-1
  • Bash shell
  • jq installed
    • This is needed to parse the json response of AWS cli.


Usage keyName

Execution steps

  1. The keyName to access the instance is required. If you don't have one yet, check out the AWS EC2 documentation on how to create a key pair.
  2. A security group named wordpress-sg is created if it doesn't exists. It allows access to SSH and HTTP ports 22 and 80, respectively.
  3. A t2.micro instance is created using Amazon Linux (image-id=ami-de90a5a2).
  4. The script will wait for the instance creation until it is in the running state.
  5. The script will then poll the blog's url until it receives a http code 200 success response.
  6. The blog's url will be displayed at the end.

Sample output

$ ./ madrian-keypair
Using KeyName madrian-keypair
Creating the EC2 instance ...
Instance created and running.
> instanceId=i-0c2122863cc167f53
Installing WordPress on the EC2 instance, this might take a few minutes ...
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... [OK]
Your WordPress blog is ready!
Go to

Monitor script

A simple monitoring script is added to see the health status of the EC2 instance and the WordPress installation.

Usage instanceId

Pass here the instanceId returned by the installer script.

Metrics and states monitored

The script will query the following:

  1. The EC2 metric CPUUtilization from AWS CloudWatch reporting the maximum CPU percentage reached in the last one hour.
  2. The different EC2 instance states including the instance status, system status, and the instance state pending, running, etc.
  3. The blog's url and its underlying PHP server's availability whether they are UP or DOWN

Sample output

$ ./ i-0c2122863cc167f53
Start time       : 2018-06-30T12:07:49+08:00
End time         : 2018-06-30T13:07:49+08:00
Max CPU          : 70.5084745762712
Instance status  : "ok"
System status    : "ok"
Instance state   : "running"
Blog URL         :
PHP site status  : UP
Blog site status : UP


Installs a WordPress blog on an AWS EC2 instance







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