- fixed different cache problems
- improved the design
- added goo.gl shortener calls when adding a bookmark
- added followers/followed users
- added user groups
- added bookmarks cloning/copying from one user to another
- added gravatar support (using account email)
- fixed "My bookmarks" cache bug (pages)
- moved cache expiration calls from controllers to sweeper
- fixed stats display and split them into 3 differents graphs
- added rdoc/yard setup
- moved api code from posts controller to v1/posts controller
- fixed basic http auth
- cleaned and fixed api posts methods : all, get, add, delete. some are still needed
- fixed bookmarks destroy on user destroy
- added roles management
- upgraded all controllers for roles compatibility
- added beta accounts
- added mailers for account creation and administrative purposes
- replace rails_admin with a simple admin interface for users management
- added stats graphs using jquery flot lib
- fixed caching for user bookmarks
- added tags cloud
- changed menu
beta release
- improved caching
- improved tag browsing with fix for tag + username and tags cloud in user bookmarks
initial release : basic bookmarking.
- basic sign up using devise and registration
- basic sign in / auth using devise and oauth (twitter)
- basic bookmarking with tags
- username based browsing possible
- private bookmarks
- improve tags management with groups and synonyms
- improve api and dedicate a controller for it